January 31, 2011

14 Hot New Covers and Guess Who’s Getting a YA Series

As a reader I always want the download on what's going on with authors. Do they have new books coming out, how the latest tour going, any thing juicy! So, I decided to bring the news to my readers. I'm lurking around all of those author blogs anyway, might as well do something productive.

General Gossip:

Darkness Dawns (Immortal Guardians) This is a debut author coming out with a hot new series.  As an added bonus it looks like book two will become out towards the end of the year. Book one is called Darkness Dawns, introducing readers to a world of vampires, immortals, and humans with extraordinary gifts, and where passion can last forever, if you're willing to pay the price . . .

Once, Sarah Bingham’s biggest challenge was making her students pay attention in class. Now, after rescuing a wounded stranger, she’s landed in the middle of a battle between corrupt vampires and powerful immortals who also need blood to survive. Roland Warbrook is the most compelling man Sarah has ever laid hands on. But his desire for her is mingled with a hunger he can barely control…

In his nine centuries of immortal existence, no woman has tempted Roland as much as Sarah. But asking her to love him is impossible—when it means forfeiting the world she’s always known, and the life he would do anything to protect… (Source)

Tangled Threads (Elemental Assassin, Book 4)April 26 is the official release date of the latest release of book four of the Elemental Assassins books.  You can read the first chap­ter here.

For more good news Estep has now announced that she has signed a young adult series, Mythos Academy.  The series focuses on Gwen Frost, a 17-year-old Gypsy girl with the gift of psy­chom­e­try magic, or the abil­ity to know an object’s his­tory just by touch­ing it. After a seri­ous freak-out with her magic, Gwen is shipped off to Mythos Acad­emy, a school for the descen­dants of ancient war­riors like Spar­tans, Valkyries, Ama­zons, and more.

The first book, Touch of Frost, will be out on July 26, 2011. Click here to read the first two chap­ters. Kiss of Frost, the sec­ond book in the series, will be out on Nov. 29, 2011, while the third book will be released in 2012. Learn more about the series on the Mythos Acad­emy page at the authors site.

New Covers:

Heartless (Tales of Goldstone Wood) by Anne Elisabeth Stengl

My Thoughts:  Just stunning, it’s just as beautiful as the first cover.  Love how the design sticks to the theme of reflections.


Author Thoughts: N/A

Source: goodreads

Previous Books in the Series:
Heartless (Tales of Goldstone Wood)
Breath of Angel: A Novel by by Karyn Henley

My Thoughts:  It’s a little disappointing that there aren’t any wings on this angel cover.  Still I like the blue hues and the tarnished look on the background.  Plus the font is kind of nifty.


Author’s Thoughts: N/A

Source: goodreads

Previous Books in the Series:

The Iron Quill (The Pace Series Book 3) by Shelena Shorts

My Thoughts:  Not really my flavor for covers, but it’s still really cool looking.


Author’s Thoughts:  N/A

Source: goodreads

Previous Books in the Series:

The PaceThe Broken Lake (The Pace Series, Book 2)

The Eternal Sea by Angie Frasier

My Thoughts: This cover is definitely creepy and ominous.  It doesn’t fit the previous covers, it’s a bit disappointing.


Author’s Thoughts:  “All I can say is...I LOVE IT! It's creepy and moody and perfectly captures the danger and intrigue of Camille's continuing adventure!”

Source: goodreads

Previous Books in the Series:

The Hunt and Fever by Amy Meredith

My Thoughts: The faces are a little too bleached out, but I like how they still stick to the same design idea.  You can tell that they’re part of the same series.

Dark Touch: The HuntFever. by Amy Meredith (Dark Touch)

Author’s Thoughts: N/A

Source: goodreads

Previous Books in the Series:
Dark Touch: Shadows

Demon Marked: A Demon Bound Novel by Anna J. Evans

My Thoughts: The covers for these books are awesome! I feel bad I missed this ones cover release, plus it’s actually release date back on January 4th.


Author’s Thoughts: N/A

Source: goodreads

Previous Books in the Series:
Shadow Marked: A Demon Bound Novel

Master and Apprentice by Sonya Bateman

My Thoughts:  Not quite sure when the this one came out, but I had to share it!!  I just love a good male lead cover that breaks away from the standard naked chest.


Author’s Thoughts: N/A

Source: goodreads

Previous Books in the Series:
Master of None

Black Night by Christina Henry

My Thoughts:  It’s cool how the the gates have taken the place of the wings from the previous cover.


Author’s Thoughts: N/A

Source: goodreads

Previous Books in the Series:
Black Wings

Changeling Dream by Dani Harper

My Thoughts:  Not really fond of these covers, but this one looks grotesque.  My eyes keep playing games on me, it just looks so weird.


Author’s Thoughts: N/A

Source: Wicked Scribe

Previous Books in the Series:
Changeling Moon

Angels of Darkness by Meljean Brook, Ilona Andrews, Nalini Singh, and Sharon Shinn

My Thoughts:  Wow!! Simply stunning, this has to be one of the single most stunning covers I’ve seen in a long while.


Author's Thoughts:

Formerly Falling Angels, this anthology will feature a Guardian novella ("Ascension") and stories by the amazing Ilona Andrews, Nalini Singh, and Sharon Shinn, and will be out in October. What do you think?

Source: Meljean Brook's blog

Silver Dragon by Katie MacAlister (German Release)

Steamed by Katie MacAlister (German Release)

My Thoughts:  The silver dragon cover simply kicks ass, bits out the USA version completely.  The tones on steam and it’s more simply look wins me over.

silverdagons steamed

Author’s Thoughts:

The German version of Steamed looks pretty spiffy, too!

Source: Katie MaCalister

US Covers:

Me and My Shadow (Silver Dragons, Book 3)Steamed: A Steampunk Romance (Paranormal Romance (Signet))

Winging It by Deborah Cooke

My Thoughts:  The first book hasn’t even come out yet, but this second cover is out.  It’s so pretty!  It’s making me go crazy just to read them.  It’s so fun guessing where the dragon is!


Author’s Thoughts:

“No teasing today - eye candy! Here's the cover for the second book in Zoë's Dragon Diaries YA trilogy. WOW!”

Previous Books in the Series:
Flying Blind (The Dragon Diaries Trilogy #1)
Source: All Things Urban Fantasy