Readers & Friends:
Who doesn't love hearing from all of the amazing people out there? Especially if those amazing people are taking time to read all the crazy stuff you type? Well, I love hearing from all of you guys! Drop me a note. It doesn't have to be a question or feedback, which I happily accept!
I have many options so that you can stalk, err, I mean get in touch with me. *Cough*
What's the best way to chat with me?
Email: You might get put in the spam box, but I check it pretty regular and always reply.
Blogger: If you post I shall answer. Reviews, giveaways, book news, Cover Coveting, and tons of other things go on over at my blog.
Twitter: This is more of a way for me to get news and stuff out to you guys. With the new changes on Twitter I might start becoming more active.
Google +: Personally I love this one so much more the Facebook, but there's not too many people out there on it. Will reply back just as fast and I try to keep my posts and activities current there.
Goodreads: This is my other addiction outside of reading. No, in all honestly I probably spend more time on gooreads then I do reading sometimes. Friend me, I won't say no. I keep my shelves and reads current—in real time—I even have shelves categorized by genres, creatures, and other themes. My Goodreads account is also connected with Twitter.
Amazon: I will reply, but this is just more of a place for posting reviews.
Review Policy:
Note: I do accept books by self published and Indie authors. HOWEVER. Just like books from big publishing houses I expect a certain level of professionalism in conduct. AND. If you're book is not properly edited I will bring the hammer down. If the time wasn't taken to care for the grammar and writing quality of your book, then don't waste my time. It is something that affects my reviews.
If you are an author, publisher, or publicist that would like a book to be reviewed on Book Whispers feel free to contact me, with the email link provided here.
Accepted Genres:
- Urban Fantasy, Dystopian, Steampunk, Paranormal YA, Paranormal Romance, Romantic Fantasy, and Epic Fantasy—so fantasy.
- Sometimes I do branch out of these genres, so don't be afraid to submit something a little different.
- Name of book and author,
- description of book or a link to it, (I'd really love the Goodreads link)
- when you would like the book to be reviewed and posted. (If you do not give a date, I will try to get a review posted within 1-2 weeks of the book being released. Or at my convenience.)
- Also post anything additional that you think would be important.
All reviews are posted to Book Whispers, Goodreads, Amazon, Google+, and Twitter. All reviews will be my honest opinion, so if I do or don't like the book I will rate it fairly. I do not believe in giving rude reviews—just honest ones.
Also feel free to contact me for interviews, cover reveals, guest blogs, giveaways, and promotions of any kind. If you have author news I would love to accept it as I do an Author Gossip feature on my blog. Just make sure you put it in the subject line. Keep in mind I like to keep the interviews, guest blogs, giveaways, and promotions themed to the genres mentioned above.