Getting information about my favorite authors always makes me happy! What's better is that I get to interview those authors here on my blog!! Sometimes I even get to host giveaways and tours! Check out if your favorite authors has swung by!
- coming soon!
- I took the year off from interviews and giveaways.
- The Beautiful Ashes Release Date | Giveaway
- Shona Husk | Interview & Giveaway
- Mary Abshire | Interview & Giveaway
- Loup-Garou For You! | Giveaway
- Ann Gimpel | Interview & Review
- Susannah Scott | Interview & Giveaway
- R.L. Nanquin | Interview & Giveaway
- Lynn Rush | Giveaway & Cover Reveal
- R.L. Nanquin | Interview & Giveaway
- Annabell Cadiz | Interview & Giveaway
- Winter Solstice Tour | Interviews & Giveaways
- Joh Barlow | Guest Post
- Jessica Scott | Interview
- C.A. Lang | Interview
- Micheal Sussman | Interview
- Graham Parke | Giveaway & Guest Post
- S.B. Rodgers | Review & Interview
- Nikki Jefford | Interview & Giveaway
- Earth Angel Cyber Monday Giveaway
- Theresay Meyers | Interview
- Destined by PC Cast Giveaway
- Dreamland Audio Giveaway
- Dreamland Paperback Giveaway
- All These Things I Have Done Giveaway
- Clark Hays & Kathleen McFall | Interview and Giveaway
- Hades Giveaway
- Justin Gustainis | Interivew and Giveaway
- Retribution Giveaway
- Anne Elisabeth Stengl | Interview and Giveaway
- Ruby Red Giveaway
- Laurie London | Review and Giveaway
- Laurie London | Interview