August 27, 2014

Review: The Beautiful Ashes

****Review copy received for an honest review.****

The Beautiful Ashes (Broken Destiny, book 1) by Jeaniene Frost


Genre: Paranormal New Adult
Edition Reviewed: Paperback
Amazon: Paperback | Kindle
Goodreads: The Beautiful Ashes

In a world of shadows, anything is possible. Except escaping your fate.

Ever since she was a child, Ivy has been gripped by visions of strange realms just beyond her own. But when her sister goes missing, Ivy discovers the truth is far worse—her hallucinations are real, and her sister is trapped in a parallel realm. And the one person who believes her is the dangerously attractive guy who's bound by an ancient legacy to betray her.

Adrian might have turned his back on those who raised him, but that doesn't mean he can change his fate…no matter how strong a pull he feels toward Ivy. Together they search for the powerful relic that can save her sister, but Adrian knows what Ivy doesn't: that every step brings Ivy closer to the truth about her own destiny, and a war that could doom the world. Sooner or later, it will be Ivy on one side and Adrian on the other. And nothing but ashes in between…


Part of me likes to believe that if I hadn't read The Dark World by Cara Lynn Shultz, or any of the other-world-with-demon books, I would have loved The Beautiful Ashes more. The reality is, it's just boring and quite honestly it does not bring more then two new things to the angel/demon genre. First was Frost's signature wit. The second thing is the mythology, while it's not 100% unique the bloodlines part is fun and I enjoyed Frost's interpretation and alternate view on all that biblical mythology. (And you'll want to have a certain Lady Gaga song handy.)

While I was excited that Ivy would be a different kind of lead for Frost, I soon realized that if Ivy was put in a line up with many other YA/NA characters out there I couldn't pick her out. Maybe if she cracked a joke, but other then that she doesn't stand out. Even with things I love such as bravery, loyalty, and perseverance to put her on my good side. Ivy isn't a bad character, and if anything it's nice to have a smart and strong lead. The genre needs them! What hurt my connection to Ivy is that there isn't much development and then at page 11 the male lead enters. He just happens to have broken in to her hotel and is waiting for Ivy, who just got attacked. She isn't worried, nope she instead thinks this:

I knew I should turn around, open the door and run, preferably while screaming. That was the only logical response, but I stood there, somehow unafraid of my intruder. Great. My survival instincts must've secretly made a suicide pact.

No Ivy dear. What you're survival instincts are suffering from is what I like to call the plague of storytelling: Instalove.

Even after being kidnapped by this stranger, AKA love interest Adrian, nothing. Stop it authors!!! Stop it. Love isn't easy and I don't want that in my books! Make it epic, passionate, and totally worth the wait. Not wham or you're being tugged by some magical connection, but you're love transcends that connection. That's telling and the easy way out. The fact is I know Frost can bring the heat!!!

Besides my eye rolling over the romance, and my resignation that I would not be joining the swooning I'm sure other readers will feel, I still had hope for the world. Yet, that didn't deliver despite the cool mythology. Everything was predictable and the demon realms have been done quite a few times, so if you're going to add to the genre blow me away! The plot was also predictable. Once the core of the mythology was introduced at page 32 and who Ivy is descent of it all becomes transparent. In the blink of an eye I knew who Adrian was descended from, and the drag out of that mystery was too much. (Which is lucky because jamming out to a certain Gaga song made my reading enjoyment spike!)

The plot of withholding information from the lead and then slowly revealing it didn't work, because if you're a reader of the genre you know the drill. Especially coming from the male lead who is “doing it to protect” Ivy’s fragile mind, and leads to her almost getting killed(s). So when the big twist, or the “betrayal”, came a long I didn't even bat an eye lid. In fact, the twist was given away within only a few pages of 32.

What I do believe could have saved this book was if it had read like a New Adult, and not Young Adult. Besides Ivy being of college age, there is nothing NA about this book. Nothing. Yes, I've come to expect that New Adult titles can have range from content level of Young Adult, to Adult, and even risqué matter such as erotica. For me I was hoping that Frost had chosen NA to bring the maturity of an adult title to the fun of the Young Adult genre, with a heavy dose of dark grit for the demon world. As said before some are going to find this pretty dark, however if you’re bread and butter is dark fantasy it’s like the kiddy pool.

In the end I think this is a promising start. The mythology is there, and I do want to see if the next book can step things up now that all of that the first book stuff is out of the way. Especially in the character development, there's hope for Ivy. But Adrian is just another male heart throb I'm just supposed to be swooning over. Still I believe many Frost fans will be happy with this, and Frost newbies. If you're a long time reader and good at predicting plots, and rely mainly on the characters to get you through, this might not hit the spot.

Sexual Content: Some mild talk of rape and torture, mild sexual content and plenty of humor.

2/5- Average/disappointing, library check-out.

Previous book(s) in series:
Reviewed on BW: Amazon: Goodreads:
The Beautiful Ashes (1)

The Beautiful Ashes (1)

The Beautiful Ashes (1)

August 26, 2014

Giveaway! The Beautiful Ashes Release date!

Oh, my! It’s finally here Frost fans! What better way to kick off the week, or at least my internet-is-finally-working week!

Sit back and enjoy the awesome! 

The Beautiful Ashes (Broken Destiny, book 1) by Jeaniene Frost

the beautiful ashes

Release Date:  August 26th, 2014

In a world of shadows, anything is possible. Except escaping your fate.

Ever since she was a child, Ivy has been gripped by visions of strange realms just beyond her own. But when her sister goes missing, Ivy discovers the truth is far worse—her hallucinations are real, and her sister is trapped in a parallel realm. And the one person who believes her is the dangerously attractive guy who's bound by an ancient legacy to betray her.

Adrian might have turned his back on those who raised him, but that doesn't mean he can change his fate…no matter how strong a pull he feels toward Ivy. Together they search for the powerful relic that can save her sister, but Adrian knows what Ivy doesn't: that every step brings Ivy closer to the truth about her own destiny, and a war that could doom the world. Sooner or later, it will be Ivy on one side and Adrian on the other. And nothing but ashes in between…

Grab it:  Amazon | BN | Goodreads

About the Author frost

Jeaniene Frost is the New York Times, USA Today, and international bestselling author of the Night Huntress series, the Night Prince series, and the upcoming Broken Destiny series. To date, foreign rights for her novels have sold to twenty different countries. Jeaniene lives in North Carolina with her husband Matthew, who long ago accepted that she rarely cooks and always sleeps in on the weekends. Aside from writing, Jeaniene enjoys reading, poetry, watching movies with her husband, exploring old cemeteries, spelunking and traveling – by car. Airplanes, children, and cook books frighten her. For information on Jeaniene's books, reading the first 20% of each book free, book trailers, deleted scenes, creature mythology, and more, please visit:

Twitter | Facebook | Goodreads | Website


“What is that?” Adrian’s voice startled me. For a second, I was disoriented, the dream clinging to me as it always did. Yes, I was in a car, but I wasn’t the unknown woman driving away from her baby. That wasn’t real. The glare Adrian leveled at my chest was, though. “Is that a mirror?” He sounded horrified. I looked down. My locket was open, the mirrored side facing me. At some point while I was sleeping, I must’ve opened it. Adrian’s hand shot out, but this time, I was too fast for him. “Don’t you dare,” I snapped, holding it out of his reach. “It’s the only picture I have of my sister after you left everything I own back at that hotel in Bennington!” He lunged again, actually letting go of the steering wheel to reach the side of the car where I held it. With a sharp yank, he wrested the locket from my hands. I tried to snatch it back, but he shoved me into my seat with one hand, finally grabbing the steering wheel with the other. “Are you crazy?” I shrieked. “You could’ve gotten us killed!” If this hadn’t been a lonely stretch of desert road, our careening into the next lane might’ve had permanent consequences. “You’re going to get yourself killed,” was his chilling response. Then, still pinning me to my chair with that single hand, he held my locket up. I gasped. Logo2.pngSomething dark poked out of the small mirror, like a snake made of blackest smoke. It disappeared when Adrian smashed the mirror against the steering wheel, but an eerie wind whistled through the car, ruffling my hair and stinging my nostrils with its acrid scent. Adrian muttered a word in that unknown language, and I didn’t need a translator to tell me it was a curse. “What was that?” My voice was hoarse. He threw me a pitying glance, which frightened me even more. If he wasn’t angry, we must really be screwed. His next words proved that. “Brace yourself, Ivy. You’re about to meet a demon.”  

Sign up for the giveaway here: 


August 11, 2014

Cover Coveting(8)

Cover art is found from Wicked Scribes, ATUF, Goodreads, social networks, and other sources.
***All cover art may not be final.***

Sorry for skipping Thursday and Friday’s post last week. I was Dark Skyeing out. Anyone else enjoying Dark Skye?

Blood Assassin by Alexandra Ivy

Previous book(s) in series:

Goodreads | Amazon

Blood Assassin Series: The Sentinels, book 2

Add it: Goodreads | Amazon
Genre: Paranormal Romance

Shera’s thoughts:

Hot bald guys happen to be a weakness of mine. However, this guy is not doing it for me. Considering how little he’s wearing, it’s still to much leather.

His tattooed arm looks fake. No one wants their appendages to look fake.

Burned by Karen Marie Moning

Previous book(s) in series:

Goodreads | Amazon

burned Series: Dani O'Malley, #2; Fever, book 7;

Add it: Goodreads | Amazon
Genre: Paranormal Romance

Shera’s thoughts:

This is the paperback version, which matches the first books paperback.

To be honest I like the hardback version better. You know why.

Carousel Seas by Sharon Lee

Previous book(s) in series:

Goodreads | Amazon

carousel-seas Series: Archers Beach, book 3

Add it: Goodreads | Amazon
Genre: Paranormal Romance

Shera’s thoughts:

Ah, I love old school art covers. So beautiful. While the creepy guys in the water kind of take away from it, I still like.

Cold Burn of Magic by Jennifer Estep

Previous book(s) in series:

Goodreads | Amazon

cold-burn-of-magic Series: Black Blade, book 1

Add it: Goodreads | Amazon
Genre: Paranormal YA

Shera’s thoughts:

What, can the cover artist/designer(s) not give Estep a decent YA cover!! WTF.

This is crap. Still excited for the series.

Deadeye by William C. Dietz

Previous book(s) in series:

Goodreads | Amazon

deadeye Series: Mutant Files, book 1

Add it: Goodreads | Amazon
Genre: Urban Fantasy/Sci/Fi / Hero ?

Shera’s thoughts:

Badass! It really looks more like an Urban Fantasy cover. Thank bookworms there isn’t tons of lever on this kick ass chic.

Win for me!

Disciple of the Wind by Steve Bein

Previous book(s) in series:

Goodreads | Amazon

disciple-of-the-wind Series: Fated Blades, book 3

Add it: Goodreads | Amazon
Genre: Urban Fantasy

Shera’s thoughts:

Ahhhhhhhhh! Be still my heart! So. Much. Swooning.

The Fated Blades’ covers are always amazing!! This one may be my favorite yet, especially since this is a “crouching” pose doesn’t look painful or forced.

Dream a Little Dream by Kerstin Gier

Previous book(s) in series:

Goodreads | Amazon

dream-a-little-dream Series: The Silver Trilogy, book 1

Add it: Goodreads | Amazon
Genre: Paranormal YA

Shera’s thoughts:

Personally I like the original cover for the German one—I believe it’s German.

This one is fun.

Earth and Sky by Megan Crewe

Previous book(s) in series:

Goodreads | Amazon

earth-and-sky Series: Earth & Sky, book 1

Add it: Goodreads | Amazon
Genre: Young Adult Sci/Fi

Shera’s thoughts:

Hmmmm, I don’t love it. I don’t hate it.

It doesn’t scream sci/fi, but it fits.

August 6, 2014

Wednesday Wishes

Before I jump into my book lusting.

We just watched an awesome Canadian film, Still Mine. It’s very moving and I highly recommend it.

Now, on to the lusting.

Storm Rise by Skye Knizley

storm-riseGet it: Amazon | Goodreads
Genre: Urban Fantasy
Series: Storm Chronicles, book 1

Life isn't easy for Detective Raven Storm. Her best friend was recently killed and dismembered, her latest case ended with her partner in intensive care, and her mother, the vampiric Mistress of the City is playing matchmaker… again. The last thing she wants is another bizarre murder case with a partner she doesn't know. But that is exactly what she gets when she is handed the enigmatic case of Nathan King, who was found in his car with a gaping hole where his stomach should be.
Soon Raven is unraveling a mystery that leads her deep into the city's preternatural underworld, and into the arms of a sexy vampire she barely knows, but whose heart she seeks in the darkness…

Just heard about this title this week from a Goodreads friend. Apparently it’s slow to start up and introduce the magic, but it’s well worth it.

To be honest I’m excited just to see a title that I haven’t seen in general passing. This is 100% new to me, and that’s pretty awesome.

A Shiver of Light by Laurel K. Hamilton

a-shiver-of-lightGet it: Amazon | Goodreads
Genre: Paranormal Romance
Series: Merry Gentry


I am Princess Meredith NicEssus. Legal name Meredith Gentry, because “Princess” looks so pretentious on a driver’s license. I was the first faerie princess born on American soil, but I wouldn't be the only one for much longer...

Merry Gentry, ex–private detective, now full-time princess, knew she was descended from fertility goddesses, but when she learned she was about to have triplets, she began to understand what that might mean. Infertility has plagued the high ranks of faerie for centuries. Now nobles of both courts of faerie are coming to court Merry and her men, at their home in exile in the Western Lands of Los Angeles, because they will do anything to have babies of their own.

Taranis, King of Light and Illusion, is a more dangerous problem. He tried to seduce Merry and, failing that, raped her. He’s using the human courts to sue for visitation rights, claiming that one of the babies is his. And though Merry knows she was already pregnant when he took her, she can’t prove it.

To save herself and her babies from Taranis she will use the most dangerous powers in all of faerie: a god of death, a warrior known as the Darkness, the Killing Frost, and a king of nightmares. They are her lovers, and her dearest loves, and they will face down the might of the high courts of faerie—while trying to keep the war from spreading to innocent humans in Los Angeles, who are in danger of becoming collateral damage.

Sigh. Every time a Hamilton book makes it on my list, I feel like a beloved bookmark burns. Don’t get me wrong I actually still enjoy the Merry Gentry books, but I’m still only a few books in. By the looks of the reviews Hamilton may have dropped the ball again.

Oh, and I read the description. Way to spoil a huge plot point. (Though someone already spilled the beans about a death for me.)

Still I can’t stop myself from lusting, and eventually buying. Damn you Hamilton. Damn you.

August 5, 2014

Review: Beat of Temptation

****This is a review for Beat of Temptation Psy-Changeling book .5, featured in the title An Enchanted Season****

Beat of Temptation (Psy-Changeling, book .5) by Nalini Singh


Genre: Paranormal Romance
Edition Reviewed: Ebook
Amazon: Paperback | Kindle
Goodreads: Beat of Temptation

Give readers a gift-new stories from a bestselling lineup of romance authors.

It's the time of year when dreams come true, miracles happen every day, and love is the greatest gift of all...

The holidays always seem to bring out the best in everyone, with heartfelt hugs for long-missed friends, sincere smiles in the spirit of the season, and a feeling of magic in the air.

Here, for the first time, is a collection of paranormal romances celebrating the holidays as never before. From a shape-shifting leopardess who wants a packmate to be her soulmate to a snowstorm that brings a surprise gift, these all-new tales by Maggie Shayne, Erin McCarthy, Nalini Singh, and Jean Johnson will stir your spirit in all the right places.


Don't read this. No really. After finishing this short story I loath Nathan. Now, every time I read about poor Tammy and Nate it will simply be tainted. Sometimes there shouldn't be origin stories for our favorite couples.

Nathan is absolutely horrid to Tammy. He treats her like a brainless idiot. Like a woman who needs to be looked out for and all of her decisions made by someone else because she's just a woman. And yes, I think I'm being fair. Maybe even not harsh enough. It was painful watching Nathan destroy her confidence and happiness bit by bitter bit. Then when Tammy finally realizes that she enabled him and supported him by being so kind and accommodating it was like I could finally see the light. She pulls some drastic stuff and I was all for it. Then of course Nathan cave mans her over and they're at HEA.

Yet, when the story ended I couldn't help but think that she gave in too easy. That she deserved better. Soooooo much better. A man who thinks that he knows best for “his” woman has never been a story that interests me, and I couldn’t see Nathan’s point of view at all.  The only thing I wanted for Tammy was for her to find another man. Even the whole anniversary oogley stuff couldn't change my opinion. I'm afraid to read anymore books in case every Tammy and Nathan moment forward is tainted. If you have to read this out of curiosity I urge you to wait until after book ten, Kiss of Snow. Man I wish I would have listened to some of my GR friends. This short story should be labeled: DO NOT READ.

Sexual Content: Nothing to scare you. Some painfully awkward moments between the two.

1/5- I couldn't finish it or wish I hadn't.

Previous book(s) in series:
Reviewed on BW: Amazon: Goodreads:

An Enchanted Season (.5)
Burning Up (.6)
Slave to Sensation (1)
The Cannibal Princess(1.5)
Visions of Heat (2)
Caressed by Ice (3)
Stroke of Enticement (3.5)
Mine to Possess (4) 
A Conversation (4.5)
Hostage to Pleasure (5)
A Gift for Kit (5.5)
Movie Night (5.6) 
Branded by Fire (6)
The Party (6.5) 
Blaze of Memory (7) 
Christmas in the Kitchen (7.5)
Bonds of Justice (8)
Play of Passion (9)
Wolf School (9.1)
Kiss of Snow (10)
Wild Invitation
(.5, 3.5, 9.5, 10.5)
Tangle of Need (11)
Poker Night (11.1)
Stalking Hawke (11.2)
Heart of Obsidian (12) 
Shield of Winter (13) 
Shards of Hope (14) 
Allegiance of Honor (15) 

An Enchanted Season (.5)
Burning Up (.6)
Slave to Sensation (1)
The Cannibal Princess(1.5)
Visions of Heat (2)
Caressed by Ice (3)
Stroke of Enticement (3.5)
Mine to Possess (4)
A Conversation (4.5)
Hostage to Pleasure (5)
A Gift for Kit (5.5)
Movie Night (5.6)
Branded by Fire (6)
The Party (6.5)
Blaze of Memory (7)
Christmas in the Kitchen (7.5)
Bonds of Justice (8)
Play of Passion (9)
Wolf School (9.1)
Kiss of Snow (10)
Wild Invitation
(.5, 3.5, 9.5, 10.5)
Tangle of Need (11)
Poker Night (11.1)
Stalking Hawke (11.2)
Heart of Obsidian (12)
Shield of Winter (13) 
Shards of Hope (14)
Allegiance of Honor (15)
An Enchanted Season (.5)
Burning Up (.6)
Slave to Sensation (1)
The Cannibal Princess(1.5)
Visions of Heat (2)
Caressed by Ice (3)
Stroke of Enticement (3.5)
Mine to Possess (4)
A Conversation (4.5)
Hostage to Pleasure (5)
A Gift for Kit (5.5)
Movie Night (5.6)
Branded by Fire (6)
The Party (6.5)
Blaze of Memory (7)
Christmas in the Kitchen (7.5)
Bonds of Justice (8) 
Play of Passion (9)
Wolf School (9.1)
Kiss of Snow (10)
Wild Invitation
(.5, 3.5, 9.5, 10.5)
Tangle of Need (11)
Poker Night (11.1)
Stalking Hawke (11.2)
Heart of Obsidian (12)
Shield of Winter (13)
Shards of Hope (14)
Allegiance of Honor (15)

August 4, 2014

Review: Tangle of Need

Tangle of Need (Psy-Changeling, book 11) by Nalini Singh

tangle of need

Genre: Paranormal Romance
Edition Reviewed: Ebook
Amazon: Paperback | Kindle
Goodreads: Tangle of Need

Discover the exhilarating risks of passion in the breathtaking new Psy-Changeling novel by Nalini Singh, the New York Times bestselling “alpha author of paranormal romance” (Booklist)…

Adria, wolf changeling and resilient soldier, has made a break with the past—one as unpredictable in love as it was in war. Now comes a new territory, and a devastating new complication: Riaz, a SnowDancer lieutenant already sworn to a desperate woman who belongs to another.

For Riaz, the primal attraction he feels for Adria is a staggering betrayal. For Adria, his dangerous lone-wolf appeal is beyond sexual. It consumes her. It terrifies her. It threatens to undermine everything she has built of her new life. But fighting their wild compulsion toward one another proves a losing battle.

Their coming together is an inferno…and a melding of two wounded souls who promise each other no commitment, no ties, no bonds. Only pleasure. Too late, they realize that they have more to lose than they ever imagined. Drawn into a cataclysmic Psy war that may alter the fate of the world itself, they must make a decision that might just break them both.


Holy smoke'n hotness Nalini Singh! What are you doing to me. No really? Just when you think nothing can get hotter then Sienna and Hawke from the last book, Singh drops an even better—hotter—couple in our laps! Adria and Riaz, they're my new favorite couple. Let's be honest I never, ever, claim to pick favorites.

Adria was a bit discouraging for me because I really disliked her from Play of Passion. She was in a horrible relationship, one bad enough to put the fear in Indigo. Like onions, every character Singh creates has layers. Adria turned out to be amazing. She might not be a Sentinel or Lieutenant, but she was a fabulous edition to the strong “warrior” women of the Psy-Changeling universe. Adria for me was unlikeable right at the beginning, it took a bit before I could see past my initial reaction to her. Once she started to interact with Riaz things started to look up. Because she finally started to open up. She's an incredible woman and that horrible relationship she was in, it was so legit that I felt bad when things went south.

Riaz was simply amazing! His suffering over the fact that he had to let his mate go was heartbreaking. To have the kind of strength to protect his mate by not going after her was (cue the applause) inspiring. By doing this he found something even stronger, love that defied a mating bond. Well done, Singh.

Riaz and Adria's story was so wonderful I felt a little grumpy that Tangle of Need was so much of an extension of Sienna and Hawke story. Yes, I love them both so much! Yet I feel a little grumpy by how much page time the stole from Riaz and Adria. Time I felt could have even deepened their story further. But that's just a mild grump from me. Riley and Mercy have some fantastic news and I loved getting time with other characters as well. The true civil war in the Net is coming into play and the world of Psy and Changeling are merging despite Pure Psy's attempts to purify the net. At times it's beautiful to see how Silence couldn't stop love and good intentions. Even as the horror of the breaking Silence is still there.

There are so many things going on here! It's a rush. The good kind. It just stuns me every time I read a Psy-Changeling book how much world building and depth is here. No. Really. It doesn't get much better than this. Oh, and be warned killer cliffhanger. You will want the next book on hand. Because the Psy civil war is here, and the bigger stuff is happening in the next book. Tangle of Need it proof that no matter what you think, this series is just going to get better and better.

Sexual Content: Steamy scenes ahead, and loads of sexual humor.

5/5- Fabulous, a beautiful obsession!

Previous book(s) in series:
Reviewed on BW: Amazon: Goodreads:

An Enchanted Season (.5)
Burning Up (.6)
Slave to Sensation (1)
The Cannibal Princess(1.5)
Visions of Heat (2)
Caressed by Ice (3)
Stroke of Enticement (3.5)
Mine to Possess (4) 
A Conversation (4.5)
Hostage to Pleasure (5)
A Gift for Kit (5.5)
Movie Night (5.6) 
Branded by Fire (6)
The Party (6.5) 
Blaze of Memory (7) 
Christmas in the Kitchen (7.5)
Bonds of Justice (8)
Play of Passion (9)
Wolf School (9.1)
Kiss of Snow (10)
Wild Invitation
(.5, 3.5, 9.5, 10.5)
Tangle of Need (11)
Poker Night (11.1)
Stalking Hawke (11.2)
Heart of Obsidian (12) 
Shield of Winter (13) 
Shards of Hope (14) 
Allegiance of Honor (15) 

An Enchanted Season (.5)
Burning Up (.6)
Slave to Sensation (1)
The Cannibal Princess(1.5)
Visions of Heat (2)
Caressed by Ice (3)
Stroke of Enticement (3.5)
Mine to Possess (4)
A Conversation (4.5)
Hostage to Pleasure (5)
A Gift for Kit (5.5)
Movie Night (5.6)
Branded by Fire (6)
The Party (6.5)
Blaze of Memory (7)
Christmas in the Kitchen (7.5)
Bonds of Justice (8)
Play of Passion (9)
Wolf School (9.1)
Kiss of Snow (10)
Wild Invitation
(.5, 3.5, 9.5, 10.5)
Tangle of Need (11)
Poker Night (11.1)
Stalking Hawke (11.2)
Heart of Obsidian (12)
Shield of Winter (13) 
Shards of Hope (14)
Allegiance of Honor (15)
An Enchanted Season (.5)
Burning Up (.6)
Slave to Sensation (1)
The Cannibal Princess(1.5)
Visions of Heat (2)
Caressed by Ice (3)
Stroke of Enticement (3.5)
Mine to Possess (4)
A Conversation (4.5)
Hostage to Pleasure (5)
A Gift for Kit (5.5)
Movie Night (5.6)
Branded by Fire (6)
The Party (6.5)
Blaze of Memory (7)
Christmas in the Kitchen (7.5)
Bonds of Justice (8) 
Play of Passion (9)
Wolf School (9.1)
Kiss of Snow (10)
Wild Invitation
(.5, 3.5, 9.5, 10.5)
Tangle of Need (11)
Poker Night (11.1)
Stalking Hawke (11.2)
Heart of Obsidian (12)
Shield of Winter (13)
Shards of Hope (14)
Allegiance of Honor (15)