So low and behold I got my first notification on April 1, 2016 that I had won a copy of Blue Lily, Lily Blue! Just days before my birthday! It was awesome. Then it never came. So I thought I was like the many other winners that simply had to wait a while, and then when July hit I just assumed it got lost in the mail.
So it came a few weeks ago! I'm just now posting because I meant to take a picture with it, but this will have to do! Thank you Scholastic! It may have gotten lost in the mail, the letter from Scholastic says May 2016, but I finally got it!

This is kind of my week off from posting, so what really prompted me to post about Goodreads Giveaways is that I won another giveaway on Goodreads on July 19th! It came in the mail today!! Yippee!! It's a for a book/series I've been really curious about: The Twixt.
Just look how amazing everything Harlequin Teen sent is! Especially that book mark and they sent book cover porn for the forth book that is coming out.
Honestly I was so excited I actually attempted to take a selfie with it. Well that kind of didn't work out so I had my mom take the picture and I settled for my "I love it so much I must kiss it pose". (You all know how much I hate--and I am so bad--at taking selfies.)
So I am now a happy owner of Indelible!
Thank you Goodreads for having something as fun and easy to use as your amazing Giveaway system. Thank you to both Scholastic and Harlequin Teen for doing giveaways through Goodreads!
Don't worry I won't forget to review these two awesome books!