Today I have the pleasure of hosting an interview and giveaway with author Annabell Cadiz. An author of a rather fun book I’m reading right now Lucifer.
BW: In your own words, introduce yourself.
AC: My name is Annabell Cadiz and I was born and raised in Florida. I grew up with a HUGE Puerto Rican family that extended to include close friends. I’m five foot one with a mess of curly dark brown hair (when it’s not dyed into a variety of colors), slender frame, and dark brown eyes. I am a proud book-a-holic and Jesus freak. I like to collect pens, notebooks, and pieces of jewelry that inspire plots to my books or characters. I run TeamNerd Reviews with one of my best friends and have aspired to being a published author since I was sixteen.
BW: What makes you’re trilogy, Sons of Old Trilogy, stand out in the Paranormal genre?
AC: Well, there are a few things that set the SONS OF OLD TRILOGY apart. One of the major elements is the role of the parents. Zahara and Becca’s parents are intricate part of the story and of the girl’s lives. I think that’s something readers aren’t used to reading. There are also the new supernatural creatures I introduced in the story and the fact that there are no love triangles. There is romance, of course, but no insta-love or love triangles. I’m not a fan of those =P And the female characters are strong, intelligent, and fully themselves. They aren’t the girls who are waiting to be rescued. They’ll be the ones doing the rescuing and kicking butt in style ;)
BW: I'm currently in the middle of the book and it features witches, demons, Faye, and lots of other enchanting beings, what are some of your favorite ones? Or better yet is there a unique creature featured in Lucifer that is completely unique to the series?
AC: Definitely! There are two types of supernatural creatures featured in LUCIFER that are unique: Imagoes and Cadtellus. An Imago is a supernatural being that was born from a fallen angel and a mermaid. Imagoes can control the element of water and have more speed and power at night. Their skin also turns silver in the dark when they aren’t using glamour. In LUCIFER, the reader meets rogue Imagoes—rogues are cut off from the magic connected to their kind but they still contain amazing speed, strength, and their skin still turns silver. Cadtellus are briefly featured in LUCIFER. They were born from a human and a fallen angel with the power over the element of earth. Cadtellus have the power to control the element of earth because of the fallen angel, Cathetel. They also have the ability to merge with the wolf who caused them to change being able to essentially become the wolf. Cathetel married a human girl who was bitten by a wolf when she was pregnant and the wolf’s DNA merged with the child. Cathetel became so angry he cursed the existence of wolves and poisoned any wolf he could find with his power. It backfired though because any human the wolves bit would be turned into a Cadtellus. Cadtellus have incredible speed, sense of smell and hearing, and strength. The reader will meet Dustin, who is a rogue Cadtellus, so even though he can’t merge with his wolf any longer they are still really close.
BW: How are the witches in this series different from those in other works?
AC: In the SONS OF OLD TRILOGY, readers will meet Light Witches. Light Witches are different in the sense that they are trained to control the elements to a certain degree and don’t use spells. They use prayers and enchantments to boost their magic. Then there are Dark Witches who use dark spells, blood, and the elements to a small degree like the Light Witches.
BW: Were there any particular parts that were hard to write?
AC: In LUCIFER the scenes that were particularly difficult to write were the battle scenes featuring all of the characters in different places at the same time. I wrote a different chapter for each battle and had to manage to keep the connection with each battle and the fluidity. It was a lot of fun though!
BW: When you're in a writing jam, is there a particular author you look to for inspiration? One that makes you ask, "What would ‘insert author's name here’ do?"
AC: Not really. I mean there are authors who inspire me because of the way they approach writing characters or dark themes or because of the message in the story they create. But I don’t ever sit and wonder what would so and so author do with this scene or this character or this plot. That’s dangerous territory. Your story could end up sounding too much like a story the author wrote or your voice as a writer could. Although I can be inspired by some of the authors I love, I don’t plan on writing like anyone else but myself.
BW: What can readers look forward to from you? What are your plans for the Sons of Old Trilogy?
AC: Well, the next book in the SONS OF OLD TRILOGY, MICHAEL I am aiming to publish this summer. I have plans for a four book series after the SONS OF OLD TRILOGY, the FALLEN ANGELS SERIES. I’m also plotting a possible story centered on sirens and mermaids. I have an idea I’m working on but haven’t figured out all the details yet.
As for what to expect in MICHAEL: Lucifer is on the move. As the Faraday family remains vigilant, waiting for signs of his next attack, Lucifer is remaining closer to them than they realize.
Becca and Zahara continue to train, this time switching over to Charles’ boarding school. Becca is fighting to convince her parents that Rekesh isn’t the enemy but when Rekesh’s coven gets involved in a slew of deaths happening in the supernatural world and all blame falls to his coven, Becca’s parents aren’t convinced. But Rekesh doesn’t believe anyone within his own coven would murder and brand supernaturals with his coven’s crest. He knows Lucifer is behind the killings but he has no idea why, and if he did, he’d start preparing his coven for battle.
Zahara and Bryan are starting to form comfortable friendship and Zahara gets surprised by the feelings she starts developing for someone close to her.
There is murder, violence, fight scenes, fallen angels, Nephilim, lots of sarcasm, and flirt fighting romance. Everyone returns in the sequel. There are also TWO big players that come onto the scene. One right at the beginning and the other at the end.
BW: What are some of your favorite books?
AC: Oh man, this list can go on for a while! But I’ll keep it to a minimum *hehe*
- The Percy Jackson Series by Rick Ridordan
Tiger Lily by Jodi Lynn Anderson - Caster Chronicles by Kami Garcia & Margaret Stohl
- Threatre Illuminata Trilogy by Lisa Mantchev
- Madison Avery Series by Kim Harrison
BW: For you personally, not your characters, between a vampire love interest and a werewolf love interest which do you prefer? (What team are you on? Team Vampire or Team Werewolf.)
AC: I’m Team Werewolf. Werewolves are LIVING creatures with a live heart, blood circulation, human qualities, and a soul. Vampires are DEAD beings. They have no heartbeats, blood circulation, or soul (in majority of the books I’ve read to do with vampires), so how they can feel emotions, cry, fall in love, or have sex, makes no sense.
BW: Go wild! Let us know something funny about you, share something that's on your mind, or anything else that's important about your books.
AC: Hmm, let’s see.
Something Funny About Me (And By Funny I Mean Strange lol): I really hate odd numbers. Or well, most odd numbers. I prefer even numbers, whether it has to do with food or collecting stuff or putting the volume up to a certain number. Odd numbers kinda freak me out.
BW: Big thanks to Annabell for dropping by! Keep your eyes peeled for a review of her fantastic book!
About the Author
Annabell Cadiz was born in the sweltering heat of South Florida. She was raised surrounded by Puerto Rican chefs and band of siblings that weren’t all related to her. A self-proclaimed nerd and book-a-holic (her room does hold much evidence to prove her claims are justifiable), she created TeamNerd Reviews to showcase her EXTREME love for novels where, along with herbest friend, Bridget Strahin, she hosts book reviews, interviews, giveaways, Indie Shoutouts and much more. She also blog tour services for authors. She also had the pleasure of being published in three separate issue of Suspense Magazine. She also adores Cinnamon Teddy Grahams, has an addiction to Minute Maid Orange juice, and is a proud Jesus Freak. Lucifer is Annabell’s debut novel and the first book in the Sons of Old Trilogy.
Where to Find the Author
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Lucifer (Sons of Old Trilogy, Book 1) by Annabell Cadiz Genre: New Adult, Urban Fantasy, Paranormal, Supernatural
Have you ever wondered what could be hiding in the shadows?
Well, for eighteen-year-old Zahara Faraday, she doesn’t have to wonder. You see she comes from a lineage of Light Witches, those who have chosen to help protect and serve between the supernatural world and the human world. The only problem is Zahara, like her father Solomon, is as human as a human being can be whereas her mother, Mia, and her Aunt Catalina, were born as Light Witches. As a family they hunt down rogue supernaturals—creatures who harm humans or who have committed an act against their kingdom.
Zahara’s hunting skills are usually kept dormant since her parents would prefer she live life as a normal human girl without knowledge of the supernatural world. She plans on doing just that—except when she finds a couple being attacked by fairies, she has no choice but to step in. Before she can return to pretending to be blissfully ignorant, Zahara encounters a problem she isn’t the least equip to handle: Bryan Hamilton, the good looking new co-worker she has to help train. In a heartbeat, her best friend, Becca King, has set her up on a double date with herself and her new crush, Rekesh Saint-Louis, who happens to be the most powerful leader of the biggest Imago Coven in South Florida –supernatural creatures with the ability to control water . . . and suck out human souls.
Zahara has no time to focus on how she’s going to explain her double date with her best friend and the enemy they have a tentative truce with to her parents because soon one of the members of Mia and Catalina’s coven is found murdered with a strange tattoo of a snake with wings carved into his arm.
Zahara is then thrown into a whirlwind battle with an angel determined to have revenge against God, an Imago coven she doesn’t think they should trust, and slew of dream-eating fairies and powerful Nephilims, hybrid children of angels and humans, more than happy to rip her to shreds.
Normal just got a deadlier definition.
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Read the Prologue to Lucifer (Sons of Old Trilogy, #1)!
Lucky ‘13s
Best of Little-Known Authors
Highly Anticipated Indie Reads 2013
In honor of the two main female leads in LUCIFER, Zahara and Becca, Annabell created a fun swag pack for ONE very lucky winner!
Win a specially made makeup kit by E.L.F along with one DVD copy of the movie Sixteen Candles, a fuschia metallic manicure set, a Girl Power Superwoman wristband, a LOVE IS A BATTLEFIELD silver necklace, a silver bracelet with handcuff & key charms, Honey Sweetheart lotion (that smells INCREDIBLE!), two toned lip bloom (that is SUPER cute!), and gray colored cheetah printed socks that are SOOOO adorables and an ecopy of LUCIFER!
ANNNND if that wasn't enough, FIVE other lucky winners will win a FREE ecopy of LUCIFER!
TWICE a week on MONDAYS & FRIDAYS a new clue from LUCIFER will be posted up. Enter the new clue inside the Rafflecopter every time a new one is posted and get more chances to win!
Stop by the LUCIFER BLOG TOUR page to enter and/or get the clues!
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