November 24, 2014

Cover Coveting()

Cover art is found from Wicked Scribes, ATUF, Goodreads, social networks, and other sources.
***All cover art may not be final.***

Hope everyone had a great weekend! If you’re having staying in weather like me, here’s a good movie to check out. Begin Again, I love music movies and it kind of reminded me of the quality of August Rush.

Frail Mortal Heart by Zoë Marriott

Previous book(s) in series:

Goodreads | Amazon

frail-mortal-heart Series: The Name of the Blade, book 3

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Genre: Paranormal Young Adult

Shera’s thoughts:

Ah!! This cover is nirvana. Love how the dragon is snaking around both of them (Even if the dragon’s head is tacky.)

Just look at this cover. How can you say no.

Grave Phantoms by Jenn Benett

Previous book(s) in series:

Goodreads | Amazon

grave-phantoms Series: Roaring Twenties, book 3

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Genre: Paranormal Romance

Shera’s thoughts:

The covers for this series do pretty well. Covering the time period and that it’s romance. It doesn’t scream PNR, and I’m perfectly fine with that.

Sometimes ugly covers featuring half dressed people is just . . . well stupid. I’m all for smart PNR covers.

Ice Kissed by Amanda Hocking

Previous book(s) in series:

Goodreads | Amazon

ice-kissed Series: Kanin Chronicles, book 2

Add it: Goodreads | Amazon
Genre: Young Adult High Fantasy

Shera’s thoughts:

Oops, I already posted book 3 last week. Anywho, I love how they’re playing up the cloak here. )I have a weakness for cloak covers.)

First it was kind of jacket get up, then the cloak here, and all working up to that gorgeous dress on book three.

The border I awesome and I like the whole composition of this cover. Well done. They’re really building up the release of this series!

Illusionarium by Heather Dixon

Previous book(s) in series:

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illusionarium Series: N/A 

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Genre: Young Adult (Either Steampunk or some kind of Fairy tale theme?)

Shera’s thoughts:

First off it worries me that they’re calling this The Night Circus meets Pixar. That just sounds desperate.

Love the couple dress cover, especially the old school getup for both the male and female.

However, the gears don’t quite match. Worst is the typography. It’s too heavy.

Lamp Black, Wolf Grey by Paula Brackston

Previous book(s) in series:

Goodreads | Amazon


Series: N/A 

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Genre: Young Adult Fantasy

Shera’s thoughts: lamp-black-wolf-grey-2

This is actually a cover makeover to go along with it’s new release. While I wish there was a wolf somewhere on there, I’m happy.

It’s simple and beautiful.

Magic Shifts by Ilona Andrews

Previous book(s) in series:

Goodreads | Amazon

magic-shifts Series: Kate Daniels, book 8

Add it: Goodreads | Amazon
Genre: Urban Fantasy

Shera’s thoughts:

Oh, a new cover model? (Checks) Yeppers. Well at least it fits in well with the rest of the book!

Despite how I feel about random loin heads on the cover, I still like it.

(Does anyone wonder if they’ll ever try to put Curran’s human form on them?)

November 20, 2014

Review: Darkness Unbound

Darkness Unbound (Dark Angels, book 1) by Keri Arthur


Genre: Urban Fantasy
Edition Reviewed: eBook
Amazon: Paperback | Kindle
Goodreads: Darkness Unbound

The fight against darkness rages on for the next generation—in New York Times bestselling author Keri Arthur’s exciting new series set in the world of the Guardians.

Being half werewolf and half Aedh, Risa Jones can enter the twilight realms between life and death and see the reapers, supernatural beings that collect the souls of the dead. But she soon makes a terrifying discovery: Some sinister force is stealing souls, preventing the dead from ever knowing the afterlife.

Reapers escort souls—not snatch them—but Risa is still unnerved when a reaper shadows her in search of someone Risa has never met: her own father, an Aedh priest, who is rumored to be tampering with the gates of hell for a dark purpose. With the help of her “aunt”—half-werewolf, half-vampire Riley Jenson—and an Aedh named Lucian who may have lost his wings but none of his sex appeal, Risa must pursue whatever shadowy practitioner of blood magic is seizing souls, and somehow stop her father . . . before all hell breaks loose.


After finishing Riley Jenson's series I immediately looked towards the Dark Angels series. After all it follows the grown up Risa from Riley's books! Definitely a character that would be worthy of having her own series! After chatting with a friend she told me that “Risa slut shames Riley!” Riley's sexuality and overall owning of it is what I loved about her books. And there was no way that I'd read about a character slut shaming my girl Riley. Years later chatting with another Goodreads friend and discussing why I hadn't read the Dark Angel books it hit me. That other Goodreads friend wasn't telling me that Risa had slut shamed Riley, but that Goodreads friend was slut shaming both Riley and Risa!


Strong female leads who own their sexuality are so hard to find! Ones who are brave with their image and body. Female leads who aren't hung up on a million different reasons why their first time was bad, that sex is bad, and all kinds of other sex issues. Risa owns it! Just like Riley. Maybe even a bit more. While the sex isn't anymore over the top than some of the Paranormal Romance series out there, it is maybe a bit more then what some Urban Fantasy fans are used to. But let's be honest sex is a big part of both genres anymore. So when a female character owns her sexuality I am for it. Nuff said.

Risa isn't an amazing character just because she owns her sexuality. No she's awesome because she's really smart and badass! But she is not Riley. There are definitely some traits and I’m starting to see with Arthur her leading ladies tend to share a few. Risa is a rich spoiled girl who is still afraid of bugs and other strange things. She owns a restaurant called RYT—Rich Young Things—with two of her other rich friends that she lives with. At first I found her super rich status with a famous mother to other famous people annoying. It didn't take long for me to warm up to Risa. Her life hasn't been easy. If her friends or loved ones are in trouble girl steps up! With Riley, Quinn, and Rhoan you know the girl has some mad skills!

There are some fun tie-ins to the Riley books with plenty of cameos. None of it feels like oh-here-is-a-character-you-love blatant cameo! Besides awesome female leads Arthur always populates her worlds with fantastic and diverse characters. Which is exactly what she does here. Not only am I looking forward to seeing old favorites, but now I care about the new cast and I’m invested in what happens to them. Ah! I wish more authors, when done with a beloved series, could still write in their old series universe. Arthur does it beautifully and while this was a bit of an average read Arthur’s talents make this a nice introduction to a new series, and probably what will become a great series for me!

Sexual Content: Plenty of sexual humor, talk, thoughts, and so on. Sex, and even a mild threesome.

3/5- Adored it, just a few minor details held it back.

Previous book(s) in series:
Reviewed on BW: Amazon: Goodreads:
Darkness Unbound (1)
Darkness Rising (2)
Darkness Devours (3)
Darkness Hunts (4)
Darkness Unmasked (5)
Darkness Splintered (6)
Darkness Falls (7)

Darkness Unbound (1)Darkness Rising (2)
Darkness Devours (3)
Darkness Hunts (4)
Darkness Unmasked (5)
Darkness Splintered (6)
Darkness Falls (7)

Darkness Unbound (1)
Darkness Rising (2)
Darkness Devours (3)
Darkness Hunts (4)
Darkness Unmasked (5)
Darkness Splintered (6)
Darkness Falls (7)

November 19, 2014

Cover Coveting: Makeover

Cover art is found from Wicked Scribes, ATUF, Goodreads, social networks, and other sources.
***All cover art may not be final.***

Ever since the amazing covers hit with Heart of Obsidian I just new that the series was due for a cover makeover. Especially after they actually stuck with the art and design! What series is it? Well that title was a big hint. It’s the Psy-Changeling (Goodreads | Amazon) series by Nalini Singh.

Thanks to Wicked Scribes for finding this new cover!

So the cover makeover starts with Slave to Sensation (Goodreads | Amazon)! Let’s be honest the bad covers plaguing this series is a huge mistake. In fact, it’s one of the main reasons I put off reading this series in the first place. Which only shows the power of good writing. Because I know a lot of readers who put off reading this series because of the horrid covers. But no one can ignore the buzz this series generates, well before it finally became blessed with some decent covers. So let’s take a gander.


That’s not as bad as some of the covers. (Come on Blaze of Memory anyone?) Never mind, it is bad. The whole vanishing/thinning body part thing is creepy. And despite bookworms’ favorite quote “never judge a book by its cover” we do!

Now let’s take a look at the shiny new cover!


Not how I picture Lucas. However, the cover is epic! Oh, it makes me so annoyed that all of my copies, paperback and eBook, are the old cover. They’re taking advantage of us poor readers!

Anywho there’s no official release date, or word on whether it’s going to be hard or paperback release. I’m praying for paperback.

So what do you guys think?

November 18, 2014

Review: Web of Lies

Web of Lies (Elemental Assassin, book 2) by Jennifer Estep


Genre: Urban Fantasy
Edition Reviewed: Paperback
Amazon: Paperback | Kindle
Goodreads: Web of Lies (1)

Curiosity is definitely going to get me dead one of these days. Probably real soon.

I'm Gin Blanco.

You might know me as the Spider, the most feared assassin in the South. I’m retired now, but trouble still has a way of finding me. Like the other day when two punks tried to rob my popular barbecue joint, the Pork Pit. Then there was the barrage of gunfire on the restaurant. Only, for once, those kill shots weren’t aimed at me. They were meant for Violet Fox. Ever since I agreed to help Violet and her grandfather protect their property from an evil coalmining tycoon, I’m beginning to wonder if I’m really retired. So is Detective Donovan Caine. The only honest cop in Ashland is having a real hard time reconciling his attraction to me with his Boy Scout mentality. And I can barely keep my hands off his sexy body. What can I say? I’m a Stone elemental with a little Ice magic thrown in, but my heart isn’t made of solid rock. Luckily, Gin Blanco always gets her man . . . dead or alive.


My love of the first book can not be emphasized enough. Which is probably why I was running scared for a while only able to bring myself to read the first book over and over again. See I have a problem. When I read an amazing first book, this fear takes over that the second book—and following—will never be able to hold a flame to the sheer awesomeness that was  the first book. It's happened, and sadly so often that I have developed this reading phobia. Or what I sourly call the “First Book Wonder, Shitty Series Terror”. It exists. I swear, despite it's lame name.

The first part of Web of Lies was not as instantly mind blowing or as addicting as Spider's Bite. It's still infinitely better then a lot of other Urban Fantasy titles I've been reading. We've gotten to know the Spider and Web of Lies is showing how the death of Fletcher Lane and the decision to finally retire is affecting Gin. It's always a good sign when the actions of the previous book shape and evolve the next book, and the entire series.

Falling into the pages of Web of Lies was like coming home, and what's better is seeing someone as tough as Gin redefine herself. Realizing that even if the choices she's made in her life are horrible, maybe even the actions of a monster, she would still stand by them. Make those same choices. Part of Gin might be playing around with the idea of being a better person—even while she hides from her “fuzzy” feelings—she understands she will never be that type of woman and doesn't want to be. Which is why I had a hard time with how her emotions jumped so crazily ahead with her crush/lust of Donovan Caine.

It boggled me how a woman so patient and able to think things through. Went from the casual crush/lust she had for Caine in book 1, to this . . . love? Obsession? It was the weakest point of this book. Especially since Caine's actions cut Gin deep. More than Gin, or myself, would like. Especially since Caine's so called moral high ground made him more of a monster to me. No really. Not sure how anyone that read that mine scene—towards the end—between Caine and Gin could resist the urge to slit Caine's throat for Gin. That moment was excellent in showing that hiding behind so called morals and saying you're a good guy, doesn't mean jack.

Estep does a wonderful job playing in the gray areas here. Good guys may not really be good guys, and the monsters are sometimes the ones actually battling the evil. Don't get me wrong, the bad guys are bad. Down right evil, the best of the best for despicable mobsters, lawyers, corrupt miners, and such. Having a heroine like Gin is perfect because these villains need someone not afraid to shed blood and get dirty. Gin has morals and I think it's important that showing how Caine's high-and-mighty ones can be bad and Gin's morals mixed with her dark side make her the person that I'd want on my side. Especially after a scene with Mab Monroe and Gin. Holy cow.

Gin's a sexy strong lead, it’s only natural she has her own stable of man candy. Thankfully it's not all Caine. Yuck. Blessedly within six pages of Owen Grayson entering there was a light at the end of the tunnel! What a great character and I like that readers, and Gin, aren't 100% sure who he is. However, I know one thing. Owen is one heck of a love interest at this point. One that I hope will wash away the stain of Caine.

OK, now that I've over analyzed the romantic aspects of the book let's move on. (Honestly I swear the romance is not the focus!)

The cast of characters in Web of Lies is so awesome. Finn is such an smooth player, and a smart character. It's so sweet how Gin and him interact together. Proving that family is what you make of it. Not blood. Jo-Jo gets more page time here and it's wonderful how she's stepping into Fletcher's shoes as a guide/parental type figure. Sophie, the Goth dwarf, is another cool character that I was very excited to get more page time. These three characters make up Gin's family and it's wonderful to watch them all interact and care for Gin. Especially in helping her realize all of Fletcher and show her what the old man really meant by retirement.

New characters are introduced and I'm exited—hoping—to have them in future books going forward. What makes a series stronger and truly last is the connections that the lead has in that universe. The more connections there are the further it goes in creating a believable world. Which many non-fantasy fans always laugh at me for. It's a fantasy verse, it's not supposed to be real! But we the fans know better.

After a slower start than the last book things get back to good ol'Gin assassin fun. Our girl will always be the Spider even if she goes down a different path. Despite my instant dislike for Caine I do appreciate the “bad romance”. Showing that even an amazing assassin can fall prey to misconceptions about people and love. Web of Lies is an example of what good character building can do for a series. The first book introduced us to the Spider, however this book shows us how Gin is becoming more than that. The gritty realism is appreciated from the “romance”, to how dangerous being an assassin is, injuries, and shows all the ugly things that dark fantasy fans want. It's nice to have an anti-hero hero as dark and messed up as Gin. Besides, who doesn't love reading about amazing cooking along with planning assassinations and other assorted activities? Gin is definitely one of my book BFFs.

Sexual Content: Oh, quite the sex scene. Plenty of sexual humor, talk of rape, and some other dark/taboo sexual things mentioned. Gritty. (It’s not scary dark or anything. If you normally read darker reads it’s nothing that will explode your mind.)

4/5- Great! Really enjoyed it.

Previous book(s) in series:
Reviewed on BW: Amazon: Goodreads:
Spider’s Bite (1)
Web of Lies (2)
Venom (3)
Tangled Threads (4)
Spider’s Revenge (5)
By a Thread (6)
Widow’s Web (7)
Deadly Sting (8)
Heart of Venom (9)
The Spider (10)
Poison Promise (11)
Black widow (12)
Spider’s Trap (13)

Spider’s Bite (1)
Web of Lies (2)
Venom (3)
Tangled Threads (4)
Spider’s Revenge (5)
By a Thread (6)
Widow’s Web (7)
Deadly Sting (8)
Heart of Venom (9)
The Spider (10)
Poison Promise (11)
Black widow (12)
Spider’s Trap (13)

Spider’s Bite (1)
Web of Lies (2)
Venom (3)
Tangled Threads (4)
Spider’s Revenge (5)
By a Thread (6)
Widow’s Web (7)
Deadly Sting (8)
Heart of Venom (9)
The Spider (10)
Poison Promise (11)
Black widow (12)
Spider’s Trap (13)

November 17, 2014

Cover Coveting(6)

Cover art is found from Wicked Scribes, ATUF, Goodreads, social networks, and other sources.
***All cover art may not be final.***

Has anyone else noticed how awesome the end of October though December has amazing releases? It kind of quiets down after Christmas, but it like this big warm up for all the amazing releases that happen at the beginning of the year..

Anywho, just a random observation.

Abracadaver by Laura Resnick

Previous book(s) in series:

Goodreads | Amazon

abracadaver-by-laura-resnick Series: Esther Diamond, book 7

Add it: Goodreads | Amazon
Genre: Urban Fantasy

Shera’s thoughts:

Gosh I love the art for this series! In general I love this artist work, who for the life of me I can’t remember the name of right now.

Bear Attraction by Jennifer Ashley

Previous book(s) in series:

Goodreads | Amazon

bear-attraction Series: Shifters Unbound, book 6.5

Add it: Goodreads | Amazon
Genre: Paranormal Romance

Shera’s thoughts:

There are many things wrong—oh, so wrong—about this cover. The thing that jumps out to me the most is how bad the monochromatic hue is used so poorly.

Those overlays of colors on pieced covers like this.

The Cage by Megan Shepherd

Previous book(s) in series:

Goodreads | Amazon

cage, the Series: The Cage, book 1

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Genre: Young Adult Dystopian

Shera’s thoughts:

What this cover is trying to do is awesome. It reminds me of Savannah or something. But the “sun glare” they’re trying to affect is too much.

Other than that I really like the uniqueness they’re trying to bring to the genre.

Crystal Kingdom by Amanda Hocking

Previous book(s) in series:

Goodreads | Amazon

crystal-kingdom Series: Kanin Chronicles, book 3

Add it: Goodreads | Amazon
Genre: Young Adult Fantasy

Shera’s thoughts:

The covers are nice for this series, but I think this one is the best one! Like they finally stepped up there game.

Dangerous Deception by Kami Garcia & Margaret Stohl

Previous book(s) in series:

Goodreads | Amazon

dangerous-deception Series: Dangerous Creatures, book 2

Add it: Goodreads | Amazon
Genre: Paranormal Young Adult

Shera’s thoughts:

Cool, glasses. What I enjoy about the spinoff series is how it fits into the original series. Still digging the typography.

Deviate by Tracy Clark

Previous book(s) in series:

Goodreads | Amazon

deviate Series: The Light Key Trilogy, book 2

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Genre: Paranormal Romance Young Adult

Shera’s thoughts:

This is so out of place. No, no. I get it the last one was a key with a hand. So the key hole, totally get that.

It’s just the picture of the girl through that tacky-ass key hole is horrible. If it was like a metal door, or wooden one, with a cool key hole I’d be all for it. Tacky photo shop stuff . . . please. Just stop.

November 14, 2014

Review: Dragon Actually

Dragon Actually (Dragon Kin, book 1) by G.A. Aiken


Genre: Romantic Fantasy
Edition Reviewed: eBook
Amazon: Paperback | Kindle
Goodreads: Dragon Actually (1)

It's not always easy being a female warrior with a nickname like Annwyl the Bloody. Men tend to either cower in fear - a lot - or else salute. It's true that Annwyl has a knack for decapitating legions of her ruthless brother's soldiers without pausing for breath. But just once it would be nice to be able to really talk to a man, the way, she can talk to Fearghus the Destroyer.

Too bad that Fearghus is a dragon, of the large, scaly and deadly type. With him, Annwyl feels safe - a far cry from the feelings aroused by the hard-bodied, arrogant knight Fearghus has arranged to help train her for battle. With her days spent fighting a man who fill her with fierce, heady desire, and her nights spent in the company of a magical creature who could smite a village just by exhaling, Annwyl is sure life couldn't get any stranger. She's wrong...


Man this title has been collecting dust for quite a while. Yes, this is a title that I bought years and years ago and shamefully left it alone. Thankfully this popped up as a group read and I had decided it was time! Dragon Actually proved to be a steamy, comedic, gritty, gory, laughable, and fun read! It's not an Urban Fantasy. No it takes place in a world worthy of any Epic/High Fantasy series. Part of me wouldn’t mind lumping Paranormal Romance, Dragon Actually doesn't spend enough time playing in the world for my liking but there’s enough high fantasy to call it Romantic Fantasy. But categorizing the Dragon Kin series is silly, because it's a wonderfully blend that I look forward to discovering further.

The cast of characters introduced are definitely worth looking forward to in future books, which will focus on different couples. Apparently readers get to see the main two characters of this book and further develop what's happening in the Dragon Kin universe. Which is good because the sparks burning up the pages from Annwyl and Fearghus are far from being explored. Which is one of my main complaints with this book. These two have so much more to develop.

Overall this book would have been a grand read for me. If not for the short story tagged on to the tale end of this book. Tale of Two Dragons. Some couples should remain in mystery. The power couple revealed here had excited me. Wondering how Rhiannon, the dragon queen, and Bercelak the Great got together was tickling my mind. In a good way!

Sadly I just didn't feel it. Don't get me wrong, it was hot. But I felt like the story could have been a full book, because it was rushed so much that I just wasn't feeling it. It would have been better for me to just have gone on wondering how those two had hooked up and created the epic story that dragons still gossip about! Or to have the mystery tease on for a couple of books.

In the end maybe I just felt bitter that Dragon Actually was too short, it did well mind you and I loved every minute of this genre blending awesomeness. The story just did not feel whole.  Blending gore with humor perfectly. Chains & Flames is probably going to please a lot of readers, kinky dominating sex ahead! However, it just didn't hit the romantic spot for me. No I was not feeling the love. There's plenty of characters here to look forward too and the world is fantastic!! Don't do what I did and leave this poor book alone. You want to try it out. Just do it. Because I’ll be checking out the Dragon Kin universe again.

Sexual Content: Kinky sex ahead!

2/5- Average/disappointing, library check-out.

Previous book(s) in series:
Reviewed on BW: Amazon: Goodreads:
Dragon Actually (1)
About a Dragon (2)
What a Dragon Should Know (3)
Last Dragon Standing (4)
The Dragon Who Loved Me (5)
How to Drive a Dragon Crazy (6)
Light My Fire (7)
Dragon Actually (1)
About a Dragon (2)
What a Dragon Should Know (3)
Last Dragon Standing (4)
The Dragon Who Loved Me (5)
How to Drive a Dragon Crazy (6)
Light My Fire (7)
Dragon Actually (1)
About a Dragon (2)
What a Dragon Should Know (3)
Last Dragon Standing (4)
The Dragon Who Loved Me (5)
How to Drive a Dragon Crazy (6)
Light My Fire (7)

November 13, 2014

Review: Magic Slays

Magic Slays (Kate Daniels, book 5) by Ilona Andrews


Genre: Urban Fantasy
Edition Reviewed: Paperback
Amazon: Paperback | Kindle
Goodreads: Magic Slays (5)

Plagued by a war between magic and technology, Atlanta has never been so deadly. Good thing Kate Daniels is on the job.

Kate Daniels may have quit the Order of Merciful Aid, but she’s still knee-deep in paranormal problems. Or she would be if she could get someone to hire her. Starting her own business has been more challenging than she thought it would be—now that the Order is disparaging her good name, and many potential clients are afraid of getting on the bad side of the Beast Lord, who just happens to be Kate’s mate.

So when Atlanta’s premier Master of the Dead calls to ask for help with a vampire on the loose, Kate leaps at the chance of some paying work. Turns out this is not an isolated incident, and Kate needs to get to the bottom of it—fast, or the city and everyone dear to her might pay the ultimate price . . .


Yes, I enjoy the Kate Daniels universe and love the dialog between Curran and Kate. However, up front I am going to say that as Urban Fantasy plots go the books are pretty predictable. Magic Slays was well, very predictable! I had the plot figured out from the first introduction of the “machine”. It was time for the cult crazy magic hating humans . . . it was just time. They show up in every paranormal title at some point. Especially Urban Fantasy. Oh, and a certain character getting messed up . . . boy wonder already got smacked down hard. It was time that someone else was on the chopping block. That whole Julie plot from start to resolution was there with glaring neon lights. It's the curse of reading too many books! (Or maybe overthinking plot points once things are introduced.)

The true enjoyment of Magic Slays is the character development. Curran and Kate are together now, and I had some reservations about how the series would go on from the last book. Gosh, I shouldn't have worried. Kate will never be a damsel. She might accept help from her mate, but she is not a damsel. The way Kate reacts to being in love is so realistic that I can't believe it! Curran and Kate save each other. What's more is that Curran really proves the depth of his love and commitment to Kate here. Be prepared to swoon.

The side characters are totally awesome! Nothing makes me happier then witty dialogue, except maybe realistic dialogue between characters. Their interactions just send my head into a spin of fan-freaking! New characters are introduced effortlessly, friends become enemies, and nothing felt forced. That is the real magic of Andrews for me. Characters and their development. Yes I can see the plot coming, you can in a lot of books, the saving factor for me is always the characters.

And of course world building. Which is still as epic as ever! Political workings of Kate as mate to the Beast King is amazing, and I love how it ticks. Even more is how the witches and sorcerers are so connected in Atlanta and how they function, or dysfunction. The overall Daniels' universe came together beautifully here. Blending in the plot to some big reveals that left this reader very happy.

Don't worry this series is not losing any steam, it's a juggernaut of awesomeness and now that I've read this entry I have total faith in the Andrews writing team. Gunmetal may not be another Kate Daniels book, but now I have the faith to trust Andrews in their decision to “step out” of the series to help it along. Magic Slays is a feast for world and character building. Curran and Kate are more then just a good idea, they're epic. No burn out after the hookup, maybe that's the magic of having a wife and husband write the couple getting together? Usually the realistic qualities of the relationship die out after the couple finally gets together in Urban Fantasy. Finally after the last book and this one, I am now reborn as a diehard Kate Daniels fan.

Sexual Content: Mild sex scenes, plenty of sexual humor!

4/5- Great! Really enjoyed it.

Previous book(s) in series:
Reviewed on BW: Amazon: Goodreads:

Magic Bites (1)
Magic Burns (2)
Magic Strikes (3)
Magic Bleeds (4)
Magic Slays (5)
Gunmetal Magic (5.5)
Magic Rises (6)
Magic Breaks (7)
Magic Shifts (8)
Untitled (9)
Untitled (10)

Magic Bites (1)
Magic Burns (2)
Magic Strikes (3)
Magic Bleeds (4)
Magic Slays (5)
Gunmetal Magic (5.5)
Magic Rises (6)
Magic Breaks (7)
Magic Shifts (8)
Untitled (9)
Untitled (10)

Magic Bites (1)
Magic Burns (2)
Magic Strikes (3)
Magic Bleeds (4)
Magic Slays (5)
Gunmetal Magic (5.5)
Magic Rises (6)
Magic Breaks (7)
Magic Shifts (8)
Untitled (9)
Untitled (10)

November 12, 2014

Wednesday Wishes

Despite my downtime away from books, I still found time to want-want-want!! Yeah!

So here’s some lovely titles that I’ve been eyeing from afar.

Loop by Karen Akins

loop-karen-akinsGet it: Amazon | Goodreads
Genre: Young Adult Time Travel (AKA Romance)
Series: Loop, book 1

At a school where Quantum Paradox 101 is a required course and history field trips are literal, sixteen year-old time traveler Bree Bennis excels…at screwing up.

After Bree botches a solo midterm to the 21st century by accidentally taking a boy hostage (a teensy snafu), she stands to lose her scholarship. But when Bree sneaks back to talk the kid into keeping his yap shut, she doesn’t go back far enough. The boy, Finn, now three years older and hot as a solar flare, is convinced he’s in love with Bree, or rather, a future version of her that doesn’t think he’s a complete pain in the arse. To make matters worse, she inadvertently transports him back to the 23rd century with her.

Once home, Bree discovers that a recent rash of accidents at her school are anything but accidental. Someone is attacking time travelers. As Bree and her temporal tagalong uncover seemingly unconnected clues—a broken bracelet, a missing data file, the art heist of the millennium—that lead to the person responsible, she alone has the knowledge to piece the puzzle together. Knowledge only one other person has. Her future self.

But when those closest to her become the next victims, Bree realizes the attacker is willing to do anything to stop her. In the past, present, or future.

The cover makes me both love and hate it! Just like the idea of this book. It sounds cool and every time a new Time Travel book with a romance twist comes up I get sooooo excited and then it falls to disaster.

Here’s hoping!

Crimson Bound by Rosamund Hodge

crimson-boundGet it: Amazon | Goodreads
Genre: Young Adult Fantasy
Series: Standalone not part of the Cruel Beauty Universe

When Rachelle was fifteen she was good—apprenticed to her aunt and in training to protect her village from dark magic. But she was also reckless— straying from the forest path in search of a way to free her world from the threat of eternal darkness. After an illicit meeting goes dreadfully wrong, Rachelle is forced to make a terrible choice that binds her to the very evil she had hoped to defeat.

Three years later, Rachelle has given her life to serving the realm, fighting deadly creatures in an effort to atone. When the king orders her to guard his son Armand—the man she hates most—Rachelle forces Armand to help her find the legendary sword that might save their world. As the two become unexpected allies, they uncover far-reaching conspiracies, hidden magic, and a love that may be their undoing. In a palace built on unbelievable wealth and dangerous secrets, can Rachelle discover the truth and stop the fall of endless night?

Inspired by the classic fairy tale Little Red Riding Hood, Crimson Bound is an exhilarating tale of darkness, love, and redemption.

(This is a standalone novel, not part of the Cruel Beauty Universe.)

Super excited for this! While it might not be the next one in the series, I’m hungry for anything by Hodge. Oh, and this cover! It’s a shame I couldn’t do a Cover Coveting post on it! Anywho, give it to me now!

The Ravishing of Beauty by Jessica Satin

the-ravishing-beautyGet it: Amazon | Goodreads
Genre: Fairytale Erotica
Series: N/A

Belle's choice to become the Beast's prisoner changes her in ways she never imagined.

After her Beast transforms back into his human form, they eagerly explore each other’s bodies. He can caress every inch of her and probe his tongue deep between her lips. She can feel the warm bulge of his muscles and run her fingers through his red-gold hair, but it’s not enough. Their sexual affair began long before he was human, and Belle can’t help remembering what it was like to be with her Beast. She learned to love him through all the blood and sacrifice it required. Belle and Prince Adam must learn to find new ways to express their desires.

This popped up in my Goodreads updates from my friends reviews. So happy I’m not the only one who likes anything B&B. B&B no matter what. Mwah-ha-ha.