Cover art is found from Goodreads, Wicked Scribes, ATUF, social networks, and other sources.
***All cover art may not be final.***
Movie talk. So while at the Redbox I ended up in a talk about great movies with some people. Where so far there movies of the year happened to be Finding Dorie, Captain America: Winter Soldier, and You Before Me. However, none of those would have even made my list by default. I was baffled that these fellow "movie buffs" hadn't even heard of The Nice Guys. A movie I fond to have phenumial writing, acting, and visually stunning. It was action packed, moments of horror, sexy times, and plenty of brilliant humor.
They hadn't even watched The Shallows.
Movie snooting aside, I started to wonder why people don't branch out from the block busters more? I enjoy them, but most of the time I kind of end up more bored than entertained anymore.
Random thought done. Let's look at some lovely covers.
Shimmer and Burn by Mary Taranta
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Series: N/A Add it: Goodreads | Amazon Genre: Young Adult Fantasy Shera’s thoughts: So stunning. I love that she's shimmering up! Ah! what a beautiful cover. The title design is just as lovely. I love the touch of pearls at his neck. |
Snared by Jennifer Estep
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Series: Elmental Assassin, book 16 Add it: Goodreads | Amazon Genre: Urban Fantasy Shera’s thoughts: Every time a new cover drops for this series I'm blown away! I find there's something off with her body . . . over posing. However, I still love it and she's fully dressed. Yeah! Though I think I'd wear something even warmer in winter gear. |
Souljacker by Yasmine Galenorn
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Series: Lily Bound, book 1 Add it: Goodreads | Amazon Genre: Urban Fantasy Shera’s thoughts: I'm a huge fan of Galenorn's Indigo Court, Otherworld, and Fly by Night covers. They're stunning. I like that even though she's going self pub she's been delivering fairly solid covers. Even Fury Unbound books are pretty awesome. |
Sparks of Light by Janet B. Taylor
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Series: Into the Dim, book 2 Add it: Goodreads | Amazon Genre: Young Adult Time Travel Shera’s thoughts: What a stunner! After that initial reaction I thought it didn't fit well. but it does and I again love the typography for the title! Bravos. |
Split the Sun by Tessa Elwood
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Series: Inherit the Stars, book Add it: Goodreads | Amazon Genre: Young Adult Science Fiction/Dystopian Shera’s thoughts: So now she gets to wear pants! Yeah! The covers fit well. |
Swear by Amanda Hocking
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Series: My Blood Approves, book 5 Add it: Goodreads | Amazon Genre: Paranormal Young Adult Shera’s thoughts: Fits the series well. A throw back to the vampire book cover time of heads and overlays. |
The Alchemists of Loom by Elise Kova
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Series: Loom Saga, book 1 Add it: Goodreads | Amazon Genre: Young Adult Fantasy/Steampunk Shera’s thoughts: Wow. Kova always has great covers. This one makes me want to forget the Air Awakens books happened. Gosh this is so gorgeous. Yes. I think I will forget about the Air Awakens series. |
The Allure of Madness by Jessica Sorensen
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Series: N/A Add it: Goodreads | Amazon Genre: Paranormal Young Adult Shera’s thoughts: I do think this is a self pub title. Hats off to a really awesome cover. The Photoshop job is well done and the affects are blended nicely. |
The Apocalypse Guard by Brandon Sanderson
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Series: The Apocalypse Guard, book 1 Add it: Goodreads | Amazon Genre: Young Adult Science Fiction Shera’s thoughts: Sci-Fi covers are really bringing it! Totally awesome. I love how action packed this cover is. |
The Burning World by Isaac Marion
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Series: Warm Bodies, book 3 Add it: Goodreads | Amazon Genre: Paranormal Young Adult Shera’s thoughts: Huh, so do the other books have new covers too? Cool cover though. I like that it is a couple cover. Look at the shadows holding hands. |
The Chosen by J.R. Ward
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Series: Black Dagger Brotherhood, book 15 Add it: Goodreads | Amazon Genre: Paranormal Romance Shera’s thoughts: J.R. Ward's Black Dagger Brotherhood series is a testament of horrible covers, not being able to hold back awesome writing. Or story. While great books may not always be able to escape bad covers, it's nice to know the publishers are confidant enough in this series to keep going with them. |
The Continent by Keira Drake
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Series: The Continent, book 1 Add it: Goodreads | Amazon Genre: Young Adult Fantasy Shera’s thoughts: What a simply lovely cover. It takes my breath away. The title just blends in a bit too much, but maybe that's the affect they wanted. |