Thank you to everyone who dropped by and entered the contest!! It was a blast!
Luckily winner is:
Woot, Woot Donna!! Email has been sent off to the winner.
Thank you to everyone who dropped by and entered the contest!! It was a blast!
Luckily winner is:
Woot, Woot Donna!! Email has been sent off to the winner.
All cover art is not final!
The Calling by Kelley Armstrong
Get the book: The Calling (Darkness Rising)
Source: goodreads
Shera’s Thoughts: The purple tone of the color is cool, but not as cool as the blue tones on the first. The cover model is so gorgeous, is great to get a full on view of her face. Though I wish they would get her eyes better. Either sharpen them, or distort them more.
Author’s Thoughts: N/A
Previous Books: |
Hallowed by Cynthia Hand
Get the book: Hallowed: An Unearthly Novel
Source: Author’s Blog
Shera’s Thoughts: Now it’s purple to blue. The dress is a bit different, and I like how it’s a cloudy sunny day in the background. In the end though, the beautiful typography is the winner.
Author’s Thoughts:
Yay! I get to reveal the cover for Hallowed!
I woke up this morning to discover that the cover had been loaded to Goodreads and was floating all over the web, which is kind of a bummer, since usually these cover reveals are a big deal and the publisher very carefully times when you can reveal them. :( No idea how it leaked out, but it leaked, so now I've been given the green light to show you all!
Yay! I get to reveal the cover!!!
Of course it will be all silvery and shiny like the UNEARTHLY cover was, so this image won't really do it justice. And it's blue this time. I will have to get me some blue sharpies.
I love it.Mountains and lake in the background. Pretty cloudbursts. Pretty girl. Pretty swirly lettering with a feather.
Previous Books: |
Title Author
Get the book: Balthazar: An Evernight Novel
Source: ATUF
Shera’s Thoughts: This one just isn’t as impressive as the other covers. Especially since Hourglass had such a stunning cover. This tan color is bland, and there’s little to no contrast. The green titling on it is nice . . .
Author’s Thoughts: N/A
Previous Books: |
Halflings by Heather Burch
Get the book: N/A
Source: ATUF
Shera’s Thoughts: Really like the wings in the background, the glowing ethereal look is nice. However, the rest of the cover just doesn’t do it for me. It’s like something out of the Twilight Zone—trying just a tad to hard to be slick and paranormal.
Author’s Thoughts: N/A
Previous Books: |
N/A |
Blood and Other Cravings by Ellen Datlow
Get the book: Blood and Other Cravings
Source: ATUF
Shera’s Thoughts: This looks really mysterious and cool!! Love the way the text is matched up with the stairs.
Author’s Thoughts: N/A
Previous Books: |
N/A |
Snow White, Blood Red
Get the book: N/A
Source: Author’s Blog
Shera’s Thoughts: Text
Author’s Thoughts:
Fall River Press, the proprietary arm of B&N is reissuing the first volume of Terri Windling and my adult retold fairy tale anthologies, SNOW WHITE, BLOOD RED. It will be out in hardcover for $7.98 and the official publication date is July 25th.
No link yet but I'll post it once the book is for sale.
Previous Books: |
N/A |
Arcadia Awakens by Kai Meyer
Get the book: Arcadia Awakens
Source: ATUF
Shera’s Thoughts: This is just wicked. The green acting as a highlight on this black and white image is beautiful. The composition of the snake is also amazing. Hopefully it wasn’t to had on the cover model to get this shot.
Author’s Thoughts: N/A
Previous Books: |
N/A |
Under the Never Sky by Veronica Rossi
Get the book: Under the Never Sky
Source: ATUF
Shera’s Thoughts: This is beautiful. It’s like she’s walking in some creepy version of a water world sky.
Author’s Thoughts: N/A
Previous Books: |
N/A |
Title Author
Get the book: Everneath
Source: Author’s blog
Shera’s Thoughts: This one looks like a sister of the one above, or visa versa. Love how she’s turning into smoke, or coming together from being smoke.
Author’s Thoughts:
Also, I have to give a big shout out to the world wide web for all of their support over the cover. And let me tell you, that cover took a lot of work. First, I had to find the girl. Then, I had to shop at JC Penny for the dress. Then - this was the hardest part - I had to search the world for some smoke/cloud/fog action... Okay, I had nothing to do with the cover. Huge thanks for the cover team at HarperCollins. Did you know there are graphic design guys that specialize in smoke?
Previous Books: |
N/A |
The First Time
Get the book:
Source: ATUF
Shera’s Thoughts: This cover is the embodiment of a Fairy Tale cover. Love the golden fishnets.
Author’s Thoughts: N/A
Previous Books: |
N/A |
Tempest by Julie Cross
Get the book: Tempest: A Novel
Source: Author’s blog
Shera’s Thoughts: This cover is AMAZING! It’s so wonderful how they’re free falling, but they’re still reaching for each other. The tones of the color are all amazing too. Just the right amount of shadows and lightning.
Author’s Thoughts:
I should note that I'm SOOOOOOOO in love with this cover!! And I can't claim any of my talent went into it. That was all my editor and his team at St. Martin's Press.
Previous Books: |
N/A |
The Last Echo by Kimberly Derting
Get the book: The Last Echo
Source: Author’s blog
Shera’s Thoughts: Just as pretty as the other covers. I love the shot of this flower. It’s a close up of a certain group of petals, and I just love how the flower shots have changed each book.
Author’s Thoughts:
My favorite part: the color of the flower has so much meaning in this book.
Previous Books: |
Thanks again to Anne for the generous giveaway of two singed copies of her books!!
Drum roll . . .
Congratulations literatiwannabe!! A email has already been sent out to the winner.
The weather everywhere else is wacky, but finally it’s stable here. Sun my friends, sun.
As you can see I’m a bit short on author gossip, but I did find an interesting post on rape in fiction from author Diana Pharaoh Francis. I have to be honest after reading her blog post I do feel that rape is used a lot in fiction, and she makes a lot of valid points. Maybe no one else is interested in this dark topic, but I thought it was interesting enough to share with other readers to get the brain thinking. (Plus Francis is focusing on The Game of Thrones franchise .)
The release date has been pushed back but no date has been decided yet. I am still working on the book. I asked in January to have the book pushed back, and they didn’t do it until June, at which time someone had already sent pre-order info to Amazon. I’m sorry about the confusion and the delay.
When I turn in the manuscript and have the new release date, I will announce it on my website and social media.
All cover art is not final!!
There are way too many covers here that I’ve missed so I’m doing away with my standard format and putting as many covers here as I can!