Kiss of Snow (Psy-Changeling, book 10) by Nalini Singh
Genre: Paranormal Romance
Edition Reviewed: Paperback
Amazon: Paperback | Kindle
Goodreads: Kiss of Snow
The hardcover debut of New York Times bestselling author Nalini Singh and her highly acclaimed Psy/Changeling novels.
Since the moment of her defection from the PsyNet and into the SnowDancer wolf pack, Sienna Lauren has had one weakness. Hawke. Alpha and dangerous, he compels her to madness.
Hawke is used to walking alone, having lost the woman who would've been his mate long ago. But Sienna fascinates the primal heart of him, even as he tells himself she is far too young to handle the wild fury of the wolf.
Then Sienna changes the rules-and suddenly, there is no more distance, only the most intimate of battles between two people who were never meant to meet. Yet as they strip away each other's secrets in a storm of raw emotion, they must also ready themselves for a far more vicious fight...
A deadly enemy is out to destroy SnowDancer, striking at everything they hold dear, but it is Sienna's darkest secret that may yet savage the pack that is her home-and the alpha who is its heartbeat.
This is it people! Ever since I knew that Sienna and Hawke would have a chance I've been hungry for it. We all knew it would be a while because Sienna had to grow up, and that time has come! Ahhhhh book ten, and this entry is just more proof that Singh isn't willing to let this series become anything but excellent. It always feels like that “highly anticipated couple” in long running series is watered down by the time it's finally out. Sienna and Hawke were everything I wanted and more!
Sienna has always interested me and I have to confess I desperately wanted more on her. About her family, how her time with Ming went. More-more-more-more. Finally readers get the scoop. Which gives a bigger insight into the Lauren family. It's amazing, and I don't think I can ever convey how wonderful Walker Lauren is. Toby and Marlee are wonderful, Singh is one of the few authors who can write realistic children. This books isn't just about Sienna and Hawke—with Singh it's never “just”—it's also about Walker and Lara falling in love. Toby and Marlee finally get a full family. Everything was so realistic that at a few moments I found myself misty eyed and fanning my eyes.
Sienna and Hawke are amazing together! While I must say I had wished that Sienna would be a bit more self assured, I know she's nineteen and that part of her courtship with Hawke is her growing up and gaining that self assurance. Kit and Sienna's relationship was another sweet addition and they have an amazing friendship—yes, I wish they could have had more. What I loved more was that Sienna is a virgin, but she owns it! She teases Hawke and goes toe for toe with him. Eventually she even owns her X designation. She can go toe to toe with the alpha of SnowDancer and it was wonderful watching her turn the tables on Hawke as she seduced him. Hawke is even more complicated then readers could have imagined and it was wonderful watching Sienna not only heal him, but call him on his crap. They are amazing together.
Kiss of Snow is the true turning point for this series. Nikita and Anthony have openly stated they will no longer support Silence. DarkRiver, WindHaven, SnowDancer, Anthony, and Nikita all join forces as the threat of PurePsy becomes more pressing. It's an interesting bunch and it's amazing seeing more into Nikita. She's a character I have grudgingly come to respect. Part of me hopes she gets a book and can truly break silence. This is the first battle of the war, and it's going to have readers on the edge of their seats hoping that beloved characters are safe.
SnowDancer and Darkrivers' relationship is amazing, transcending an alliance into trust. Readers are going to be so satisfied by this amazing entry. In the end I can rant and rave, but not cover just how much I loved this entry into the series. This was an adrenaline rush, the kind only a great book can give you. Oh, and the sexual tension! Thank you Singh. Thank you.
Sexual Content: Purrrrrr . . . er, I mean grrrrrrrrrrr.
5/5- Fabulous, a beautiful obsession!