March 24, 2015
Spring and Birthday break!

March 20, 2015
Blood Kiss: Black Dagger Legacy
Well I thought it was official before, but now it sure is! Looky-looky! Cover and a blurb!
Blood Kiss (Black Dagger Legacy, book 1) by J.R. Ward
Grab it: Amazon | Goodreads
Release Date: December 1st, 2015
Genre: Paranormal Romance
The legacy of the Black Dagger Brotherhood continues in a spin-off series from the #1 New York Times bestselling author…
Paradise, blooded daughter of the king’s First Advisor, is ready to break free from the restrictive life of an aristocratic female. Her strategy? Join the Black Dagger Brotherhood’s training center program and learn to fight for herself, think for herself…be herself. It’s a good plan, until everything goes wrong. The schooling is unfathomably difficult, the other recruits feel more like enemies than allies, and it’s very clear that the Brother in charge, Butch O’Neal, a.k.a. the Dhestroyer, is having serious problems in his own life.
And that’s before she falls in love with a fellow classmate. Craeg, a common civilian, is nothing her father would ever want for her, but everything she could ask for in a male. As an act of violence threatens to tear apart the entire program, and the erotic pull between them grows irresistible, Paradise is tested in ways she never anticipated—and left wondering whether she’s strong enough to claim her own power…on the field, and off.

March 19, 2015
Cover Coveting(10)
Cover art is found from Wicked Scribes, ATUF, Goodreads, social networks, and other sources.
***All cover art may not be final.***
Does it ever pain you to watch a beloved actor in a low budget film and bad writing? Watching a Brue Willis film. It seems like all my favorite actors and actresses have been deemed to old to be in good films anymore. *sigh*
Let’s make it better with lovely covers.
Archangel’s Enigma by Nalini Singh
Previous book(s) in series: |
Series: Guild Hunter, book 8 Add it: Goodreads | Amazon Genre: Paranormal Romance Shera’s thoughts: Hmmm, I could find the “second” cover so I’m assuming there isn’t one. Either way I am not happy with it. Talk about turning your back on the amazing art that made the other books. This looks like certain other tacky vampire/shifter covers out there. |
Born of Betrayal by Sherrilyn Kenyon
Previous book(s) in series: |
Series: The League Generation 1, book 9) Add it: Goodreads | Amazon Genre: Paranormal Romance Shera’s thoughts: Ah, a weapon porn cover. I’m happy. |
Dance of Fire by Yelena Black
Previous book(s) in series: |
Series: Dance of Shadows, book 2 Add it: Goodreads | Amazon Genre: Paranormal Young Adult Shera’s thoughts: The ballerina in me loves it. Though I thank that her feet are bleached out because . . . the ballerina in me notices things. Love that those butterflies match her hair. This series really scored well on the cover designer. |
Gathering Deep by Lisa Maxwell
Previous book(s) in series: |
Goodreads | Amazon |
Series: N/A Add it: Goodreads | Amazon Genre: Paranormal Young Adult Shera’s thoughts: Ooooo, creepy. How gritty. |
Hunter by Mercedes Lackey
Previous book(s) in series: |
Goodreads | Amazon |
Series: N/A Add it: Goodreads | Amazon Genre: Paranormal Young Adult Shera’s thoughts: OM-FREAKING-BOOKS! OK, first off check out the synopsis for this book. OK. Now that you’ve done that bask in the glory of the cover! The typography is wonderful. Lackey is a boss author but her name is not overpowering. And that DRAGON peaking through. Yes. Yes. YES! |
Queen of Shadows by Sarah J. Maas
Previous book(s) in series: |
Series: Throne of Glass, book 4 Add it: Goodreads | Amazon Genre: Young Adult Fantasy Shera’s thoughts: Another amazing cover for this series! Every time I see a new badass cover it reminds me that I need to read the rest of these books. |
Seize the Night by Sherrilyn Kenyon
Previous book(s) in series: |
Series: Dark-Hunter, book 4 Add it: Goodreads | Amazon Genre: Paranormal Young Adult Shera’s thoughts: Another makeover! Good call. |
Sound by Alexandra Duncan
Previous book(s) in series: |
Series: Salvage, book 2 Add it: Goodreads | Amazon Genre: Young Adult Sci-Fie Shera’s thoughts: Very cool! The show storm is perfect and I love ho you can see the other planet. |
The Rose Society by Marie Lu
Previous book(s) in series: |
Series: The Young Elites, book 2 Add it: Goodreads | Amazon Genre: Young Adult Dystopian Shera’s thoughts: Fits the first cover well! Normally the whole wolf overlay has gotten annoying, but I like it here. It’s OK. |
Untamed by A.G. Howard
Previous book(s) in series: |
Series: Splintered, book 3.5 Add it: Goodreads | Amazon Genre: Paranormal Young Adult Shera’s thoughts: Gosh this series has amazing covers! Probably one of the best wedding dress covers ever! (Well wedding veils.) |

March 18, 2015
Reading Updates: Bibliophile New Years Resolutions Bibliophile
Time to babble about one of my other addictions:
And boy does 2012 fall season look promising. The world of paranormal TV has taken off with shows like True Blood, Vampire Diaries, Lost Girl, Supernatural, Walking Dead, and so much more. Now fans can look forward to even more paranormal goodness.
On this I’ve been going with the flow! So far I’ve caught up on the Kate Daniel’s books, The Hunger Games series, and The Arcana Chronicles series.
The series I’ve started working on is Jennifer Estep’s Elemental Assassin, Cassandra Palmer books, The Parasol Protectorate, The Lunar Chronicles, and Mercy Thompson books! It’s really been helpful with my TBR pile challenge. Because there are so many titles I need to read.
Oh! I’ve been doing such a good job on this one! Dystopian, steampunk, and . . . that’s kind of it. Urban Fantasy has been a big squeeze, and I’ve shockingly backed off of paranormal romance. No really I just looked at the books I’ve read so far and I haven’t read a single PNR title! Soulless by Gail Carriger is a romance, but definitely classified as steampunk.
But for me this is a success since both dystopian and steampunk where top genres to read this year!
Goal! Faithfully been sticking to this.
My official goal is to read every other YA. So you know one adult, then YA, adult, YA, adult, YA, and so on. That way I don’t get burned out on one or the other.
Wow! I am amazed that I have faithfully stuck to this. It’s been a bit hard with a buddy read landing the 16th of each month, but I’m doing it!! It’s funny I still feel myself pulled to reading adult titles. Even though the young adult books are being quite kind to me.
Haven’t had to use this yet. But I feel it’s comforting present when I go into each new title!
There’s my update! How have you guys been doing on your reading goals?

March 17, 2015
Review: Mockingjay
Mockingjay (The Hunger Games, book 3) by Suzanne Collins
Genre: Young Adult Dystopian
Edition Reviewed: Hardcover
Amazon: Paperback | Kindle
Goodreads: Mockingjay (1)
My name is Katniss Everdeen.
Why am I not dead?
I should be dead.Katniss Everdeen, girl on fire, has survived, even though her home has been destroyed. Gale has escaped. Katniss's family is safe. Peeta has been captured by the Capitol. District 13 really does exist. There are rebels. There are new leaders. A revolution is unfolding.
It is by design that Katniss was rescued from the arena in the cruel and haunting Quarter Quell, and it is by design that she has long been part of the revolution without knowing it. District 13 has come out of the shadows and is plotting to overthrow the Capitol. Everyone, it seems, has had a hand in the carefully laid plans--except Katniss.
The success of the rebellion hinges on Katniss's willingness to be a pawn, to accept responsibility for countless lives, and to change the course of the future of Panem. To do this, she must put aside her feelings of anger and distrust. She must become the rebels' Mockingjay--no matter what the personal cost.
Man I love it when a series comes full circle. Even if it's tragic. Because the truth is things in real life don't always get a HEA. The way reviews had poured in for Mockingjay I thought everything had hit the fan and it had all ended in a blaze of terror. Which made me super excited! An author with the balls to not deliver what the fans want? To go out in one glorious BOOM!
Sadly, I found it all predictable. I called all the deaths, though a few characters I had pegged as DOA actually survived the ax. Which to me for a series that is all about a government pitting children against each other in a killing game to keep the citizens in line was pretty tame. A true shame. Problem is most wrap up titles are never truly good. They're the most predictable and can either be comfort food to end the series. Or just piss you off. For me this was comfort food to end the series.
That being said Mockingjay isn't bad. Just the usual ending predictability that most series enders suffer. Mockingjay was still exceptionally good. No matter how much I moan about ending books never being great. Because Mockingjay plays out excellently the downfall of the capital and the questionable motives of District 13. The Hunger Games has never been about good vs evil. No it's all about motive and political crap. Most people don't truly care, everyone has a personal motive and power play going on. Whether it helps support the good or not. Which is why genuinely good characters are such a treat in the series.
Katniss is still pretty stupid. Being crazy and suffering a concussion does not improve things. Especially since I've always found her very cold. The fact is I love having this kind of a female lead in YA. Washes away the horror that was Bella Swan. Sure I wouldn't want her as a friend, but I'd take her as an ally in a fight.
Mockingjay is a ramble. The confusion and the fight of the people. It bothered me that despite everything Katniss was just a mouthpiece. She did try to do things, but the issue is for the most part she's a pawn. Even her final act as the Mockingjay was a pawn move, even if it was the right move. The display of two powers trying to take over a people. One oppressing the other and the other trying to hide behind an uprising of the people. Both sides do some pretty despicable things. But what makes one power right over another? In the end it's the people fighting who truly need to end up calling the shots.
Mockingjay ends up being a bit more of a romance then I had anticipated. Don't get me wrong there's a lot to do with the rebellion and uprising. However, every thing is entwined with Katniss's love triangle. Or really her lack of interest in romance. At this point we get why she never wanted to consider falling in love. Gale even calls it when he states that Katniss only kisses him when she thinks he's suffering, and she'll chose who “she can't survive without”. In the end it was who's ideas hadn't been used in such away to make the resistant actions about as horrible as the Capital's. The drama is not about who she loves. Nope. Instead it’s a decision of if Gale is too much of a zealot or if Peeta will unbrainwash. Overall the romance has always been wishy-washy to me. Even though I always knew who the obvious choice is and should be. The problem is that Katniss's personality makes it impossible to fall in love, and she's as much a pawn in her romantic life as much as any other aspect.
There's issues here. Ones that have been present since book one. And then the regular problems that every end book has. Sadly Katniss never became the “complete package” of a lead I wanted. All of her actions for the uprising and her romantic life are all do to being lead around by other people and predictable actions. In some ways she is a bit of an empty shell. But who can blame her, I’m still claiming she’s flawed. The struggle of the people against political power and agenda is realistic. The power of the media is chilling. You never no the agendas behind it, nor how much of it is true. Overall well played. After all how many young adult books try to do much else then swooning and love triangles?
Sexual Content: Uh, some kissing. Mild sexual humor.
4/5- Great! Really enjoyed it.
Previous book(s) in series: | ||
Reviewed on BW: | Amazon: | Goodreads: |
The Hunger Games (1) Catching Fire (2) Mockingjay (3) | The Hunger Games (1) | The Hunger Games (1) |

March 16, 2015
Author Gossip: J.R. Ward
OK, I’ve been following the gossip and news! It’s all official from the author and the Goodreads page. (Nothing feels official in the book verse without it popping up on GR, even with the official word coming from the author! I’ve been brainwashed.)
So it’s been official for a while that J.R. Ward is doing a Contemporary Romance series. It’s the The Bourbon Kings series. (Amazon | Goodreads) While I love it when authors start new series, it’s been making me said how many Paranormal Romance/Urban Fantasy are switching over to “normal” genres. You know contemporary work. So my heart was all a flutter when Ward hinted she’d be starting a new PNR title. Then hinting it would have ties to the Black Dagger Brotherhood world. More so then her other spinoff! Yeah!
So the news is that it will be a younger generation of BDB trainees. But. Promise this is a good but. But it will tie in and show the original members of the BDB books. Focusing more on the aspects of basic paranormal romance. Personally I love the growth of the BDB series. In fact, the complexity of the world is what made me stick around for the series. (And let’s be honest if the epic world building of the Psy-Changeling books wasn’t present, the series would have fallen flat fast.) I like paranormal romance series that don’t just focus on the romance, because not going there can leave a romance and stories flat.
So the official blurb is out for the first book. The series is called Black Dagger Legacy—so fitting. The first book is titled Blood Kiss (Amazon | Goodreads) and here is the blub:
The legacy of the Black Dagger Brotherhood continues in a spin-off series from the #1 New York Times bestselling author…
Paradise, blooded daughter of the king’s First Advisor, is ready to break free from the restrictive life of an aristocratic female. Her strategy? Join the Black Dagger Brotherhood’s training center program and learn to fight for herself, think for herself…be herself. It’s a good plan, until everything goes wrong. The schooling is unfathomably difficult, the other recruits feel more like enemies than allies, and it’s very clear that the Brother in charge, Butch O’Neal, a.k.a. the Dhestroyer, is having serious problems in his own life.
And that’s before she falls in love with a fellow classmate. Craeg, a common civilian, is nothing her father would ever want for her, but everything she could ask for in a male. As an act of violence threatens to tear apart the entire program, and the erotic pull between them grows irresistible, Paradise is tested in ways she never anticipated—and left wondering whether she’s strong enough to claim her own power…on the field, and off.
OK, so I’ve given a very condensed shout out about the news, and more of my opinion then is probably needed. Here’s the official word from Ward:
As much as I LOVE the BDB series where it is now, and as much as I'm psyched to keep writing it and will continue to do so, I miss the good ol' days.
The issue is that the nature of a series is that it must continue to grow, and change, or it dies. The Black Dagger Brotherhood books started off with the original Brothers, but after their meet-and-greets with their shellans were told, by definition, they had to background it in subsequent books: With a world as big as the BDB one, you have to train your "camera lens" in a controlled manner, or you run the risk of a given story bleeding out for too much extraneous stuff.
(Something I've been tagged with doing from time to time, and it's certainly a fair point.)
So when my boss (my editor) and I were chewing on things last spring, I told her... hey, I got this idea.
I have a lot of ideas. She's used to this.
I described to her a new series, where the BDB training center is reopened to a new cast of recruits, and THE ORIGINAL BROTHERS teach these FNUGs wassup. In the process of the new recruits falling in love and getting into a sh*t ton of trouble, THE ORIGINAL BROTHERS could be shown with their shellans, their Brothers, their people in the mansion, in a more prominent way than I'm able to do in the BDB books.
Paperback, yo. Not hardcover. Traditional PNR, just like DARK LOVER was in the old days.
Sex. Lot of sex.
As in, you might need your BBQ tongs. Maybe a flame retardant suit.
Maybe a fire truck on standby out in your front yard.
My boss, who's brilliant, was like, wow, that really doesn't suck. (Okay, that's paraphrasing.)
So... we have the first of the Black Dagger Legacy books, BLOOD KISS, coming out this December.
Now, let me say this: the ORIGINAL BROTHERS are still going to show up in the BDB books. Hell, yeah! And from time to time, a BDB book is going to be about them and their mate if there's a big thing going on in their lives (think THE KING.) I am NOT taking a step away from the Brothers at all- if anything, I'm bringing them further to the forefront with the Black Dagger Legacy books.
But I miss my boys :( I want to show you where they're at. I want to take you back to them- in their new roles as... well, role models and teachers.
Before you ask, yes, they will still be colossal a&&holes- I mean, let's be clear. Things haven't changed THAT much. (As an aside, Doc Jess and I were talking the other day, and she was like, I'm so impressed with your ability to be offensive with your heroes. LOLOLOLOL)
This is not to say that the Black Dagger Legacy books will solely be about the Brothers, however. The book will have a lot of the Brothers in them, but the Legacy books will feature a main romance between a couple, and the Brothers will help that along.
eHarmony the BDB way.
Jeez, I gotta be insane for signing up for this. Can you imagine V offering dating advice? "Well, sh*t, just get her some black candles and dog collar, true? Then order her to pop up her ***** **** * * ******* * * * ************** At that point, you're going to want to inform her, that you'll tell her when she can beg."
Great. Really looking forward to this.
Anywho, the first Brother who's up?
A certain cop. From Boston. Who's going to have his hands full with the new recruits- two of whom you'll meet in THE SHADOWS.
A cover reveal is coming soon- but I couldn't sit on BLOOD KISS any longer!!!!
Gahd, I suck at keeping secrets. But come on now, don't lie. You've missed those leathers, those sh*tkickers... that golf cart... the Pit.
V nakey in the shower.
Don't lie.
I know I have!
Happy Reading, and thank you for all your support, J.R.

March 12, 2015
Review: Curse the Dawn
Curse the Dawn (Cassandra Palmer, book 4) by Karen Chance
Genre: Urban Fantasy
Edition Reviewed: Paperback
Amazon: Paperback | Kindle
Goodreads: Curse the Dawn (4)
Cassandra Palmer may be the all-powerful Pythia now, but that doesn’t mean people have stopped trying to kill her. Most of the supernatural power players don’t want the independent minded Cassie as chief clairvoyant—and they’ll stop at nothing to see her six feet under.
The Vampire Senate does support Cassie in her position, but their protection comes with a price: an alliance with the sexy master vampire Mircea, who has claimed Cassie as his own.
But even the vampires will have trouble keeping Cassie alive now that the self-styled god Apollo, the source of the Pythia’s power, has it in for her in a big way. To save her life—and the world—Cassie’s going to have to face down her creator once and for all.
“Stalking a time traveler is hard work, even if you are one.” - Cassandra Palmer
You know what else is hard? Not freaking squeeing! That's right I'm gonna say it: Love triangle done freaking right! This is why I keep torturing myself with bad love triangle after bad love triangle. Because when done right, it's A-mazing. See other authors, it took 4 books to build this spectacular chemistry and FIRE! Bless, you Chance. Bless you. Best part is I love both of the men vying for dear Cassie's heart. Which is pretty darn funny because when I first started the series I actually disliked Pritkin a lot. Talk about character development. Totally-head-over-the-hills-character-development-turn-of-obsession-
All right. I'll stop.
Man Curse the Dawn steps it up to a new level! While there is a moment—OK, many—where I found myself wondering why Cassie would not try to develop her natural gifts on her own. You know you're in a magical world where you're the underdog, use what you've got. The beginning of the book starts off bumpy with Cassie trying to get the previous Pythia to help her out. Or the past version of the old Pythia. Even I could have told her that that is a no-no. While it was cool seeing the two characters together, it felt like a huge waste to the story. Yes, I had fun. But it was one of the first times I felt like Chance was just doing too much when she needed to stick to the point, kind of like with the first book. Adrenaline boredom is a thing, and Chance can create it.
Other then that, this book was pure perfection for me. Ah! The way the time travel ties in may not be as flashy, but it's still at the top of it's game. Cassie is very much on her own, even as she tries to accept people into her life. This is the struggling point. Where she tries to show she is the right person for the job, and not get pushed over. Even though she's pretty much flat out says she doesn't want the responsibility of the office. She's not perfect and that's what I love about a good lead. They're always growing even if they don't want to.
My brain matter can't catch a break. I'm not even going to try and put it back in my skull. Too much boom-ka-boom. Pritkin and Mircea are perfection. There hasn't been a sexier vampire since Anita Blake's Jean-Claude. Nope. Mircea is hotter. And a bit more suave. Pritkin has to be the hottest and most beloved male character that I've gone from loathing to loving. Go Chance!
Now I can't go to in depth on the plot for fear of spoilers. But the death of a god—no I'm not saying which one—was so impressive in its grand simplicity. It always amazes me when Chance simply solves something when everything seems so out of control and unsolvable. That's the beauty of this series. The scale of it is insane, but impressive. So with a impressive mix of character development and insane characters the Cassandra Palmer series cements itself as one of my favorite series. Oh, and another solid entry into the series.
Sexual Content: Oooooo, the tension. *fans self* (Again, this is very much for adults.)
4/5- Great! Really enjoyed it.
Previous book(s) in series: | ||
Reviewed on BW: | Amazon: | Goodreads: |
Touch the Dark (1) Claimed by Shadow (2) Embrace the Night (3) Curse the Dawn (4) Hunt the Moon (5) Tempt the Stars (6) Reap the Wind (7) Ride the Storm (8) | Touch the Dark (1) Claimed by Shadow (2) Embrace the Night (3) Curse the Dawn (4) Hunt the Moon (5) Tempt the Stars (6) Reap the Wind (7) Ride the Storm (8) | Touch the Dark (1) Claimed by Shadow (2) Embrace the Night (3) Curse the Dawn (4) Hunt the Moon (5) Tempt the Stars (6) Reap the Wind (7) Ride the Storm (8) |

March 11, 2015
Review: Embrace the Night
Embrace the Night (Cassandra Palmer, book 3) by Karen Chance
Genre: Urban Fantasy
Edition Reviewed: Paperback
Amazon: Paperback | Kindle
Goodreads: Claimed by Shadow (1)
Clairvoyant Cassie Palmer has inherited new magical powers-including the ability to travel through time. But it's a whole lot of responsibility she'd rather not have. Now she's the most popular girl in town, as an assortment of vamps, fey, and mages try to convince, force, or seduce her—and her magic—over to their side. But one particular master vampire didn't ask what Cassie wanted before putting a claim on her. He had a spell cast that binds her to him, and now she doesn't know if what she feels for him is real—or imagined…
“A weeping angel shattered in a crack of gray dust, sending its wings flying off in two directions. It took a second for me to realize I wasn't dead, and then I dove for the side of a nearby obelisk.” - Cassandra Palmer
My favorite entry yet! Sure I say that about each new addition to this series, but the thing is when I reread the series this title always makes me extra giddy. Probably because this is the title that shows just how epic the time travel is. Things from the first book flawlessly tie in. My. Mind. Boom!
Then the sexual tension. Ka-boom! Boom! Excuse me while I pick up my brain matter. Normally I hate it when authors use the whole, the magic makes them need each other crap! Force them to lust!!! Or we only slept with each other because of the spell. Blah. Blah-blah. Sure it's part of the geas here, but Chance does an expert job showing that there are some emotions below the surface of the geas that could very well be authentic.
What I love about a Cassie Palmer book is that there is so much plot! You have to pay attention. And when you reread them there are so many tidbits you pick up. From “Gods” with secret agendas, Dark Mages, Light Mages (AKA the Silver Circle which seems just like a bunch of evil mages), kidnapped kids, a vigilante, a geas gone totally wrong, and soooooooo much more. Some plot threads get tied up, some start, and some keep going. However, Chance has a gift to know when to end certain plots so that readers don't become tired.
Cassie is slowly growing. She's been a woman alone all her life, everyone she's ever loved dies. While many readers who have disliked the books find her winey and cold, I don't! Cassie is witty and very sarcastic. Which is funny because sarcasm is pretty much a requirement for Urban Fantasy. Cassie despite having great survival skills puts herself on the line again and again for those she loves. Even though being responsible for others scares the living daylights out of her, it's clear she already has the wits to lead. If not the confidence or courage quite yet.
The cast of characters in Embrace the Night, no in the whole Cassie Palmer series, are amazing. Everyone from villains to good guys, and the ones we can't label, are fleshed out expertly. It's amazing to feel so invested and interested in characters that will clearly be there for the long haul, or even ones that will briefly be present. This is not a beach read, where readers can zone in and out. You need to be paying attention from the first book. The insanity of this book—well crafted insanity mind you—is why the Cassandra Palmer series is one of my top favorite series in the Urban Fantasy department.
Sexual Content: Yummy, yummy sex. Sexual humor . . . this is for adults.
5/5- Fabulous, a beautiful obsession!
Previous book(s) in series: | ||
Reviewed on BW: | Amazon: | Goodreads: |
Touch the Dark (1) Claimed by Shadow (2) Embrace the Night (3) Curse the Dawn (4) Hunt the Moon (5) Tempt the Stars (6) Reap the Wind (7) Ride the Storm (8) | Touch the Dark (1) Claimed by Shadow (2) Embrace the Night (3) Curse the Dawn (4) Hunt the Moon (5) Tempt the Stars (6) Reap the Wind (7) Ride the Storm (8) | Touch the Dark (1) Claimed by Shadow (2) Embrace the Night (3) Curse the Dawn (4) Hunt the Moon (5) Tempt the Stars (6) Reap the Wind (7) Ride the Storm (8) |

March 10, 2015
Review: Claimed by Shadow
Claimed by Shadow (Cassandra Palmer, book 2) by Karen Chance
Genre: Urban Fantasy
Edition Reviewed: Paperback
Amazon: Paperback | Kindle
Goodreads: Claimed by Shadow (1)
Clairvoyant Cassie Palmer has inherited new magical powers-including the ability to travel through time. But it's a whole lot of responsibility she'd rather not have. Now she's the most popular girl in town, as an assortment of vamps, fey, and mages try to convince, force, or seduce her—and her magic—over to their side. But one particular master vampire didn't ask what Cassie wanted before putting a claim on her. He had a spell cast that binds her to him, and now she doesn't know if what she feels for him is real—or imagined…
Any day that stars off in a demon-filled bar in a casino designed to look like Hell isn't likely to turn out well. - Cassie
Claimed by Shadow has always been a favorite entry of mine in the Cassandra Palmer series. OK, so it's book two. But Chance hits everything right! Gosh it feels so good! The pacing is perfect matching the present day scenes with time travel perfectly! This is the title that will show readers what this series has to offer with some of the best time traveling plotting ever. No really. And the fact that it only gets better and better with each addition to the series makes it perfect!
Cassie is still reluctant to take on the role of Pythia. Who wouldn't be daunted by the task of being guardian of the time line? Much like Oracle of Delphi, but with way more cool tricks. Oh, not to mention that each powerful magic group wants to have total control of the reigning Pythia and might still knock her out of the running to get a more amiable heir in position. What I love is the reasoning behind why Cassie decides she should take up the role of Pythia, even if it's the last thing she ever wants. And as Pritkin says:
“No one who wants power should ever be allowed to wield it.”
On top of that is plenty of drama! The ritual for Pythia entails Cassie to lose her virginity ASAP, but her—secretly placed—magical chastity belt is giving her a magical whammy to only be with one particular vampire . . . Everyone wants poor Cassie to seal the deal. All Cassie wants to do is find Myra, the rival heir, and get things set so she doesn't have to protect the timeline from her. The fat vampire, Tony, is still out there probably wanting revenge and gloating over her paperweight dad. And so many other things! What I love is that every thing is balanced out so well, and Chance does not try to dump everything in at once. Because there is way more going on here then I could put down.
Ah! All of the characters new and old are soooo cool. I loved that Casanova is a incubus who possesses bodies throughout time and is currently in a vampire’s body. (Strange politics!) It's so fun seeing the twists on historical figures that we love, or hate. Oh, and the gargoyles—tee-hee—there are not enough words to express how much I love them! And-and-and, I could keep on gushing! Some of Chance’s takes are so original on the mythology and mythological creatures that it just makes me giddy. Pritkin has turned into a much more tolerable character as the book goes along and I don't want him to die. He gets interesting. Which is great considering how annoying he was in the first book. Mircea and Cassie's time line tango is so hot, and just plain cool. It's going to be a treat to watch their relationship crash-clash-unite, and develop their relationship. Thomas also gets some redemption, but what I like is that he's not a white knight. And I can't say he's horribly bright. He is what he is, and Cassie—and readers—truly don't know him. Which makes it all the more fascinating.
The dark side of the Cassandra Palmer universe is definitely here. Now, I'm not saying the last book was sunshine and roses. But this brings the fear and the horrors of all factions. This is a world where everything is a power play and if I was in it I'd like to be one of those silly humans on the side lines with no clue. (OK, after I had my way with some of the characters.) Despite that there's a perfect balance with the humor and character banter that makes the darkness wonderful.
At this point Claimed by Shadow will let you know whether this series is for you. It's all polished up and shiny! Which, as said before, only gets better. These books are not ones that you can skim or just kind of pay attention to. They need your full attention because there are plenty of juicy tidbits sprinkled through out them, and not all the time traveling events will be wrapped up in one sitting. The books are connected, one of my favorite things about a good series. Cassie still has the vampire senates, Black and Silver circles, Faye, and so many other factions to deal with. Can't wait to have my head go topsy turvy with the next installment!
Sexual Content: An almost rape scene that is pretty chilling, sex, and sexual humor. This is an adult title.
5/5- Fabulous, a beautiful obsession!
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Touch the Dark (1) Claimed by Shadow (2) Embrace the Night (3) Curse the Dawn (4) Hunt the Moon (5) Tempt the Stars (6) Reap the Wind (7) Ride the Storm (8) | Touch the Dark (1) Claimed by Shadow (2) Embrace the Night (3) Curse the Dawn (4) Hunt the Moon (5) Tempt the Stars (6) Reap the Wind (7) Ride the Storm (8) | Touch the Dark (1) Claimed by Shadow (2) Embrace the Night (3) Curse the Dawn (4) Hunt the Moon (5) Tempt the Stars (6) Reap the Wind (7) Ride the Storm (8) |