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The Dark World (Dark World, book 1) by Cara Lynn Shultz
Genre: Paranormal Young Adult
Edition Reviewed: eBook
Amazon: Hardcover | Kindle
Goodreads: The Dark World (1)
Paige Kelly is used to weird--in fact, she probably corners the market on weird, considering that her best friend, Dottie, has been dead since the 1950s. But when a fire demon attacks Paige in detention, she has to admit that things have gotten out of her league. Luckily, the cute new boy in school, Logan Bradley, is a practiced demon slayer-and he isn't fazed by Paige's propensity to chat with the dead. Suddenly, Paige is smack in the middle of a centuries-old battle between warlocks and demons, learning to fight with a magic sword so that she can defend herself. And if she makes one wrong move, she'll be pulled into the Dark World, an alternate version of our world that's overrun by demons-and she might never make it home.
The Dark World was such a rush while I was reading it. Then after about a week from frantically finishing it, reality sunk in. The Dark World doesn't really have anything new to offer. And when I first started reading it I had thought to myself, “Oh, kind of like a rip off of the Greywalker series.” Where the main character dies and comes back with the ability to see ghosts and a connection to the Grey world. Yet . . . The Dark World was exactly what I needed it to be with just enough new.
First off no love triangle. Thank-you-thank-you-thank-you!! Which is probably why I was so carried away with the romance! No stupid lead choices on who she should love. There's actual build-up!! Yes, no insta-love. There's actually time for Paige to develop feelings! While The Dark World isn't brave enough to wait and build-up into the next book, it's still a good step for the genre.
Paige is a strong character and while it's a normal plot for someone who can now see ghosts, I'm still satisfied. She had her fall into what she believed was madness, and then coped. She became stronger, and I love how Schultz wrote her flawed and relatable. Meaning Paige does have a personality! Once she realizes what is happening she even takes actions to become stronger and to preserve her life. Bravo.
The Dark World introduces readers to a slightly new twist on demons and their world, blending in the human world and magic users. Up front I will say it's pretty cliché for the genre. Paige is the “crazy” girl, her only friend is a ghost (Dottie who you have to meet!!!), falls for the demon slayer, is suddenly pulled into a world she's been trying to ignore, hunted, and blah-blah. Sometimes cliché is where the fun is. Because of decent world building and likable characters and humor this book was a hit with me. While it sucked me in immediately, readers my want to prepare to be bored for the first few chapters. Once things get rolling, it's all good.
Sexual Content: Kissing, clean make outs, sexual humor, and honestly it’s all really clean.
3/5- Adored it, just a few minor details held it back.
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