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"What is the one bookish thing you would love to have, no matter the cost?"
More books. You know that magic library in Beauty by Robin McKinley? Well that's what I would want, any book ever published no matter past, present, or future. Or, since that is fantasy one, the funds for my dream library.
Weekly Overview:
- I decided to tip-toe outside of my comfort genre and found a really good read, Perfect Chemistry, check out my review if you've been thinking about maybe stepping out of you genre "comfort zone."
- Got tons of awesome goodies for the week!! Check out Sunday Sweets to get jealous! ^_-
- Lips Don't Lie: Author Gossip was packed. Tons of beautiful covers (cover lov'in), Frost has some news, and more!
- Found some great new books, Wednesday Wishes.
- Reviewed Firelight by Sophie Jordan, which totally rocked my boat.

Hey! Found your blog through the Hop. I'm right there with you about Belle's library. It was the first thing that came to my mind when I read the question.
Hi-I found your blog via the hop-I really like your use of colors in your design
Mel u
*Sigh* It's my happy place!
Just hopping by on follow friday :) I haven't read Beauty yet but I can get behind every book ever :)
Wow! Beauty and the Beast seems to be a popular answer to this week's question. Only a book lover could understand!!!
Mel U: I love the colors too. Thanks for stopping in.
bookdout: Yes, that is the perfect dream. At the very least, that's what I think heaven would be like.
Bookangel: I agree. Be sides it's obvious awesomeness, that's one of the things about Beauty and the Beast that stuck with me.
I'm doing my rounds for the Blog Hop and Follow Friday so I'm stopping to say say hello. :) I hope you have a fantastic weekend.
I'm an old follower.
Thanks for dropping in! Hope you have a great weekend too!
Happy Halloween!
I'm here for the blog hop and Follow Friday! I just love these. Answer for the Hop is an IPad or Kindle. Answer for the Follow Friday is: The books I would chose would be Dr. Suess' when she was young then as she grew older I would definitely recommend the Nancy Drew and Trixie Beldon books! I loved them when I was young. Here my links and you can find me on facebook too!
You're the first to I've encountered to say some type of an ereader. Thanks for stoping by!
Just stopped by through the blog hop. It's been years since I last read Beauty, but your mention of it makes me want to give it another read.
My answer to the question was a book espresso machine, which people seem to think I made up but I didn't. It is a real invention and I'd love one for myself.
SFF Chat
A book espresso machine?
Just Wiki'd it! Very cool, that would be a cool thing to have.
Hehe, and more time to read them with, yeah?
Check out my Follow Friday, Blog Hop and Giveaway HERE!
More time is always wanted for books!!
hi there! sorry it's taken me so long to visit from the hop. Thanks for stopping by my book blog, my kozy korner! great answer :-)
Happy Halloween!
Thanks for the book suggestions...they all sound good.
Stopping by from the hop.
Stop by my blog if you like for my answer to this week's question.
Enjoy the hop.
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