This is probably old news, but I felt that it was big enough that it had to be gossiped about here. Warner Brother’s most successful occult show is being rebooted, Buffy the Vampire Slayer. Sadly, Joss Whedon will not be leading it. So far fans are pretty outraged about the whole thing. If you just type it in fans everywhere are leery and not excited.
Clearly WB is trying to feed off the hot love fans have for the vampire/urban fantasy franchise that is experiencing a mega boom right now. In the end creating a new Buffy will generate fans. Faithful fans will look at it just to see what the new one is, whether in hopes of a new addiction or something to mock. Those who didn’t like the original (yes, it’s possible) series my find solace in the new series. Or it could fine people who have never bothered with Buffy.
None of the old cast will be brought either. Which I can clearly understand as it would cost a lot of money to bring back any of the stars that the original series created. After, if this is a flop WB may not want to drop too much dough on it. So why not start a reboot with a completely clean start. (Main Research.)
Lot’s of readers are cover lovers just like me, and hey I don’t blame’em. The artwork on covers always has me drooling at my books and rushing to the store to by them. No matter what we say, we do judge books by there covers. Even if we hit duds and some of our favorites may have the ugliest covers we’ve ever seen, cover lovers just never learn. One of my favorite covers in the UF genre actually had a fun post over at Orbit for a shoot to get the latest post. Book four of the Sabina Kane series, titled SILVER-TONGUED DEVIL, needs a cover pronto for it’s now rather then later. First thing is to come up with a hot new pose to got with the sexy poses we see on the other covers.
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After they finally choose the perfect pose, then it’s off to the illustrator of the series to get the finishing touches to look like the previous covers. Of course, I make it sound easy. There’s are reason this starts way before the release date of the book. It’s a lot of blood, sweat, and tears that go into these covers. (Original Post)
What can I say, it was a slow week this holiday for book news. Personally, I’m excited about the reboot of Buffy. I’ll either love it or hate it, if I can get some more Buffy I’m all there!
I cringe at the thought of Buffy without Joss Whedon at the helm, but if they can convince my lovely BFF Willow to return, then I'll definitely watch. :)
Seriously, though, it'd be nice if they could somehow bring in Xander, maybe as the new watcher. His career hasn't exactly soared, so I imagine they could afford him, and it would be a nice tie-in for the fans.
Willow was always a favorite of mine. Xander would be cool as a new Watcher. It's true the only thing I've seen him in outside of Buffy was as the rapist on Private Practice.
It will be interesting to see if they are going to do some kind of tie-in, or start clean.
I don't know how I feel about a Buffy redo beyond shock. I don't think I'll watch it. I have a hard time dealing with new interpretations. :\ It's why I have a hard time watching movies or TV shows based off of books I loved. I just end up mad or disappointed.
That's how most fans feel about it.
Personally I enjoy other interpretations. Unless it's really poorly done. Most of the time I enjoy watching the movies after reading the books.
For instance, I could never make it through The Time Travelers wife, I enjoyed the movie a lot.
I'll probably watch it to see if it's any good, if it isn't I get a good laugh.
I hope it turns out to be a good and that you enjoy it!
Why thank you!! I hope it's good too.
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