Moving on.
This is all I could save of the General Gossip. Like I said I'm to lazy to go back and sift through my deleted box for the rest of the news. Luckily for you this is some of the better stuff.
Sorry for the errors, enjoy.
General Gossip:
If your a fan of UF you've been noticiing a sudden rampage of interest in Queen of Shadows. Sadly I haven't had the pleasure of reading it yet, but it is on my TBR for this month. So I know there are plenty of fans out there really eager to get their hands on the next installment in this hot new series. So you should all be really happy to find that Dianne Sylvan has a Shadow World Extras page.
Go a head you know you want to check it out! It includes deleted scenes from the first book and a cast meeting with the characters. The author is always updating so check out the goods! (Source Authors Site)

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