Really, I didn’t forget about this post. Right up until now I’ve been frantically trying to get more information about Borders’ liquidation. So far everyone agrees that no one bought them out by the deadline auction date, July 18th. Now they’re working on getting everything to do with Borders broken into pieces and liquidated, September 2011 being the official end date.
There are frantic questions being asked by myself and others. Will Borders.com still be up, how about Kobo ereaders, will they refund customers for lost + points that we can no longer use, how about the fact that the year long “extra membership” will be cut short.?
After looking through news footage, many online news sites (The Times, New Yorker, ext.) I’ve come to the point where I think even Borders has no idea what’s going on or how it’s all going to end. They’ve made a lot of statements, but have given no hint of exactly is going to happen. Even went as far to wait on hold twice to talk to representatives on the phone. As far as the customers service representatives and Borders online is concerned everything is A OK, besides the stores anyway. They didn’t realize that the Chap 11 Bankruptcy is old news.
So far I’m assuming EVERYTHING is up for liquidation and nothing is safe. Personally I’m bailing out and using up any gift cards or rewards points I have before I lose it all.
It’s a shame that so few readers realized just how amazing Borders savings and rewards was. Now I find myself a drift trying to find places to save money.
Straight from author Richelle Mead’s blog:
Don't worry--despite the title, this isn't another Q&A with myself. A lot
of people have been asking what I'm going to do with adult books now that the Georgina and Eugenie series are winding down. Georgina's last book, Succubus Revealed, will be out August 30. Eugenie's last book, Shadow Heir, (which is literally days from being finished), will be out in January 2012. Those keeping score have noticed that this not only leaves me with one series to work on but also only young adult stuff to work on. That brings us back to the big question: will I be working on any other adult books?
The short answer is yes--but let's back up first. Georgina and Eugenie are ending for a couple of reasons. Just like with Vampire Academy, I had those series planned out from the beginning and we're reaching their natural finishes. I'm not a fan of pushing a series into the ground and ending up with bad books. The other part of this is that I've had a pretty stressful writing schedule for the last four years. Writing three series was an awesome idea starting out because authors aren't guaranteed fame and fortune, and it's best to hedge your bets. Also, first books in new series can take a long time for publishers to put out. Succubus Blues took 1.5 years, VA 1 year, and Dark Swan 2 years! So it seems like you have all the time in the world initially. Once you fall into the rhythm of publishing, the time between when books are due shrinks. That's when things get crazy. By the end of this year, I'll have written 18 books in six years. Like I said: crazy.
So, this is definitely a good time to de-stress my schedule since there's a baby on the way. Trying to write three series with a baby means
I'd end up with crap books for you and shoddy parenting for my child. I don't want any of that. Eugenie's series could have probably been extended to five books, but I didn't want to risk #4 coming out in January and then have something unexpected with the baby happen that might mean a 2-year gap for #5. So, Shadow Heir is actually a huge book that covers the material I would have put into two books and means you can have it all sooner.
Back to future adult books. I've often said there aren't many differences between adult and young adult books. And there aren't. But there are still some differences, and that's what makes writing for both age groups fun. I don't want to give up on adult books, and I actually have some ideas for a new series, which I'm kind of excited about. It won't be a spin-off to Eugenie or Georgina. I could come back to them someday, but we'd be talking years. The trick now is figuring out when I want to do my next adult book. No question: the baby will be my #1 priority in all things now. I don't want to promise a publisher a new exciting adult book I can't deliver nor do I want to start you guys on a new series and then leave you hanging. I won't have a lot of answers until the baby's here and I can see what life is like with him around. For all I know, the Bloodlines series alone will be overwhelming. Or I may be like, "Hey, let's start four more new series!" Okay, probably not that last one. A flexible schedule also means I can tour and keep up with fans in Internetland.
So, hang in there, fans of my adult stuff. I'm not trading it for picture books! :) I just want to be smart about the way I go about it. In a perfect world, it'd be great to kick of a new adult series late in 2012. But again, I can't assume anything. I'll definitely keep you posted on the fate of my adult books and let you know the news when I hear it. For now, I hope you'll enjoy Succubus Revealed and Shadow Heir when they come out and feel that they're the "right" ends to my girls' stories. SR's first chapter will go up at the end of this month, and maybe--just maybe--we'll do a contest for some SR advanced copies to celebrate SH's completion! Woo-hoo!
Go Mead!! I think it’s time she takes things a little easier. After all she’s really pleased fans, I mean 18 books !! She should get some time to enjoy her wonderful baby once the little tike is born.
To sooth nerves Richelle Mead has already posted the first Chapter of Bloodlines. See she really does love us!
All cover art are not final!
The Golden Lily by Richelle Mead
Get the book: The Golden Lily: A Bloodlines Novel
Source: goodreads
Shera’s Thoughts: While the faces of the cover models really look painful and awkward—the covers are still awesome. Love the white out look of this and the golden hints. It’s such a beautiful combination and I like that the hair and typography just sooths the eyes.
Author’s Thoughts:
Small tweaking may always occur before a book is in print, but this is pretty much 95% of what the final will be. Cool, eh? Jill gets center stage on this one, with Sydney doing her analytic observer thing. :)
Previous Books: |
Bound by Darkenss by Alexandra Ivy
Get the book: Bound By Darkness
Source: Wicked Scribes
Shera’s Thoughts: As I’ve said before the covers for this series has never impressed me. I will say they keep the format and style the same so you know that it’s all one series. Does anyone else getting a Wolverine vibe here? (X-men craving just took over!)
Author’s Thoughts:
I'm excited for this book to hit the shelves :)
Previous Books: |
BloodRight by Karin Tabke
Get the book: N/A
Source: Wicked Scribes
Shera’s Thoughts: Sure the cover for the first book was smutty-smutty, but it was good creative smut. This one looks like any other PNR with a chick clinging and peeking forward. After the cool factor of the first cover, it just setup the need for more.
Author’s Thoughts: N/A
Previous Books: |
Night Reigns by Dianne Duvall
Get the book: Night Reigns
Source: Wicked Scribes
Shera’s Thoughts: Tacky. At least the man candy has a shirt on for a change.
Author’s Thoughts: N/A
Previous Books: |
Enraptured by Elisabeth Naughton
Get the book: N/A
Source: Wicked Scribes
Shera’s Thoughts: We all know how much I hate the PNR standard shirtless covers. Yet, I really like this one. Maybe it’s his sexy body twist/tilt thing, it’s a really hot pose. Then those really hot tattoo arm sleeves. Even the position of the Guardian symbol is provocative.
Author’s Thoughts: N/A
Previous Books: |
Title Author
Get the book: All That Bleeds (A Novel of the Etherlin)
Source: N/A
Shera’s Thoughts: This cover is perfection!! The kind of ethereal cover that just enchants me. The look and feel of her previous books has been cool. All That Bleeds is in a whole new class.
Author’s Thoughts: N/A
Other Series: |
Kiss of the Vampire by Cynthia Garner
Get the book: Kiss of the Vampire (Warriors of the Rift)
Source: Wicked Scribes
Shera’s Thoughts: This is the standard vampire couple cover. He’s looking at us, while he’s clearly going to go for the chicks jugular. Personally I think it’s an insult to the lady on the cover. He’s going to eat her, yet he’s thinking about the person looking at the cover. (Maybe I’m over analyzing it.)
If he’s going to bite her, he needs to be all about her. Now that sexy.
Author’s Thoughts: N/A
Previous Books: |
N/A -- Hot new Debut |
Wild Cat by Jennifer Ashley
Get the book: Wild Cat (Shifters Unbound)
Source: Wicked Scribes
Shera’s Thoughts: The covers for this series are sooooo tacky. This one is the same, but it has the benefit of not being the most painful to look at.
Author’s Thoughts: N/A
Previous Books: |
Shadow Heir by Richelle Mead
Get the book: Shadow Heir
Source: Wicked Scribes
Shera’s Thoughts: Not as awesome as the covers for book 1 & 2, but clearly a step up from Ironed Crown.
Author’s Thoughts: N/A
Previous Books: |
Wrong Side of Dead by Kelly Meding
Get the book: Wrong Side of Dead
Source: goodreads
Shera’s Thoughts: The background stuff isn’t as cool as the previous books, but the wolf makes everything feel better. Love how they always stick with midriff tease tops, they just look so sexy on these covers. Wait, they left it off the last cover.
Author’s Thoughts: N/A
Previous Books: |
Eventide by Elle Jasper
Get the book: Eventide: The Dark Ink Chronicles
Source: ATUF
Shera’s Thoughts: Sigh. The covers for the Dark Ink chronicles all ways sooth me. Sure they’re all kind of the same, but they work what our leading lady’s got. And I quite love it. Leather, tattoos, wild hair and attitude will always be the key to my favorite covers.
Author’s Thoughts: N/A
Previous Books: |
Forbidden by Syrie James
Get the book: Forbidden
Source: ATUF
Shera’s Thoughts: This cover has such a wonderful feel to it. Like a timeless photo, the bare hint of wings is gorgeous. The simple font works wonderful with it and the embellishment on the D reminds me of a wing.
Author’s Thoughts: N/A
Previous Books: |
N/A |
Shifting by Bethany Wiggins
Get the book: Shifting
Source: ATUF
Shera’s Thoughts: Very cool medusa idea with the hair, but it’s all wrong. The snake needs to be blended in better. Maybe streaks of scales and green going up into her hair. Plus, the hand looks totally fake pasted.
Author’s Thoughts: N/A
Previous Books: |
N/A |
Extinction Agenda by Marcus Pelegrimas
Get the book: Extinction Agenda (Skinners)
Source: ATUF
Shera’s Thoughts: Another perfectly bad ass cover. I just love looking over these covers to see where the monsters are spilling from, or over. Love how each cover gets a cool tilt .
Author’s Thoughts: N/A
Previous Books: |
Damage by Anya Parrish
Get the book: Damage
Source: ATUF
Shera’s Thoughts: This is what urban fantasy covers are all about. Dangerous looking babes (they don’t need to be holding weapons to be bad). Claw marks ripping into the cover instead of something in the image. The typography manages to be fun and edgy at the same time.
Author’s Thoughts: N/A
Previous Books: |
N/A |
Perception by Kim Harrington
Get the book: N/A
Source: ATUF
Shera’s Thoughts: Love, love, love, red heads on YA covers. They always make it so dramatic. This one is so beautiful the sunrise/sunset sending a burst of blinding light through the woods. The birds manage to help draw your eyes to the girl instead of away.
Author’s Thoughts: N/A
Here is the beautiful cover for Clarity’s sequel, Perception!
Previous Books: |
A Temptation of Angels by Michelle Zink
Get the book: A Temptation of Angels
Source: ATUF
Shera’s Thoughts: The teen hood look is really popular for the genre. With a name like Temptation of Angels, I just wonder how they came up with this covers. Angels are such a cover hot spot right now.
Author’s Thoughts: N/A
Behold the cover for A TEMPTATION OF ANGELS, to be released March 20th, 2012…There is another cover floating around from the Penguin Spring 2012 catalog, but it was pre-tweak and not really final. This one IS final, however!! And I’m so excited to share it with you.
Previous Books: |
N/A |
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