Avow (The Archers of Avalon, book 3) by Chelsea Fine
Genre: Paranormal YA
Edition Reviewed: eBook
Amazon: Paperback | Kindle
Goodreads: Avow
Scarlet remembers. Everything. Her past lives, Tristan, Gabriel, Nate: she remembers it all--including how to get to the Fountain of Youth. But time is running out.
Heather and Gabriel have been kidnapped by Raven, while the curse that has plagued Scarlet and Tristan for centuries has shifted, putting the star-crossed lovers in more danger than ever before. Water from the Fountain of Youth is the only thing that can save Scarlet and her loved ones. But the water comes at a price.
With lives--and hearts--at stake, Scarlet leads her friends on a dangerous journey to the Fountain of Youth. Where eternal life is possible, but death is certain.
Worst series ender ever. What hurts even more is that I usually get annoyed when a final book goes as predicted, now that's all I want back. Because Avow takes me to a place where I severely dislike the two main characters. Scarlet finally gets all of her memories back!! The final stretch is here and the rush for the fountain of youth is truly off! Then the flashbacks start and this series kills itself.
Yes, the irony. The last book I couldn't help but love all the flashbacks and how it added to the story. Now the flashbacking was pointless to the story. Readers now know pretty much all the important parts. Yet, Fine insisted that readers need to no every blooming detail! What's worse is that Tristan comes off really bad to me and stupid. (Honestly I can't be the only one who felt that way after reading this.) Poor Gabriel was made out to be an ass in the first book, gets some redemption in the second, and yet. After the flashbacks from both book 2 and 3 I feel like Gabriel is the better brother. After getting some more details on Scarlet though, her and Tristan are meant to be—I'm OK with that. Gabriel gets someone better. As usual BFF Heather was the character I was truly reading for, she’s just as fun as ever!
This book is pretty much mostly flashbacks, unnecessary ones. It turned me against the main characters! If this book would have stuck to the task and journey of getting to the well it would have been great. Besides hashing up what readers already new it was also predictable. The characters you guessed fell in love (which was perfectly lovely to me), the one you knew would die died, the evil Raven was just as mindlessly evil (god I hope it was the fountain water making her that stupid), and so on. No really a evil villainess completely driven by being turned down by a man, can we spit in the eye of woman any further then that? Maybe in the end it was the fact that this closing book was predictable and that it bored me too death with the pointless flashbacks that really soiled Avow for me. Whatever. At the end I hated the main love interest, didn't have much respect for the leading lady, and was beyond frustrated. The writing and the rest of the book could have been the perfect ending. Honestly this is the first time I had wished that I wouldn't have read the final book. At least I would have still loved all the characters, and I wouldn't have missed out on the ending. (No really for such an original story . . . you could see it from book 1!)
Sexual Content: Sexual humor, make out scenes, and so on. Still clean.
2/5- Average/disappointing, library check-out
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