August 2, 2010

A Slice of (My) Heaven

Last week I noticed a lot of bloggers posting images of their bookshelves and thought it would be fun if I shared some of my shelves!

First up is my Young Adult shelves!

As you can see my shelves are cluttered with a lot of junk, mainly my unicorn collection. I'm really picky about how my books are shelved. My YA shelves are organized by height (tallest to shortest), then alphabetized. I wish they would just get a universal book size and make them all the same. All of the YA books that are trade paperback sized are tucked away on other shelves.

This is my fantasy bookcase, I've tucked little fairy and dragon statues all over it. The very top shelf, is my Fruits Basket collection.

This bookcase is my pride and joy, my Urban Fantasy collection. There are some PNR books in there, but the majority of the PNR books have there own special shelf in my closet. (The lighting in there wasn't good enough for a photo. ) At the very top are the over sized copies of my UF collection.

I have lots of other shelves tucked around with books, too many to each have separate pictures. My Harry Potter "sacred shelf", my Valdemar book shelf, manga shelf, Tamora Pierce shelf, and my Once Upon a Time series shelf. Shamefully I have a dreaded junk shelf, where I hide away all of the books I dislike, or will probably never read again. Let's just say that one is not pretty.

Well that's my book shelves! Hope your all having a great start to the week, and I hope I get to see your bookshelves.


Kari said...

Wow you may have me beat for most books/bookshelves. Very impressive!

Shera (Book Whispers) said...

Well thanks. Anytime anyone gets a glimpse of my room, 2nd glances are made.

Sadly, there not enough. I want more.