As a reader I always want the download on what's going on with authors. Do they have new books coming out, how the latest tour going, any thing juicy! So, I decided to bring the news to my readers. I'm lurking around all of those author blogs anyway, might as well do something productive.
Where have all the yummy covers gone? Well I’ll hunt and find some for tomorrow! Because you can’t keep a good cover lover down, and I need to do some serious coveting!
What’s next: The sequel to HOW TO FLIRT, called THE ART OF SEDUCING A NAKED WEREWOLF, will be released on March 29, 2011. I’ve just finished the fourth novel in the Nice Girls vampire series, which will be released in March 2012. And there will be two “spin off” titles to the Nice Girls, set in Half-Moon Hollow, which should be released in 2012.
Behind the scenes details is something any media lover loves to experience, and Holly Black is giving it to her readers. Now that she has White Cat (Curse Workers)
successfully out in hardback and paperback, plus the second book Red Glove (Curse Workers, Book 2)
soon to be out she wants to give us a little show of how she worked on Black Heart.
I was going to simply post the log here, but lets be honest writing a book is a lot of work. When you look at Holly Black’s post with her log time/type you can really appreciate what goes into your favorite authors work. Maybe all authors should do this, that way when a impatient fan states that they’re taking to long they can fling there hard work in there face. Eat that impatient fans!
Now that my slightly righteous moment has past go to Holly Black’s blog to win Red Gloves!! Just click here to go to the sign-up page.
1.) Is there going to be a third book in The Dark Divine series? I'm hoping if you are reading this blog you are already aware of this. If not - YES :D. I am working on it now.
2.) When does the third book come out? It is scheduled to release in the US in Dec. 2011 (probably around the 27th-ish, but that's not official, just my current guess). I don't know the release date of any other market, but imagine it will be about a year following whenever The Lost Saint was released there.
3.) Will you be writing another series/book after The Dark Divine series? That's the plan. I have several stories floating around in my head and I'll write until they tell me I can't anymore. And then I'll figure out a way to defy them anyway.4.) What's happening with the movie deal for The Dark Divine/Will they be making your books into a movie? Fingers crossed. The option rights were purchased last year by a production company in LA (same producers that did the X-Men movies), but where it goes from there is completely unknown and out of my hands. All we can do is hope the planets and stars align. Believe me. Nobody wants this more than I do.
5.) Can I get a copy of your book(s) to do a review on my blog? Sorry, but I don't have many copies of my own books to go around. In fact, all that I have has already been spoken for and any additional copies that I give out are purchased by me. However, you are welcome to contact my publisher (Egmont, USA) directly to try your luck. But I can't guarantee they are giving any more ARCs out (since, you know... you can go out and buy the books or get them from the library now.)
6.) Will you read my manuscript/do my homework for me? Honestly guys, I am often putting in 16 hour days writing and researching for my writing. And when I'm not being Writer-Bree, I've still got to be Momma-Bree. As much as I would love to help (and I really really mean that) I just don't have the time to give. As for questions with regards to homework, most of the answers you are looking for can be found on my website with a little effort... or you know, by actually reading the books. Sorry if that came out a little snarky. I just want to make sure you get the most out of your education :D.
7.) Can I interview you on my blog? Normally I would say "Yes! I'd love to do that." Unfortunately I am uber swamped right now. But that doesn't mean I can't/won't in the future. If you've already asked me, I'll try to get back to you as soon as possible, but please forgive me for taking FOR-EV-ER to respond. In the meantime, the best thing to do is contact my publicist, Virginia, directly as she may be putting together a blog tour. Contact her assistant, Brooke, at Goodman Media: Bbotsford@goodmanmedia.com.
8.) Can I tell you how awesome you are? *blushes* Sure. *bats eyelashes* But I can't guarantee I'll always believe you. By the way, you're pretty awesome too. In fact, you readers are the most awesomest people ever. I just hope we can always be friends.
9.) Can I send you chocolates? Always :P. My PO box is listed on the website.
This news is only going to sound as FREAKING AWESOME as it is if I quote it from the fabulous Singh!
I've turned in Archangel's Blade! I loved seeing beneath the surface of Dmitri, dark, dangerous creature that he is, and learning about the (fascinating) woman strong enough to take him on. I can't wait to share their story with you all! For now, here's the backcover blurb! Excerpt to come a little later. ARCHANGEL'S BLADESeptember 2011Berkley Sensation New York Times bestselling author Nalini Singh is back in the shadows of a deadly, beautiful world where angels rule, vampires serve, and one female hunter must crawl out of the darkness to survive… The severed head marked by a distinctive tattoo on its cheek should have been a Guild case, but dark instincts honed over hundreds of years of life compel the vampire Dmitri to take control. There is something twisted about this death, something that whispers of centuries long past…but Dmitri's need to discover the truth is nothing to the vicious strength of his response to the hunter assigned to decipher the tattoo. Savaged in a brutal attack that almost killed her, Honor is nowhere near ready to come face to face with the seductive vampire who is an archangel's right hand, and who wears his cruelty as boldly as his lethal sensuality…the same vampire who has been her secret obsession since the day she was old enough to understand the inexplicable, violent emotions he aroused in her. As desire turns into a dangerous compulsion that might destroy them both, it becomes clear the past will not stay buried. Something is hunting…and it will not stop until it brings a blood-soaked nightmare to life once more…
On a happy ending note I decided to leave with news of one of my fav authors!! Kresley Cole. There hasn't been to much news on her upcoming works. IAD book coming out in 2012, new spin off series from the IAD series, and a new YA series. So it gives me complete joy that the name for book 11 in the IAD series is out.
At least it is now 100% confirmed that it's going to be about our "will he kiss me or bite my neck" king of hotness. Of course you know me, I've got to complain somewhere in here. What the heck is with the downfall of the awesome covers. This is Lothaires book I know he's a law on to himself and if there was a character to break the pattern it would be him. Why destroy the kick ass titles? Why?
That's it for the title? Lothaire? Well, that's a complete change.
Ooh, we finally have a name for Dmitri's heroine! Woohoo!
Yeah, as you can tell I'm not really happy about the the title.
Yes!! I am so excited to meet Dimitri's heroine. She has to be just kick booty!!
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