Wow! Doing a bookcase tour is a lot of work. Finally get everything filmed and then I find out that I need to buy $100 software to convert it to Nero. Back to the drawing board.
h, I just love it when authors post questions and answers on their blogs. Lilith Saintcrow is the author to answer all of her fans questions, for the most part.
* Are you going to be at X convention? Or, when will you visit my town? Unfortunately, I don't travel much. This is not solely because I do not wish to be pawed by a stranger, though that is a consideration. A more compelling consideration is that my kids are not at an age where I can leave them for overnight trips, childcare is expensive, and I can't afford multiple trips for all of us either. So, for the time being, I am extraordinarily limited in the conventions or signings I can attend. This may change in the future–I wish I could travel and see you, dear Reader–and when it does, I'll let you know.
If you would like to get a book signed by me, there is a way to do it! Just contact Cover to Cover Books. They can ship signed copies of anything out on the shelves; their shipping is quite reasonable. C2C has sent signed copies of books to the Philippines, Australia, Britain, and numerous other places. Plus, they're indie.
* Is there an excerpt from Defiance yet? You bet. It's right here, courtesy of the fine folks at Penguin AU.
* Who is the model on the cover of the Strange Angels books? I don't know. Authors generally have very little (read: no) control over their covers. I don't know the model's name, who she works for, or what kind of sandwiches she likes. All I know is that she was a professional model we picked out of a laydown–there were three choices, and I think the other two were blonde, so they weren't Dru, and that was it. If you like the covers, tell the good folks at Razorbill. They'll be happy to hear your feedback.
* Can you send me an ARC for review? I hate to break it to you, but I only get ARCs (Advanced Reader Copies) for the first book in any series, and even then I generally only get one or two for my reference shelf. If you want to get on a publisher's review list, go to the publisher's website and find a link for their marketing/press department, and make your case to them. I can't get free books sent to you.
* Can I interview you? I try to respond to all interview requests. Sometimes they fall through the cracks–if you don't hear from me within a week, ping me again! I get 50-100 emails a day just through my website alone; unfortunately I can't answer all of them and sometimes an interview request will get buried under the landslide.
There are more, but I think that's about it for today. I am itching to get back to the gryphon stables and get my characters in some more trouble. Plus, the next scene involves capacitors. BIG FUN. I am actually wriggling with delight while writing this book, it's amazing.
ecently I have been a victim of the Guild Hunter’s series. One book, Angels’ Blood and I’m devoted. So if your a devoted fan then you should be over joyed by the fact that Singh just go the news that she has the OK to write 4 more books!! No release dates yet, but that means the three she already has out, Dimitri’s book is on its way, and now 4 more. That’s 8 my people! And the readers rejoiced!
Here’s some additional stuff from the author:
I'll probably talk about who the next book is going to be about sometime near the end of this year. Before I dive into that book, I'll be writing a novella about Galen and Jessamy. :-)
Some news is just better served by its author.
So I imagine some of you have, at some point, mentioned my series to someone and they go, "Who?" and have no idea what you are talking about. Well, now is a great time to tell them that they can check out my first book for FREE! Completely, totally FREE! From April 5th to April 18th your, your mom, your neighbor, that creepy guy down the street, anyone can download Wings for free. And just in case you forget, you can pre-order now from Amazon and the book will be sent to your Kindle when April 5th rolls around! However . . .
If you want to wait till May 8th, and get a comfy chair to boot, you can take your Nook into any Barnes and Noble in the country and download the free ebook onto your Nook and it will come with an exclusive short story that you won't find anywhere else. (I will post it on my blog and website at some point, but at least for now, it will be exclusively available at B&N.) Don't have a Nook or a B&N nearby? Never fear!
Free books people!! What are you still doing hear! ^_-
Author Michelle Rowen is answering questions about her Demon Princess series!
When is Demon Princess #3 coming out?
At this time, there is no third book in the series scheduled for release. Sorry about that.But… but why?? The second book ended on a total cliffhanger! It’s so mean for you to end it like that!
I know. That ending totally sucked. But this wasn’t my decision. Quite honestly, I don’t think there is anyone more disappointed than I am. I actually had plans for a longer series, probably around six books, and if I’d been given any early hint that the second book would be all the publisher was interested in, I never would have ended Reign Check the way I did. In fact, it’s taught me a VERY important lesson: I will not write open endings unless there is the guarantee of at least one more book in the series. I take full responsibility for that.Can’t you tell your publisher that readers want more books?
Alas, I don’t have that kind of power. The decision by the publisher, Walker Books for Young Readers, was based entirely on the sales of the first two, which were not to their satisfaction — it wasn’t personal, nor was it a reflection of how good the books are. Despite a lot of reader interest and enthusiasm and good reviews, there just weren’t enough sales for them to gamble on more books about Nikki and her friends at this time. It totally sucks, but that’s just how it goes sometimes when it comes to publishing.
Why don’t you self-publish more titles? Or just write the book and send it to me personally so I can read it?
Self-publishing has definitely crossed my mind, believe me. I love these books and the characters and really want to satisfy the readers who love them too. At this time, however, it’s not going to happen. I am extremely busy with contracts at other publishers in Paranormal Romance and Young Adult, which leaves me with no time right now to dedicate to another Demon Princess book and be certain that it’s as good as I can possibly make it. Writing books takes time, a lot of it, and I want to put out a good product and not just throw something out there for the chance to make a few bucks.
So unfair!! But who was Nikki going to pick — Michael or Rhys? There are romantic prophecies here, Michelle, set forth by the dragon oracle. You can’t ignore the prophecies!!
I definitely had strong ideas about who Nikki was going to end up with, but I’m just the author. Things might have changed during the course of writing the books that might have swayed Nikki’s devotion — it’s happened before in another series of mine where the heroine picked the guy I hadn’t planned her to pick (namely, my Immortality Bites series). All I can really say is I’d planned for a real roller coaster ride in that love triangle.
Can you give us a hint what was going to be in Demon Princess #3?
I was planning to call it Reign Storm and it would have focused more closely on Nikki’s friendship with Melinda — and the secret her friend thought she was keeping from everyone. That secret, as you’d know if you read the first two books, had the potential of putting a very large strain on their friendship. I was also going to go deeper into Michael’s growing problems with being a Shadow and the darkness that brought forth. I wanted to hint at a potential reunion between Nikki’s parents. And, yes, there was going to be way more Rhys/Nikki/Michael angst.
Is there hope for more books?
Absolutely. As far as I’m concerned, this is only a setback and I fully intend to finish Nikki’s story one day. How I’ll do that, and if it will be self-pubbed or sold to a new publisher, I’m not sure yet. While it’s unlikely that it’ll happen in the next couple of years, it’s definitely my intention to keep going with it someday. I write books to make a living, yes, but I also write them because I love to write and I love my characters. Bottom line: I want to find out how it ends, too!
Are you still going to write young adult novels?
Yes. YA was my first love and what prompted me to start writing in the first place. I’m very determined to continue in the genre, not just because it’s popular, but because I honestly love it. I am contracted for two books in a brand new series called Nightwatchers with Harlequin Teen, about a girl who becomes involved with a team of demons and angels (working together!) to save her city from a dark threat. It’s going to be funny, scary, thrilling and romantic. The first book is called Dark Kiss, it’s out June 2012, and I’m writing it under a new pen name: Charlene Riley. As Michelle Rowen, I’m writing Vampire Academy: The Ultimate Guide, which will be out November 15, 2011.
t is official author Laurie London will be doing a book 3 and 4 for her Sweet Bloods series! So for those of you who were blown away by Bonded by Blood and are dying to get your hands on Embraced by Blood (A Sweetblood Novel) look forward to more goodies!
This trailer is so cheesy, but it works. The music kept making me want to sing Two Princes. Anyone else?
All art may not be final!
Inheritance by Christopher
Source: Borders
Shera’s Thoughts: Love this cover!! I love how each one is drawn by Paolini, awesome! This one is my favorite color yet!!
Author’s Thoughts: N/A
Previous Books: |
Dragon’s Oath by P.C. Cast
Source: Author’s Blog
Shera’s Thoughts: It’s not as cool as the US one. Though, it keeps the design of the US series better. Cast is right, I’m digging the blue.
Author’s Thoughts:
Oooh! I just got this from my fabulous UK publisher! Here's the UK cover for DRAGON'S OATH. It's going to be published simultaneously with the US, which means it'll release July 12th. What do you think? I really like the blue!
US Version: |
The Witches of Santa Anna
Source: goodreads
goodreadsShera’s Thoughts: Beautiful cover!! The typography looks tacky though. The black prom dress look is starting to get a tad old.
Author’s Thoughts: N/A
Single Book Covers (sorry they’re out of order): |
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