Lover Awakened (Black Dagger Brotherhood, book 3) by J.R. Ward
Genre: Urban Fantasy
Edition Reviewed: Paperback
Amazon: Paperback | Kindle
Goodreads: Lover Awakened (3)
In the shadows of the night in Caldwell, New York, there’s a deadly war raging between vampires and their slayers. And there exists a secret band of brothers like no other - six vampire warriors, defenders of their race. Of these, Zsadist is the most terrifying member of the Black Dagger Brotherhood.
A former blood slave, the vampire Zsadist still bears the scars from a past filled with suffering and humiliation. Renowned for his unquenchable fury and sinister deeds, he is a savage feared by humans and vampires alike. Anger is his only companion, and terror is his only passion—until he rescues a beautiful aristocrat from the evil Lessening Society.
Bella is instantly entranced by the seething power Zsadist possesses. But even as their desire for one another begins to overtake them both, Zsadist’s thirst for vengeance against Bella’s tormentors drives him to the brink of madness. Now, Bella must help her lover overcome the wounds of his tortured past, and find a future with her…
Strangely enough there's been a lot of Paranormal Romance titles that have had characters affected by sexual abuse. To be quite honest most of the time it feels like some kind of gimmick. Which I loath as sexual assault/abuse is a real issue affecting all sexes and I appreciate it when it's handled right. Where the story is impacted by the events and said events affect the character(s). Well, few books handle the issues quite like Lover Awakened. It delves into the psyche of not just sexual abuse, but mental abuse. Bravo.
The Black Dagger Brotherhood series can be over the top. WAY over the top. However, it handles its darker themes well. Zsadist's reality and pain was moving. Not to mention what was brought up in Lover Eternal about what happened to John Mathew and Butch's sister is also brought up. Showing the aftermath of the fresh events and long, and the loved ones affected by it as well as those it happened to.
To be honest a lot of PNR have tried to create the Zsadist character. Imitation is flattery, but no one can do it like Ward. At first glance he's a truely loathsome creature. Some readers will hate him right off the bat, others intrigued, and a majority will find themselves in love already. As Zsadist's past is revealed and Phury's I came to love both. But this is definitely Zsadist's book.
Bella is a great character. She's just the right amount of good girl mixed with a sensible rebellious nature. I enjoyed it when she stood up for herself and put Zsadist in his place. Then was able to connect with him and understand. She does heal him. I loved watching as Zsadist slowly started to bud with new life and then bloom. (Hey. Flower anthologies aren't just for girls.)
Phury has transcended from his pretty boy status. The love for his brother is amazing, and what he's willing to do to make sure that he heals and can be happy. It makes me wonder what it was and when that I started to dislike him! Because I love Phury! Butch's overall POV is amazing and I really love him. Up to this point I've loved Butch's pursuit of Marissa. Except when she's finally ready for him to call on her he wonders if she's still a virgin. Let me just say the way those thoughts crossed his mind made me want to cut Butch's balls off. What a jerk! (If Marissa took multiple lovers after she first met him that's fine. But the way he talked about the idea pissed me off. Not to mention that after his first blunder to come to these rude thoughts was crazy!)
Vishous has an interesting role in this story as well. Especially as he deals with drama from his visions. Leading to him and Butch having a very . . . interesting moment. Especially interesting after some awkward things between Phury, Butch, and Vishous in a big bed naked . . . yeah. Mind socks blown right? I love that John Mathew is a steady “side story” still. Which I hope continues, and I can confirm it does.
It's strange that a lot of readers find the lesser POVs to be so annoying. But I LOVE it! It's crazy watching these guys jockey for power. Not to mention that Mr. O is way off the deep end. (Oh, boy do I not pity him anymore.) But that's kind of what happens when you recruit the type of people needed to filll out the lesser job description. I can't remember if Mr. U pops up in later books, but I found his character interesting from Mr. X and Mr. O. He's a company man so to speak, been a lesser for ages. His background as a trapper interests me not to mention how he become a lesser. The Lesser Society is left in a lurch despite it's HUGE victory and I'm looking forward to watching the villains continue on.
Rehvenge is an interesting character. Not to mention all this hinting and teasing about him being a half sympath? What is a sympath? This is the first book that the idea of other elements beyond lessers and vampires is introduced or mentioned. Is there more? Or is a sympath a type of vampire? Besides being a sympath Rehvenge seems like the perfect choice to be a member of the Brotherhood.
Which is how to handle lessers. It bothers me that it seems more like the Brothers just go out and walk the streets and bump into them. Sure they found the center in the first book, but that was dumb luck. The lessers are actually hunting them and doing a way better job tracking than the Brotherhood. Not to mention that a lot of times I felt like the Brotherhood missed and just didn't make the smart choices to lure in the lessers. Heck Rehvenge makes a super stupid move that leads to tragic events. Not to mention why on earth the Brotherhood never thought that Mr. O would try to find Bella's family? I know their numbers are slim and the Brotherhood is trying to remedy that. Or how about getting the civilians to be smarter? Hmm?
This is a favorite in the series for BDB fans. Rereading it I have to say it's still true. It's a tragic read. Horrible things happen to beloved characters, and I love that it's tempered by hope and a beautiful HEA. At this point I feel like readers will know whether or not this series is for them. If you're thinking about just reading this one because it's a legendary PNR don't. Read the Black Dagger Brotherhood series in order. If the last book wasn't for you (how is that possible??) then I think this one will insure loyalty. Zsadist's story is still more than I could have hoped for, and even upon rereading it I feel stunned. Well done Ward. Well done.
Sexual Content: Some might find the affects of sexual abuse hard to swallow. Especially Zsadist's hang ups about it. Not to mention how he treats himself and his body. Even referring to his penis as "it:. There are dark themes people. Sexual humor and sex. Not to mention mental abuse. Zsadist rape and sexual abuse is flashbacked and the scenes are not skimped on.
5/5- Fabulous, a beautiful obsession!
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Dark Lover (1) Lover Eternal (2) Lover Awakened (3) Lover Revealed (4) Lover Unbound (5) Lover Enshrined (6) Lover Avenged (7) Lover Mine (8) Lover Unleashed (9) Lover Reborn (10) Lover at Last (11) The King (12) The Shadows (13) The Beast (14) The Chosen (15) | Dark Lover (1) Lover Eternal (2) Lover Awakened (3) Lover Revealed (4) Lover Unbound (5) Lover Enshrined (6) Lover Avenged (7) Lover Mine (8) Lover Unleashed (9) Lover Reborn (10) Lover at Last (11) The King (12) The Shadows (13) The Beast (14) The Chosen (15) | Dark Lover (1) Lover Eternal (2) Lover Awakened (3) Lover Revealed (4) Lover Unbound (5) Lover Enshrined (6) Lover Avenged (7) Lover Mine (8) Lover Unleashed (9) Lover Reborn (10) Lover at Last (11) The King (12) The Shadows (13) The Beast (14) The Chosen (15) |

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