November 30, 2016

Wednesday Wishes

Currently watching You Before Me. Um. Wow. Kind of happy I didn't read the book. I think it would have broken me.

So I'm off to find a tissue.

Anti Stepbrother by Tijan

Anti-StepbrotherGet it: Amazon | Goodreads
Genre: New Adult Contemporary
Series: N/A

He told me to 'settle, girl.'
He asked if 'something was wrong with me?'
He said I was an easy target.
That was within minutes when I first met Caden Banks.
I labeled him an *sshole, but he was more than that. Arrogant. Smug. Alpha.
He was also to-die-for gorgeous, and my stepbrother s fraternity brother.
Okay, yes I was a little naive, a tad bit socially awkward, and the smallest amount of stalker-ish, but if Caden Banks thought he could tell me what to do, he had another thing coming.
I came to college with daydreams about being with my stepbrother, but what would happen if I fell for the anti-stepbrother instead?"

This New Adult title popped up in my Goodreads updates and has pretty awesome reviews from my friends. I'm always on the look out for NAs that can hit the right balance. A lot of time they're too much YA or too much SEX. Ha-ha. NA should have the best of both worlds.

November 29, 2016

Cover Coveting (4)

Cover art is found from Goodreads, Wicked Scribes, ATUF, social networks, and other sources.
***All cover art may not be final.***

Honestly I thought that I wouldn't be able to find any covers this week! I got lucky though.

Firebrand by Kristen Britain

Previous book(s) in series:

Goodreads | Amazon

Firebrand  (Green Rider #6) Series: Green Rider, book 6

Add it: Goodreads | Amazon
Genre: High Fantasy

Shera’s thoughts:

This is truly lovely. However, I am disappointed that the art style has changed for the series. It won't match the current books that I have.

Still so pretty.

Mafiosa by Catherine Doyle

Previous book(s) in series:

Goodreads | Amazon

Mafiosa  (Blood for Blood #3) Series: Blood for Blood, book 3

Add it: Goodreads | Amazon
Genre: Young Adult Contemporary (Mafia)

Shera’s thoughts:

So I like these for some reason. Maybe it's because the covers remind me of tacky 90s movie and book covers. You know what I'm talking about.

Points for matching the series well.

Starfall by Melissa Landers

Previous book(s) in series:

Goodreads | Amazon

starfall Series: Starflight, book 2

Add it: Goodreads | Amazon
Genre: Young Adult Science Fiction

Shera’s thoughts:

Yes-yes-yes-yes!!! S'cuse me while I take a cold shower.

This is sci-fi cover porn. Thank you.

It looks like light speed! Right!

The Ends of the World by Maggie Hall

Previous book(s) in series:

Goodreads | Amazon

The Ends of the World  (The Conspiracy of Us #3) Series: Conspiracy of Us, book 3 

Add it: Goodreads | Amazon
Genre: Young Adult Contemporary (Spy)

Shera’s thoughts:

It's not just another dress cover, apparently it's starting to change into fancy  hair as well.

The covers I'm envisioning in the future.

November 28, 2016

Review: Reap the Shadows

Reap the Shadows (Steel & Stone, book 4) by Annette Marie

Reap the Shadows  (Steel & Stone #4)

Genre: Young Adult Urban Fantasy
Edition Reviewed: Ebook
Amazon: Paperback | Kindle
Goodreads: Reap the Shadows (1)

Piper is feeling a bit overwhelmed. With Seiya and Lyre missing, Ash recovering from near fatal injuries, and the Gaians picking fights with daemons all over the city, a girl can’t help but think she might be in over her head. And this time, she’s on her own.

Before she even has a chance to investigate the Gaians’ new stockpile of mysterious, high-tech weaponry, an old enemy ambushes her: Samael’s henchman Raum. He wants Ash’s help and won’t take “get lost” for an answer. She doesn’t know if she can trust Raum, but even more than that, she can’t trust herself with Ash. Sooner or later he’ll catch up to her, and she fears she won’t be able to walk away from him a second time.

Despite her feelings, it will take their combined strength to face a frightening discovery about the Gaians. She and Ash begin to realize that the daemon war is coming to Earth, and they might be the only ones who can stop it — if it’s not already too late.


You fear neither Ashtaroth nor your inner daemon, but you should fear both. All that remains is to wait.”

Holy cow! I loved it! But can I first grumble about how much time the characters, especially Piper spend getting kidnapped and then running away. Though to be honest it's all part of the thrills. Sure I wish that time could be spent doing other things and exploring other ideas. However, this series has always been about racing the clock. Kidnappings just up the ante and get things going even if it's an easy starting place.

You’re a weak link that must be protected. But if you are strong enough to fight beside him, then you are no longer a liability.”

Piper has grown a lot as a character. True. But I also feel like in some ways she hasn't learned anything from prior events and now has confused some of her experiences into the wrong kind of street smarts. Many times I became frustrated with her and I had though she'd learned from the last book about how to handle situations. Piper has a thick skull which makes it hard for things to get through, but that's why I love her. She is still trying, and despite it all, she's only human. Mistakes are natural.

That was her problem: not that she was weak, but that she was willing to be weak when someone stronger was around to save her.

Other characters have grown indeed. Seiya, kind of. Though I think the growth was actually in the short story before this book. So I advice reading Feed the Flames first. I was super disappointed by how Lyre treated Piper. Piper truly thought Lyre was a friend, but he tells her off when she wants to know more about him. In fact, I think he pretty much states they're friends because of Ash. Through the series I thought Lyre was a true friend of Piper, but some of the conversations and actions tossed that all out the window.

Good news is Feed the Flames let us see into Lyre a bit more. Better news is that I don't think Lyre and Seiya will be a couple. Actually I thought maybe hints of Miysis and Seiya being something was teased. (Or was that my extreme dislike of Seiya coloring things?)

Piper's battle with using the Sahar is a freaking adrenaline rush. Let's be honest the battle is with Natania. Natania isn't some evil being though. I totally get where she is coming from and feel for her. Besides that she's been trapped in that stone for ages with the memories of the men she loves betraying her. She's cray-cray for vengeance. All that combined means she's now coo coo for male draconian daemon. Boy do I fear for Ash because Natania has focused the cray-cray and coo coo on him. It really makes me nervous. Piper isn't nervous enough.

Just for tonight, I want to forget about it all and just be with you.”

Speaking of Ash and Piper: fans will be happy! Their romantic build up has been a true treat. Each book they've discovered more about each other and I'm totally invested in them. Thank you Annette Marie for giving me a romantic build up and sexual tension that spans more than a single book.

Just for tonight,” he whispered, “and for as long as you want me.”

Another solid entry to one of my favorite series! I'm saddened that there is only one book left, but author Annette Marie is gonna give me at least one last wild ride! The huge plot twists with Piper's parent's seemed very off—as in predictable. Not to mention Piper's dad apparently acting out of character, which I didn't pick up on. That's all we've seen him be. Though the big ender shook me still. The final battle is coming! It's gonna be epic. Personally I'm on team destroy the Sahar and let Natania free. After all Natania deserves it and dead woman can't disturb (or hurt Ash) things.

Man the final book is gonna be a killer. Can't wait.

Content Warning: Killing and violence, noting to explicit and is the usual for the series. Sex scene that is not explicit and of course the usual sexual humor.

5/5- Fabulous, a beautiful obsession!

Previous book(s) in series:
Reviewed on BW: Amazon: Goodreads:

Chase the Dark (1)
Bind the Soul (2)
Yield the Night (3)
Feed the Flames (3.5)
Reap the Shadows (4)
Unleash the Storm (5)


Chase the Dark (1)
Bind the Soul (2)
Yield the Night (3)
Feed the Flames (3.5)
Reap the Shadows (4)
Unleash the Storm (5)

Chase the Dark (1)
Bind the Soul (2)
Yield the Night (3)
Feed the Flames (3.5)
Reap the Shadows (4)
Unleash the Storm (5)

November 23, 2016

Guest Post & Giveaway: David B. Coe


Bonding To Hawks: The Magic System in my LonTobyn Chronicle 
by David B. Coe

I am in the process of re-releasing my first series, an epic fantasy called the LonTobyn Chronicle. These are the Author’s Edits (like the  Director’s Cut of a movie) of the original novels, which launched my career, won the Crawford Fantasy Award, and established me both critically and commercially. The first novel, Children of Amarid, was re-issued in July. The Outlanders, book II, has just come out, and the third and final volume, Eagle-Sage, will be released in December.

Children of Amarid  (Lon Tobyn Chronicle #1)Not surprisingly, these books are incredibly important to me. I edited them before the re-release because I’ve learned so much about my craft in the nineteen years since the first book came out, and I wanted to apply what I’ve learned to this series. But the things I’ve loved about the books from the start remain the same: the characters, the storyline, and the world building and magic system.

This last, is particularly important because for many people it is the most striking and memorable element of the trilogy. The mages in my LonTobyn books draw their magic from avian familiars -- birds of prey with whom they share a psychic bond. This bond allows them to draw on the power within the birds to heal, to do battle and protect themselves, and to cast a host of other spells. The birds themselves are characters in the stories, and to this day people who can’t remember any of the titles will talk to me about how much they loved the books by saying “You know: the ones with the hawks and owls.”

I have been an avid birdwatcher since I was seven years old, and all my life I’ve been most fascinated by hawks and falcons, owls and eagles. I admire their grace, their strength, their stunning beauty. When I was planning this first series it seemed natural that I should incorporate raptors into the story in some way. And since there was a part of me that had always wanted a hawk of my own, this magic system struck me as the perfect expression of my passion for birds.

I did not actually use any of the hawks, owls, or eagles as point of view The Outlanderscharacters in the books, but many of my narrating characters are mages who share their consciousness with their familiars. So I needed to present the internal lives of their birds in a way that rang true, while also serving my narrative. Now, I know a lot about birds; I’ve spent most of my life watching them and learning about them. But I’m not a professional ornithologist, and even if I was I’m not sure I’d be able to interpret their thoughts, instincts, and emotions. So, being a writer, I tried to imagine what it might be like to try.

This was particularly challenging in the passages I wrote about mages beginning their bindings to their first familiars. The flood of non-human emotion, imagery, and memory overwhelms these characters. They have no experience with it, no way to process what the birds send their way. As I describe it in one character’s point of view,

“Through it all, clinging to the last scrap of his sanity, Jaryd fought to resist the tide, to impose some hint of rational order on the rush of chaotic thought. But there was too much to hold, too much to control. He was becoming more bird than man; he was drowning.”

In the end, he perceives a pattern in the deluge of thought conveyed by his bird, and holding on to that scrap of coherence, he manages to reconcile the Eagle-Sage  (Lon Tobyn Chronicle #3)hawk’s thoughts with his own. Eventually, as with all mages, he grows used to the bond he shares with his familiar. He finds that he is more aware of his surroundings, more attuned to the natural world. And when he wants to, he can instruct his familiar to fly and experience flight as the bird does, which was really cool to write.

Of course, I don’t know if sharing such a bond with a bird of prey would really be like this. As I said before, I’m not an ornithologist. I write novels, and my job is to imagine and create. I love all the books I’ve written, and I have tremendous fun with all my magic systems. But this first one, which drew upon my lifetime passion for birds, might well have been the most fun and the most rewarding. I hope you enjoy reading the books as much as I enjoyed writing them.


There is a tour-wide giveaway for 3 sets of CHILDREN OF THE AMARID and THE OUTLANDERS, and a $10 gift card to Amazon or Barnes & Noble. Giveaway runs Nov. 10 thru Dec. 15th. If you’d like to share, the Rafflecopter code is below.

About The Outlanders

Four years after the insidious, devastating invasion by agents of Lon-Ser, Tobyn-Ser’s Order of Mages and Masters is riven by conflict and paralyzed by The Outlandersinaction. From the outlander, Baram, they have learned much about their neighbor to the west: Unlike Tobyn-Ser, which is served by the Mage-Craft of the Children of Amarid, Lon-Ser is devoid of magic. Instead it possesses a dazzling and deadly technology that shapes every aspect of its people’s daily life.

Frustrated by the Order’s inability to act, Orris, a young, rebellious mage, takes it upon himself to prevent further attacks on his homeland. Taking Baram from his prison, he embarks upon a perilous journey to Bragor-Nal, an enormous, violent city in Lon-Ser, ruled by a brutal, feudal-like system of Break-Laws, Nal-Lords, and Overlords. As Orris soon learns, however, Baram has been driven insane by his captivity. Upon reaching his strange and fractured homeland, the man abandons Orris.

Armed only with his magic, Orris is thrust into a world whose language he does not comprehend and whose technology he can barely fathom. Together with Gwilym, a man with strange powers, whose vision of Orris has lured him out of the mountains and into the chaos of the Nals, and Melyor, a beautiful Nal-Lord who harbors a secret that could cost her life, Orris must end the threat to Tobyn-Ser without getting himself and his companions killed.

THE OUTLANDERS is the second volume of the LonTobyn Chronicle, David B. Coe’s Crawford Award-winning debut series. This is the Author’s Edit of the original book.

Goodreads link | Amazon |Barnes & Noble | Books-A-Million

About the Author:

David B. Coe/D.B. Jackson is the award-winning author of nineteen fantasy David B. Coenovels. As David B. Coe, he writes The Case Files of Justis Fearsson, a contemporary urban fantasy from Baen Books. The first two books, Spell Blind and His Father’s Eyes came out in 2015. The third volume, Shadow’s Blade, has recently been released. Under the name D.B. Jackson, he writes the Thieftaker Chronicles, a historical urban fantasy from Tor Books that includes Thieftaker, Thieves’ Quarry, A Plunder of Souls, and Dead Man’s Reach.

David is also the author of the Crawford Award-winning LonTobyn Chronicle, which he is in the process of reissuing, as well was the critically acclaimed Winds of the Forelands quintet and Blood of the Southlands trilogy. He wrote the novelization of Ridley Scott’s movie, Robin Hood. David’s books have been translated into a dozen languages.

He lives on the Cumberland Plateau with his wife and two daughters. They’re all smarter and prettier than he is, but they keep him around because he makes a mean vegetarian fajita. When he’s not writing he likes to hike, play guitar, and stalk the perfect image with his camera.

Website | Blog | Facebook | Twitter | Amazon

November 22, 2016

Review: Allegiance of Honor

Allegiance of Honor (Psy-Changeling, book 15) by Nalini Singh

Allegiance of Honor  (Psy-Changeling #15)

Genre: Paranormal Romance
Edition Reviewed: Ebook
Amazon: Paperback | Kindle
Goodreads: Allegiance of Honor (15)

The “unparalleled romantic adventure”* of Nalini Singh’s New York Times bestselling series continues as a new dawn begins for the Psy-Changeling world...

The Psy-Changeling world has undergone a staggering transformation and now stands at a crossroads. The Trinity Accord promises a new era of cooperation between disparate races and groups. It is a beacon of hope held together by many hands: Old enemies. New allies. Wary loners.

But a century of distrust and suspicion can’t be so easily forgotten and threatens to shatter Trinity from within at any moment. As rival members vie for dominance, chaos and evil gather in the shadows and a kidnapped woman’s cry for help washes up in San Francisco, while the Consortium turns its murderous gaze toward a child who is the embodiment of change, of love, of piercing hope: A child who is both Psy…and changeling.

To find the lost, protect the vulnerable—and save Trinity—no one can stand alone. This is a time of loyalty across divisions, of bonds woven into the heart and the soul, of heroes known and unknown standing back to back and holding the line. But is an allegiance of honor even possible with traitors lurking in their midst?


When word hit the bookverse that Allegiance of Honor would have multiple points of view spanning across all of the characters from the previous Psy-Changleing books my heart was all a flutter. Upon finishing it I knew Allegiance of Honor was everything I could have hoped for and more! Especially since this acts as a “season 1” end. Opening the series up to a new arc and so on.

The cast of the Psy-Changeling world is vast. Even as a hardcore fan I need reminders and NO that silly glossary of characters in the front is no help. So check out Wicked Scribes online for their Psy-Changeling character guide. It will keep your mind straight it did for me and I think that's why I truly enjoyed the book more. Not all the characters could be present, but many make brief appearances or cameos. So it's nice to quickly look up a name.

The vastness and epic nature of the Psy-Changeling series has always been it's biggest appeal to me. Not to mention it's rich history and world coupled with wonderful characters. I loved getting to “wrap up” some of my favorite characters' stories. While still moving the series ahead. If you think about it Allegiance of Honor wasn't that different from previous entries. There is a main couple followed that needs to be hooked up. However, there is more time given to the multiple points of views. Which I've found out is apparently something a lot of readers can't stand.

So if you're used to changing POVs it's nothing. If you don't mind them and have enjoyed them in the series this will be a treat.

Allegiance of Honor is splendid. It kept me worried about the future as the PsyNet is still not stable and the future is shaky. (Yeah, we kind of know it probably won't go THERE.) My time spent with this beautiful cast made me happy, sad, joyful, cry tears of sorrow and joy. It was all there and I truly got to appreciate the expanse of the cast. The characters that I have come to cherish.

It's odd that some fans loved this entry and others hated it. Enough so that I had a few Goodreads friends swear to not touch future books in the series. To which I say you guys are dumb—I love you! I'm totally on board for Season 2 and can not wait to see what characters we get to explore. The new growing pack in Alasaka? The water changelings? So on! Guys the sky is the limit!

Keep going strong Nalini Singh. Your worlds and writing rocks.

Content Warning: Some sex scenes and graphic humor. Characters have been tortured and threats are being made against children. Nothing too scary for the series. (Basically the norm.)

5/5- Fabulous, a beautiful obsession!

Previous book(s) in series:
Reviewed on BW: Amazon: Goodreads:

An Enchanted Season (.5)
Burning Up (.6)
Slave to Sensation (1)
The Cannibal Princess(1.5)
Visions of Heat (2)
Caressed by Ice (3)
Stroke of Enticement (3.5)
Mine to Possess (4) 
A Conversation (4.5)
Hostage to Pleasure (5)
A Gift for Kit (5.5)
Movie Night (5.6) 
Branded by Fire (6)
The Party (6.5) 
Blaze of Memory (7) 
Christmas in the Kitchen (7.5)
Bonds of Justice (8)
Play of Passion (9)
Wolf School (9.1)
Kiss of Snow (10)
Wild Invitation
(.5, 3.5, 9.5, 10.5)
Tangle of Need (11)
Poker Night (11.1)
Stalking Hawke (11.2)
Heart of Obsidian (12) 
Shield of Winter (13) 
Shards of Hope (14)
Allegiance of Honor (15) 

An Enchanted Season (.5)
Burning Up (.6)
Slave to Sensation (1)
The Cannibal Princess(1.5)
Visions of Heat (2)
Caressed by Ice (3)
Stroke of Enticement (3.5)
Mine to Possess (4)
A Conversation (4.5)
Hostage to Pleasure (5)
A Gift for Kit (5.5)
Movie Night (5.6)
Branded by Fire (6)
The Party (6.5)
Blaze of Memory (7)
Christmas in the Kitchen (7.5)
Bonds of Justice (8)
Play of Passion (9)
Wolf School (9.1)
Kiss of Snow (10)
Wild Invitation
(.5, 3.5, 9.5, 10.5)
Tangle of Need (11)
Poker Night (11.1)
Stalking Hawke (11.2)
Heart of Obsidian (12)
Shield of Winter (13) 
Shards of Hope (14)
Allegiance of Honor (15)

An Enchanted Season (.5)
Burning Up (.6)
Slave to Sensation (1)
The Cannibal Princess(1.5)
Visions of Heat (2)
Caressed by Ice (3)
Stroke of Enticement (3.5)
Mine to Possess (4)
A Conversation (4.5)
Hostage to Pleasure (5)
A Gift for Kit (5.5)
Movie Night (5.6)
Branded by Fire (6)
The Party (6.5)
Blaze of Memory (7)
Christmas in the Kitchen (7.5)
Bonds of Justice (8) 
Play of Passion (9)
Wolf School (9.1)
Kiss of Snow (10)
Wild Invitation
(.5, 3.5, 9.5, 10.5)
Tangle of Need (11)
Poker Night (11.1)
Stalking Hawke (11.2)
Heart of Obsidian (12)
Shield of Winter (13)
Shards of Hope (14)
Allegiance of Honor (15)

November 21, 2016

Cover Coveting (5)

Cover art is found from Goodreads, Wicked Scribes, ATUF, social networks, and other sources.
***All cover art may not be final.***

Slim pickings this week! However, I don't think there is a dud among them.

Ash and Quill by Rachel Caine

Previous book(s) in series:

Goodreads | Amazon

Ash and Quill by Rachel Caine Series: The Great Library, book 3

Add it: Goodreads | Amazon
Genre: Young Adult Fantasy

Shera’s thoughts:

Oh, I love series consistent covers. This one is so lovely!

Look at that title font, takes my breath away.

Defy the Stars by Claudia Gray

Previous book(s) in series:

Goodreads | Amazon

defy the stars claudia gray Series: Untitled, book 1 

Add it: Goodreads | Amazon
Genre: Young Adult Science Fiction

Shera’s thoughts:

Wow, this is overlay on overlay! I like how even the title is included in all of it.

Great job to whoever designed it because it looks lovely, though it could easily have been too much.


Lord of Shadows by Cassandra Clare

Previous book(s) in series:

Goodreads | Amazon

lord of shadows cassandra clare Series: The Dark Artifices, book 2

Add it: Goodreads | Amazon
Genre: Paranormal Young Adult

Shera’s thoughts:

Wow, the covers just keep getting lovelier. The details.

The cover holder was beautiful, this is just breath taking. *_* 

This is why these posts are called "Cover Coveting". 

The Evaporation of Sofi Snow by Mary Weber

Previous book(s) in series:

Goodreads | Amazon

The Evaporation of Sofi Snow Series: The Evaporation of Sofi Snow, book 1

Add it: Goodreads | Amazon
Genre: Young Adult Science Fiction

Shera’s thoughts:

This cover doesn't not scream video game book. It is lovely though and I like how the Os are incorporated into the Octagon pattern in the background.

Vanguard by Ann Aguirre

Previous book(s) in series:

Goodreads | Amazon

vanguard Series: Razorland, book 4

Add it: Goodreads | Amazon
Genre: Young Adult Dystopian

Shera’s thoughts:

I really enjoy these covers. Especially the placement of the title, and other words. I love that they're incorporated into the cover art. 

November 17, 2016

Cover Coveting (8)

Cover art is found from Goodreads, Wicked Scribes, ATUF, social networks, and other sources.
***All cover art may not be final.***

It's fall time and I'm currently trying to get everything done before the snow flies. It's strange, by this time the first snow usually hits on Halloween.

Also, I'm redoing my room "decor" or mainly my wall décor. I'm trying to do a book/reading/fantasy theme. I like the way it's turning out and might share it on a post.

Ferocious by Paula Stokes

Previous book(s) in series:

Goodreads | Amazon

Ferocious (Vicarious #2) by Paula Stokes Series: Vicarious, book 2

Add it: Goodreads | Amazon
Genre: Young Adult Science Fiction

Shera’s thoughts:

Yesssssssss! Love this cover. How cool is that roof? Not to mention that the girl looks amazing. I love how the bottom of her face is so bright and then the shadow over her eyes.

It's a bit too much, but it's awesome. Not to mention the "I" distinction.

Halloween Frost by Jennifer Estep

Previous book(s) in series:

Goodreads | Amazon

holloween frost Series: Mythos Academy, book 1.5

Add it: Goodreads | Amazon
Genre: Paranormal Young Adult

Shera’s thoughts:

LOVE IT! Sometimes simply vector art is sheer perfection. This is better than anything the publisher ever had for the "real" books.

The Fallen Kingdom by Elizabeth May

Previous book(s) in series:

Goodreads | Amazon

The Fallen Kingdom  (The Falconer #3) Series: The Falconer, book 3

Add it: Goodreads | Amazon
Genre: young Adult Fantasy

Shera’s thoughts:

When I saw this cover there was no doubt in my mind which series it belonged to. Then "oooooooooooo, pretty".

I love the detail here. Just lovely.

The Hearts We Sold by Emily Lloyd-Jones

Previous book(s) in series:

Goodreads | Amazon

The Hearts We Sold Series: N/A 

Add it: Goodreads | Amazon
Genre: Paranormal Young Adult

Shera’s thoughts:

Demons, yeah I could see that.

Love the art style of this cover, especially the typography.

The Rattled Bones by S.M. Parker (AKA Shannon M. Parker)

Previous book(s) in series:

Goodreads | Amazon

The Rattled Bones by S.M. Parker Series: N/A 

Add it: Goodreads | Amazon
Genre: Paranormal Young Adult

Shera’s thoughts:

It's lovely, I like how the greener is interacting with the title.

The Savage Dawn by Melissa Grey

Previous book(s) in series:

Goodreads | Amazon

The Savage Dawn  (The Girl at Midnight #3) by Melissa Grey Series: The Girl at Midnight, book 3

Add it: Goodreads | Amazon
Genre: Paranormal Young Adult

Shera’s thoughts:

Be still my heart. Oh, so lovely. A dragon and a phoenix! (Or is it a gryphon?)

Anywho, I love these covers! They always look stunning and there's no doubt they're in one series. Oh, and I fan out over that font for the title every time.

Traitor to the Throne by Alwyn Hamilton

Previous book(s) in series:

Goodreads | Amazon

Traitor to the Throne  (Rebel of the Sands #2) by Alwyn Hamilton Series: Rebel of the Sands, book 2

Add it: Goodreads | Amazon
Genre: Young Adult Fantasy

Shera’s thoughts:

This is lovely, lovely, lovely! It just doesn't match the first book. (And yes I loved that cover.)

Unearthed by Amie Kaufman

Previous book(s) in series:

Goodreads | Amazon

Unearthed  (Unearthed #1) place holder Series: Unearthed, book 1

Add it: Goodreads | Amazon
Genre: Young Adult Science Fiction

Shera’s thoughts:

This one is a placeholder. (If the "Cover coming soon" bit doesn't give it away.)

Again I love how much work they're putting into these placeholders. The actual cover better be A-mazing.

November 16, 2016

Wednesday Wishes

Totally dedicating this to the awesome Yasmine Galenorn. Who is delving into self pub.

Fury's Magic by Yasmine Galenorn

Fury's Magic  (Fury Unbound #2)Get it: Amazon | Goodreads
Genre: Urban Fantasy
Series: Fury Unbound, book 2

"My name is Kaeleen Donovan. I'm a Theosian-a minor goddess. They call me Fury."

By day, I run the Crossroads Cleaning Company, and I also read fortunes and cast hexes at Dream Wardens, a magical consulting shop. But by night, I'm oath-bound to Hecate, Goddess of the Crossroads. Hecate charged me from birth with the task of hunting down Abominations who come in off the World Tree and sending them back to Pandoriam.

On a routine cleaning job in Portside—a boat full of ghosts need their joyride cut short—Tam and I run afoul of the Devani. The ruthless soldiers of Elysium capture him and send him out to the Tremble, a place of wild, chaotic madness. Jason and I devise a plan to sneak in and help Tam escape. But Lyon and the Order of the Black Mist reappear, and I’m on their hit list. Lyon opens a door to the Netherworld and the dead are pouring into the city. Now, we must wade through both the Devani and the dead to save Tam. And we must close the portal on the World Tree before Lyon manages to wake the Elder Gods of Chaos.

I bought the first book, but have yet to read it. (I confess I am so behind on my Galenorn books, but I keep buying them! I'm a faithful fan.)

While I'm creating this post the book hasn't dropped, but it will by the time the post is up! It releases on November 15th!