This is a weekly feature where I share the latest books I've found, whether old or new.
Good news! I've finally gotten settled into my school groove, so weekly reviews should be back! After realizing I've gotten behind on some of my reviews I decided to take count. Apparently my some reviews is actually 17.
Yep. I shiver in shame.

Wicked Enchantment (Dark Magick #1) by Anya Bast
When you’re a half incubus, your reputation precedes you…Bast's previous series, Elemental Witches, was a bit disappointing to me. However ATUF had a great review for the second book. There's still plenty of sex, but luckily plot to go with it.
All eyes are on Gabriel Mac Braire the day he makes his first appearance in the Seelie Court, including those of Aislinn Finvarra. Despite deep bitterness over her last failed relationship, Aislinn cannot help but be curious about the half incubus who is known to possess dark magick, both lethal and sexual in nature. Rumors abound of the women who have become enslaved to his irresistible charms.
So when the Summer Queen of the fae orders Aislinn herself to act as his guide in the court, she is understandably on guard. She’s fallen under the spell of far less persuasive men before. In addition, Gabriel might be more than he seems and his true mission is far from innocent.
This time, Aislinn must protect not only her heart, but her very life…

Bound by Shadow (The Dark Crescent Sisterhood #1) by Anna Windsor
Falling for a demon can be hazardous to your heart.Kick booty chicks!
Riana Dumain is a fully trained Sybil, a warrior priestess battling evil whose practical magic keeps her grounded in earthly science–and desires. She knows that gorgeous NYPD detective Creed Lowell is dangerous, and possibly a foot soldier of the evil Legion cult, using his badge and drop-dead looks to consolidate demonic power.
Creed’s low-profile Occult Crimes Unit pulls Riana and her two sister Sybils into the case of a politician’s son, murdered in a ritualistic sacrifice. Soon, Riana’s instincts prove true. Creed, the hottest half-human she’s ever known, a demon in bed and out, is guarding a trapdoor to hell. And unless Riana can find a way to tame her mystery man’s treacherous inner self (and her heart), all of Manhattan may be enveloped by darkness.
Look for more sex, sorcery, and seduction in these novels by Anna Windsor

The Princess and the Captain by Anne-Laure Bondoux
Malva is the princess of Galnicia, destined to marry the Prince of Andemark. Or so her parents think. On the eve of her wedding, she escapes at dead of night from under her parents' noses, little realising that she is letting herself in for a life of peril and adventure, including being shipwrecked in a huge storm and being captured as part of a harem. Hugely visual, the book tells of the wonder of frozen steppes and oriental palaces, of sailing ships and treasure islands. This is a book of drama, magic and excitement, where challenges have to be overcome, friendships cemented, and hearts broken. A note from the author: "When I was ten, I devoured stories about explorers. I asked my parents for a world map, and hung it above my bed. On it, in pencil, I traced the itineraries of Marco Polo, Phileas Fogg ,Ulysses, Magellan and Michael Strogoff. Real or make-believe, these characters fascinated me, and I swore that one day too I would cicumnavigate the world. "The Princess and the Captain" is an idea that grew slowly, over four years. I wanted to create an imaginary world, similar to our own, set in the Age of Discovery. A mirror world, if you like, full of mysterious, unexplored territories, which could reflect the fears and hopes of men. I wanted love, hatred, danger, and, in the eye of the storm, real flesh and blood characters pursuing their own dreams, their own El Dorado Malva and Orfeus have travelled with me a long way. It's time to let them go now, to sail towards new readers".This sounds really cool. Lots of reviewers were complaining about the very unhappy ending, which is kind of a plus for me. (Yeah, I'm one of those weird people who enjoy sad endings.)

Clockwork Heart by Dru Pagliassotti
A steampunkish romantic fantasy set in Ondinium, a city that beats to the ticking of a clockwork heart. Taya, a metal-winged courier, can travel freely across the city's sectors and mingle indiscriminately among its castes. A daring mid-air rescue leads to involvement with two scions of an upperclass family and entanglement in a web of terrorism, loyalty, murder, and secrets.This is one of those moments where the cover is what grabbed my attention.

Firewalker (Stormwalker #2) by Allyson James
When Mick goes missing, it's up to Janet to find him and figure out how to keep him safe. She'll need a little help from her friends, old and new: Nash and Coyote; Cassandra, a wicked Wicca, and a few strange beings who are stirring things up in Magellan.Really interested to see where James is going with this.

All Just Glass by Amelia Atwater-Rhodes
Sarah Vida has given up everything for love. From a legendary family of vampire-hunting witches, Sarah was raised to never trust a vampire, to never let her guard down, and to avoid all tricky attachments of the heart. But now Sarah IS a vampire—changed by the boy she thought she loved. Her family has forsaken her, and Sarah herself is disgusted by her appetite for blood.More vampire books by one of the originals! So glad to find another vampire tale by her.
Aida Vida is Sarah's older sister, the good, reliable sibling who always does her family proud. But when Aida's mother insists that Sarah be found and killed, Aida is given the one assignment that she may not be able to carry out.
Taking place over just twenty-four hours, ALL JUST GLASS tells the story of a game-changing battle that will forever change the world of the Den of Shadows. And at its center is the story of two sisters who must choose between love and duty. Dark, fully-imagined, and hard to put down, ALL JUST GLASS will thrill Amelia's fans—old and new.

All the Windwracked Stars (Edda of Burdens, Book 1) by Elizabeth Bear
It all began with Ragnarok, with the Children of the Light and the Tarnished ones battling to the death in the ice and the dark. At the end of the long battle, one Valkyrie survived, wounded, and one valraven—the steeds of the valkyrie.I feel so guilty about adding another Bear book to my wish list, I have two of her books just collecting dust on my shelves.
Because they lived, Valdyrgard was not wholly destroyed. Because the valraven was transformed in the last miracle offered to a Child of the Light, Valdyrgard was changed to a world where magic and technology worked hand in hand.
2500 years later, Muire is in the last city on the dying planet, where the Technomancer rules what's left of humanity. She's caught sight of someone she has not seen since the Last Battle: Mingan the Wolf is hunting in her city.

Bast's first series was kind of a dud, at least for me too.
The cover for Clockwork Heart takes my breath away!!
The cover is pretty cool!!
Glad to see I'm not the only one. Hopefully Bast's new series will be awesome!!
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