Books and Babbles is a fun post where I can share anything about books, and just babble on. Or, even babble about movies, hot topics, whatever strikes my fancy.
I’m not sure about you but I’ve seen the Teen Read Awards on some of the hottest author blogs. As of the 25th the votes are in and word is out who’s one the final spots. Since I had so many questions about the event. I’ve decided to dedicate this Books and Babbles to it! This is just a general cap up to what the event is.
Apparently it’s a live event, and a huge deal. Personally I would have never heard about it if some of the authors being featured wouldn’t have posted. So here’s the scoop.
Here's the deal.
There are a lot of amazing teen books out there. But we want you to tell us which ones are the best. So here's your chance to tell the whole country who the hottest character is or what the sweetest smooch was – and most of all, what was the best book you've read all year. You not only get to make your voice heard, but you could win some sweet prizes too. Bonus!
How to vote.
There are 10 categories to vote in. Just click on Cast Your Vote and pick the book you think should win. Don't see the book you want? Each category will have the opportunity for you to pick your own nominee until July 25th, so be sure to nominate the one you want. After July 25th we'll flip the switch, tallying all of your nominations in each category, so each of our 10 categories has a nominee that you've help choose! You can vote in each category once a day so make sure you keep coming back and vote for the ones you want. You can also comment on the books you love and share your faves with your friends.
How to win.
There are three ways to win. First, every day we're giving away cool prizes. Second, on August 31st we will draw for the Grand Prize winner and third, on September 13th we will draw for other fabulous runner up prizes. All you need to do is vote and you're automatically entered to win. All the more reason to come back and vote every day!.
Sadly I’ve missed the chance to vote, but I’m aware of it now! Next year though I hope to be able to vote, and I’ll try and notify readers so you can get a chance too. So here’s the winners!
These are the best books of the year. End of story. They’re the ones that kept you reading until all hours, late for work, late for dinner. You couldn’t put these books down because you just had to know how they were going to end. But there can be only one Best Read of 2010 – and you get to help pick it.
Runners-up in order:
These books hold a special place in your heart. They’re the ones that make you look at your friends in shock if they haven’t read them. And you probably get all warm and fuzzy just thinking about the fond memories you’ve had reading them. Sadly, only one of these classics can be the warmest, fuzziest of 2010. But don’t worry, there’s always next year.

Runners-up in order:
From here I’m just going to do the winners. You can check out all the nominees and other details at the official site of Teens Read Awards.
One thing’s for sure: it’s not difficult to find a good series these days, is it? Just take your pick – there are tons of series that are still going strong after three, four, seven books. These are the best series that had a new book this year. With so much to choose from, the only problem is finding time to read them all!
It’s not easy turning something that’s a couple hundred pages long into a two-hour movie. It takes interesting characters, imaginative descriptions, and exciting plots to make a story that’s just as awesome on screen as it is on the page. Fortunately these books had all that. And they made pretty good movies too.
Every year a whole new generation of writers puts pen to paper or fingers to keyboard (does anyone still use pens?) to come up with a fresh new way to keep you riveted. Some writers take years to make a great book – these writers nailed it on their first try. That’s pretty epic. But only one can be the most epic this year, so get voting.
The protagonist. The perpetual do-gooder. The one you root for. Sometimes they’re tough, sometimes they’re noble, sometimes they’re just in the wrong place at the wrong time. But no matter what the situation is, they fight to come out on top and try to do the right thing along the way. Who’s more heroic than all the rest? We’ll let you decide.

The guy you love to hate. The girl that’s just plain evil. The one who breaks your heart. Oh sure, maybe they have issues, and maybe you even feel a teensy bit sorry for them. But they’re still jerks and chances are you wouldn’t want to meet them in a back alley. But what’s a good story without a wicked villain? And you get to help choose the wickedest of all.
Some characters are just hot. It’s not their fault, they were written that way. And you can’t help that your heart beats a little faster when you read about them – it’s all part of their hotness. But since hotness is in the eye of the reader, we think it’s safer to let you decide which one is the hottest of them
Time slows down. You read every word very, very carefully, soaking up every juicy detail. A great kiss is something to be savoured and these are some of the dreamiest kisses anyone’s read all year. But now it’s time for you to step up and plant your vote square on the set of lips that made your arms the rubberiest this year.
This is Canada. And we take pride in our home-grown heroes – including literary ones. So take a look at the best books the greatest country in the world (according to us) has put out this year. And don’t worry if you feel a sudden burst of pride – that’s entirely normal.

Personally some of the picks made me groan a little, while others had me cheering. What do you think? Like who won? Or are you determined to make your favs win next year? Check out the official site for vid and pics of the events.