Sure everyone is saying this, but what the heck is up with the weather?? It’s been raining and snowing where I’m at for ages. Every once in a while the sun might come out for a half a day, then we’re punished with more rain and snow. This Thursday, Friday, Saturday, and a bit of Sunday we were blessed to have sunny warm weather. It almost got up to 80 F on one of the days, and I’ve got a sunburn to prove it. Now it’s supposed to rain all week. The thunderclouds are a mean bullies.
Happy thoughts a head, I’ll listen to Pink and share the stuff we’re all hear for. Gossip!!
Look out Brook fans, the excerpt for Demon Marked is finally up. So rejoice by weeping, dancing, eating cupcakes, throw your hands in the air!! Better yet read it. So after you're done rejoicing, just click here to satisfy your hunger.
All the buzz around the book world is all about the ending of Hard Bitten and it's apparent WTFness that went on. Sadly, I can't add my voice to this as my Borders order has been back order. (Yeah, majorly upset on my part.) However the author has some things to say on two posts that she put on her blog.
To those of you who’ve asked (and I’ve said this for a long time), of COURSE my goal is to give Merit a happily ever after. She’s been through a lot; she deserves one .
As I Facebooked earlier, I know HARD BITTEN was a hard book, and that I’m asking you to trust me with the fates of characters we both love.
It’s #16 for Trade Paperback Fiction, #21 for E-Book Fiction, and #33 for Combined E-Book and Print Fiction. (The numbers aren’t up on the web site yet, as they’ll be released in the May 22 NYT Book Review.)
It’s also #66 on the USA Today list!
All cover art is not final!!
Iron Duke by Meljean Brook
Source: Author's Site
Shera’s Thoughts: This is the German cover for Iron Duke. Fail. Terrible, epic fail. Sorry, but apparently only the Japanese can pull of the cartoon/anime look. The colors are cool, but it comes off as a Child’s book.
Author’s Thoughts:
Egmont-LYX just put up the cover for THE IRON DUKE (Facebook link) (I think the title translates to "Wild Desire"?) I have to say: The colors and the costuming put me in a super-happy place.
US cover: |
Cat’s Tale by Bettie Sharpe
Source: Author’s Site
Shera’s Thoughts: This cover gives the impression of a fairy tale, one that will have sex. So I think it gets this fairytale retelling across well.
Author’s Thoughts:
To the left, you will see the lovely, lovely cover done by the fabulous Frauke of Croco Designs. I've always loved Frauke's work, but I'm just over-the-moon about this cover. Not only is it 100% Mantitty-Free, it captures the focus and mood of the story wonderfully.
Previous Books: |
N/A |
Body of Sin by Eve Silver
Source: Wicked Scribes
Shera’s Thoughts: Not as cool as the others. Kind of nice to have some chest cover up, and that the authors are trying to draw the eye somewhere else for once. Still, it fits really nice into the rest of the series. (On a creepy note, doesn’t it look like he’s crawling around in a vein?? Maybe it’s just me.)
Author’s Thoughts: N/A
Previous Books: |
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